
Get started!

Join us!

Interested in exozyme? You can get started by emailing join@exozy.me and introducing yourself and what you plan to do with exozyme. Please also mention what you want your username to be. We may ask a few follow-up questions, and once everything is figured out, we'll get you an exozyme account set up right away!

Logging in

OK, so you've joined exozyme! You can start by logging into your remote exozyme desktop with the exodesk web client. (If you want to use a RDP client app, check out the wiki) Anyways, you should see a login screen, and type in your exozyme username and password. You'll be dropped into a desktop, which might take a few seconds to load properly. Enjoy your exozyme desktop!

Remote desktop

In the bottom left corner you'll see the all-powerful application menu. Click on it, open up the Konsole app, and change your password with the passwd command. You should be able to run any app on server, and even install more apps using the Discover app store. When you're done, please remember to log out by selecting "Log Out" in the application menu. Closing the browser tab does not log you out.

Trying out exocloud

Try our powerful collaboration and productivity suite by going to exocloud and logging in with your exozyme username and password. If things work out, you'll be taken to your exocloud homepage!


So what can you do with exocloud? Well, judging by the sheer number of icons on the top bar, a lot! There's cloud storage, an email client, photo manager, music player, calendar, and an integrated exochat client. Your data is safe on exozyme!

Enter the Matrix

You can chat with your friends on Matrix and other networks including Discord using your exochat account. To start, go to your exocloud home page and click on the Element app on the top. (exochat is powered by Matrix, so you can use any Matrix client, but remember to change the homeserver to use chat.exozy.me instead of matrix.org) Now sign in with your exozyme username and password as usual, and welcome to your shiny new exochat account!

Element Matrix client

Let's join some rooms and spaces (groups of rooms) now. You'll definitely want to join the exozyme space and hang out, and #offtopic is another fun one. One of Matrix's most ambitious goals is to bridge its network to as many others as possible, so you might want to check out our wiki for instructions on bridging Discord to Matrix.


To get a taste of what you can do with exozyme, go out and explore! Just use your exozyme username and password to log in (don't click sign up).


Check out our frequently unasked questions and wiki or ask about it on Matrix to get help from the exozyme community!