Anthony Wang f66983313f
Pass LDAP password filename instead of password itself in *user scripts
This ensures the LDAP password doesn't show up in process table. I was an idiot when I wrote the original code.
2023-06-14 18:57:02 +00:00

86 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file

# A wrapper script over ldapadd
from os import remove
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from subprocess import run, call, check_output
from sys import argv
def adduser(username, firstname, lastname, email, password):
"""Add a new user"""
# Get UID
output = check_output(['ldapsearch', '-x', 'uidNumber']).decode('utf-8')
used = {int(line.split()[1]) for line in output.split('\n') if line.startswith('uid')}
uid = next(u for u in range(1001, 10000) if u not in used)
if firstname == lastname:
fullname = firstname
fullname = f'{firstname} {lastname}'
# Generate password hash using OpenSSL
with open('password', 'w') as f:
hashed_password = check_output(['openssl', 'passwd', '-6', '-in', 'password']).decode('utf-8')[:-1]
# Construct LDIF
ldif = f'''dn: uid={username},ou=People,dc=exozy,dc=me
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: {username}
cn: {fullname}
sn: {lastname}
givenName: {firstname}
userPassword: {{CRYPT}}{hashed_password}
mail: {email}
loginShell: /bin/fish
uidNumber: {uid}
gidNumber: {uid}
homeDirectory: /home/{username}
dn: cn={username},ou=Group,dc=exozy,dc=me
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: {username}
gidNumber: {uid}'''
# Write to file
filename = username + '.ldif'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
# Add user
ret = call(['ldapadd', '-D', 'cn=Manager,dc=exozy,dc=me', '-y', '/etc/ldappass', '-f', filename])
if ret != 0:
# Configure and set up user
# Make home directory
run(['sudo', 'mkhomedir_helper', username, '077'])
run(['sudo', '-u', username, 'mkdir', '/home/' + username + '/.config'])
# Set up Flatpak
# This is a workaround for the error "flatpak refusing to operate under sudo with --user"
run(['sudo', '-u', username, 'sh', '-c',
'flatpak remote-add flathub --user'])
# Set default browser
# xdg-settings uses KDE_SESSION_VERSION to determine which KDE commands to use
# For instance, kwriteconfig5 instead of kwriteconfig from Plasma 4
run(['sudo', '-u', username, 'env', 'KDE_SESSION_VERSION=5', 'xdg-settings',
'set', 'default-web-browser', 'firefox.desktop'])
# Generate temporary password
password = token_urlsafe(6)
print('Temporary password:', password)
adduser(*argv[1:], password)