Add tip for SSH config file

Anthony Wang 2022-06-25 18:28:37 -05:00
parent 9305ac6fdd
commit c6fc2b56e7


@ -16,4 +16,15 @@ This command connects you to our SSH server at []( You
If you want to run graphical apps, you can use X11 forwarding with `ssh -X`. Note that this works best with a Linux client; otherwise, follow [these instructions](
You can also use [Waypipe]( if you need graphical acceleration.
You can also use [Waypipe]( if you need graphical acceleration.
### SSH config file
You can add exozyme as a `Host` to your `.ssh/config` file, so you can simply type `ssh exozyme` instead of the longer `ssh`. Here is an example from @ta180m that also forwards the SSH and GPG agents to exozyme.
Host exozyme
User ta180m
ForwardAgent yes
RemoteForward /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra