diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d638f628..98f2455b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ With [Upptime](https://upptime.js.org), you can get your own unlimited and free | URL | Status | History | Response Time | Uptime | | --- | ------ | ------- | ------------- | ------ | -| [exozyme](https://exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exozyme.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exozyme.yml) |
Response time graph 278ms
Response time 288
24-hour response time 214
7-day response time 278
30-day response time 290
1-year response time 288
66.78%All-time uptime 67.91%
24-hour uptime 67.13%
7-day uptime 66.78%
30-day uptime 67.35%
1-year uptime 67.91%
-| [exodesk](https://desk.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exodesk.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exodesk.yml) |
Response time graph 304ms
Response time 295
24-hour response time 209
7-day response time 304
30-day response time 304
1-year response time 295
66.80%All-time uptime 66.73%
24-hour uptime 67.15%
7-day uptime 66.80%
30-day uptime 67.54%
1-year uptime 66.73%
-| [exocloud](https://cloud.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocloud.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocloud.yml) |
Response time graph 682ms
Response time 635
24-hour response time 654
7-day response time 682
30-day response time 670
1-year response time 635
66.82%All-time uptime 68.14%
24-hour uptime 67.16%
7-day uptime 66.82%
30-day uptime 67.64%
1-year uptime 68.14%
-| [exochat](https://chat.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exochat.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exochat.yml) |
Response time graph 389ms
Response time 442
24-hour response time 286
7-day response time 389
30-day response time 411
1-year response time 442
66.84%All-time uptime 68.06%
24-hour uptime 67.18%
7-day uptime 66.84%
30-day uptime 67.49%
1-year uptime 68.06%
-| [exogit](https://git.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exogit.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exogit.yml) |
Response time graph 278ms
Response time 282
24-hour response time 227
7-day response time 278
30-day response time 289
1-year response time 282
66.86%All-time uptime 68.33%
24-hour uptime 67.20%
7-day uptime 66.86%
30-day uptime 67.93%
1-year uptime 68.33%
-| [exomedia](https://media.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exomedia.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exomedia.yml) |
Response time graph 363ms
Response time 358
24-hour response time 287
7-day response time 363
30-day response time 371
1-year response time 358
66.88%All-time uptime 68.40%
24-hour uptime 67.22%
7-day uptime 66.88%
30-day uptime 68.03%
1-year uptime 68.40%
-| [exocial](https://social.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocial.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocial.yml) |
Response time graph 506ms
Response time 487
24-hour response time 446
7-day response time 506
30-day response time 499
1-year response time 487
66.90%All-time uptime 68.50%
24-hour uptime 67.24%
7-day uptime 66.90%
30-day uptime 68.17%
1-year uptime 68.50%
-| [exotube](https://tube.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exotube.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exotube.yml) |
Response time graph 290ms
Response time 300
24-hour response time 209
7-day response time 290
30-day response time 300
1-year response time 300
66.92%All-time uptime 67.76%
24-hour uptime 67.25%
7-day uptime 66.92%
30-day uptime 66.89%
1-year uptime 67.76%
-| [exoffice](https://office.exozy.me/loleaflet/dist/welcome/welcome.html) | 🟩 Up | [exoffice.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoffice.yml) |
Response time graph 269ms
Response time 273
24-hour response time 199
7-day response time 269
30-day response time 277
1-year response time 273
66.94%All-time uptime 68.55%
24-hour uptime 67.27%
7-day uptime 66.94%
30-day uptime 68.27%
1-year uptime 68.55%
+| [exozyme](https://exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exozyme.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exozyme.yml) |
Response time graph 272ms
Response time 287
24-hour response time 216
7-day response time 272
30-day response time 290
1-year response time 287
66.78%All-time uptime 68.22%
24-hour uptime 67.13%
7-day uptime 66.78%
30-day uptime 67.35%
1-year uptime 68.22%
+| [exodesk](https://desk.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exodesk.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exodesk.yml) |
Response time graph 351ms
Response time 301
24-hour response time 642
7-day response time 351
30-day response time 317
1-year response time 301
66.80%All-time uptime 67.11%
24-hour uptime 67.15%
7-day uptime 66.80%
30-day uptime 67.54%
1-year uptime 67.11%
+| [exocloud](https://cloud.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocloud.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocloud.yml) |
Response time graph 671ms
Response time 633
24-hour response time 644
7-day response time 671
30-day response time 669
1-year response time 633
66.82%All-time uptime 68.45%
24-hour uptime 67.16%
7-day uptime 66.82%
30-day uptime 67.64%
1-year uptime 68.45%
+| [exochat](https://chat.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exochat.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exochat.yml) |
Response time graph 388ms
Response time 441
24-hour response time 324
7-day response time 388
30-day response time 413
1-year response time 441
66.84%All-time uptime 68.37%
24-hour uptime 67.18%
7-day uptime 66.84%
30-day uptime 67.49%
1-year uptime 68.37%
+| [exogit](https://git.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exogit.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exogit.yml) |
Response time graph 282ms
Response time 283
24-hour response time 331
7-day response time 282
30-day response time 292
1-year response time 283
66.86%All-time uptime 68.64%
24-hour uptime 67.20%
7-day uptime 66.86%
30-day uptime 67.93%
1-year uptime 68.64%
+| [exomedia](https://media.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exomedia.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exomedia.yml) |
Response time graph 355ms
Response time 358
24-hour response time 277
7-day response time 355
30-day response time 371
1-year response time 358
66.88%All-time uptime 68.70%
24-hour uptime 67.22%
7-day uptime 66.88%
30-day uptime 68.03%
1-year uptime 68.70%
+| [exocial](https://social.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocial.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocial.yml) |
Response time graph 500ms
Response time 486
24-hour response time 466
7-day response time 500
30-day response time 500
1-year response time 486
66.90%All-time uptime 68.81%
24-hour uptime 67.24%
7-day uptime 66.90%
30-day uptime 68.17%
1-year uptime 68.81%
+| [exotube](https://tube.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exotube.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exotube.yml) |
Response time graph 285ms
Response time 299
24-hour response time 208
7-day response time 285
30-day response time 300
1-year response time 299
66.92%All-time uptime 68.07%
24-hour uptime 67.25%
7-day uptime 66.92%
30-day uptime 66.89%
1-year uptime 68.07%
+| [exoffice](https://office.exozy.me/loleaflet/dist/welcome/welcome.html) | 🟩 Up | [exoffice.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoffice.yml) |
Response time graph 262ms
Response time 273
24-hour response time 195
7-day response time 262
30-day response time 277
1-year response time 273
66.94%All-time uptime 68.86%
24-hour uptime 67.27%
7-day uptime 66.94%
30-day uptime 68.27%
1-year uptime 68.86%