# [📈 Live Status](https://exozyme.github.io/exozyme.github.io): **🟩 All systems operational** This repository contains the open-source uptime monitor and status page for [exozyme](https://exozy.me), powered by [Upptime](https://github.com/upptime/upptime). [![Uptime CI](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/workflows/Uptime%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Uptime+CI%22) [![Response Time CI](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/workflows/Response%20Time%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Response+Time+CI%22) [![Graphs CI](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/workflows/Graphs%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Graphs+CI%22) [![Static Site CI](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/workflows/Static%20Site%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Static+Site+CI%22) [![Summary CI](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/workflows/Summary%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Summary+CI%22) With [Upptime](https://upptime.js.org), you can get your own unlimited and free uptime monitor and status page, powered entirely by a GitHub repository. We use [Issues](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/issues) as incident reports, [Actions](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/actions) as uptime monitors, and [Pages](https://exozyme.github.io/exozyme.github.io) for the status page. | URL | Status | History | Response Time | Uptime | | --- | ------ | ------- | ------------- | ------ | | [exozyme](https://exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exozyme.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exozyme.yml) |
Response time graph 273ms
Response time 282
24-hour response time 259
7-day response time 273
30-day response time 271
1-year response time 282
65.56%All-time uptime 67.07%
24-hour uptime 64.98%
7-day uptime 65.56%
30-day uptime 65.06%
1-year uptime 67.07%
| [exodesk](https://desk.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exodesk.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exodesk.yml) |
Response time graph 305ms
Response time 297
24-hour response time 270
7-day response time 305
30-day response time 300
1-year response time 297
65.71%All-time uptime 66.32%
24-hour uptime 65.00%
7-day uptime 65.71%
30-day uptime 65.19%
1-year uptime 66.32%
| [exocloud](https://cloud.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocloud.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocloud.yml) |
Response time graph 833ms
Response time 637
24-hour response time 2183
7-day response time 833
30-day response time 644
1-year response time 637
66.09%All-time uptime 67.31%
24-hour uptime 67.59%
7-day uptime 66.09%
30-day uptime 65.29%
1-year uptime 67.31%
| [exochat](https://chat.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exochat.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exochat.yml) |
Response time graph 420ms
Response time 426
24-hour response time 405
7-day response time 420
30-day response time 391
1-year response time 426
65.74%All-time uptime 67.20%
24-hour uptime 65.04%
7-day uptime 65.74%
30-day uptime 65.14%
1-year uptime 67.20%
| [exogit](https://git.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exogit.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exogit.yml) |
Response time graph 315ms
Response time 288
24-hour response time 236
7-day response time 315
30-day response time 296
1-year response time 288
66.13%All-time uptime 67.48%
24-hour uptime 67.63%
7-day uptime 66.13%
30-day uptime 65.41%
1-year uptime 67.48%
| [exomedia](https://media.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exomedia.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exomedia.yml) |
Response time graph 356ms
Response time 358
24-hour response time 283
7-day response time 356
30-day response time 354
1-year response time 358
66.15%All-time uptime 67.53%
24-hour uptime 67.65%
7-day uptime 66.15%
30-day uptime 65.43%
1-year uptime 67.53%
| [exocial](https://social.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocial.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocial.yml) |
Response time graph 499ms
Response time 486
24-hour response time 424
7-day response time 499
30-day response time 485
1-year response time 486
66.17%All-time uptime 67.53%
24-hour uptime 67.67%
7-day uptime 66.17%
30-day uptime 65.27%
1-year uptime 67.53%
| [exotube](https://tube.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exotube.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exotube.yml) |
Response time graph 325ms
Response time 301
24-hour response time 215
7-day response time 325
30-day response time 301
1-year response time 301
66.36%All-time uptime 67.16%
24-hour uptime 67.68%
7-day uptime 66.36%
30-day uptime 65.55%
1-year uptime 67.16%
| [exoportal](https://portal.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoportal.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoportal.yml) |
Response time graph 403ms
Response time 409
24-hour response time 439
7-day response time 403
30-day response time 409
1-year response time 409
66.37%All-time uptime 63.83%
24-hour uptime 67.70%
7-day uptime 66.37%
30-day uptime 63.83%
1-year uptime 63.83%
| [exoci](https://ci.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoci.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoci.yml) |
Response time graph 327ms
Response time 327
24-hour response time 250
7-day response time 327
30-day response time 327
1-year response time 327
64.36%All-time uptime 64.36%
24-hour uptime 67.72%
7-day uptime 64.36%
30-day uptime 64.36%
1-year uptime 64.36%
| [exoffice](https://office.exozy.me/loleaflet/dist/welcome/welcome.html) | 🟩 Up | [exoffice.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoffice.yml) |
Response time graph 271ms
Response time 272
24-hour response time 212
7-day response time 271
30-day response time 269
1-year response time 272
66.41%All-time uptime 67.68%
24-hour uptime 67.74%
7-day uptime 66.41%
30-day uptime 65.58%
1-year uptime 67.68%
| [exocalc](https://calc.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocalc.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocalc.yml) |
Response time graph 611ms
Response time 619
24-hour response time 623
7-day response time 611
30-day response time 619
1-year response time 619
60.67%All-time uptime 57.50%
24-hour uptime 67.76%
7-day uptime 60.67%
30-day uptime 57.50%
1-year uptime 57.50%
[**Visit our status website →**](https://exozyme.github.io/exozyme.github.io) ## 📄 License - Powered by: [Upptime](https://github.com/upptime/upptime) - Code: [MIT](./LICENSE) © [exozyme](https://exozy.me) - Data in the `./history` directory: [Open Database License](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/)