

Passionate about programming?
                Crazy about computer science?
                                Obsessed with open source?
                                                Love Linux (or GNU/Linux)?

If so, join exozyme and meet a friendly community that's just as enthusiastic as you are!

Here at exozyme, we're working to build a better, libre, and privacy-respecting web. We provide free SSH access, remote desktop, static site hosting, virtual machines, cloud storage, Git code hosting, support for over 20 programming languages, and much more. From Arch Linux to Zabbix, there's no shortage of things to explore!


Why exozyme?

It's free! exozyme is completely free as in beer and free as in speech.

High performance! Enjoy our unbeatable bare-metal performance. You'll love our fast virtual machines and containers!

We respect your privacy! exozyme offers a number of decentralized, encrypted, and privacy-respecting alternatives to popular services.

We're flexible! Want to host a public Minecraft server? We can accomodate that. Need port forwarding? Sure thing. Just ask and we can probably make it happen!

We're a welcoming communtity! exozyme is 100% community built and maintained. Join our Matrix space and meet our community!

Join us!

If that sounds awesome, try our quickstart guide to get started with exozyme!

If you encounter any issues, please report them on our bug tracker. You might also want to read the frequently unasked questions.

Unfortunately due to our limited funding, we cannot provide any uptime guarantees. We'll try to keep the server up between 7:30 to 22:30 CST, but there may be occasional reboots for maintainence and other outages.

Our server

Want the juicy technical details? The server's currently equiped with a 24-thread AMD Ryzen 9 5900X proccessor paired with 2011's finest ATI Radeon HD 6570 graphics card, along with 32GB of RAM. The graphics card will be upgraded soon...™

Arch Linux is a terrible OS for servers, but we use it anyways and update every week on Friday night. If Arch isn't your thing, you can also spin up a VM or container for another OS.

The server

You can find all our source code and higher quality images on exogit. All HTML and CSS was hand-written with ❤️ by Ta180m.