defmodule Floof.MixProject do use Mix.Project def project do [ app: :floof, version: "0.1.0", elixir: "~> 1.13", start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod, compilers: [:asn1] ++ Mix.compilers(), asn1_options: [:per], deps: deps(), package: package() ] end # Run "mix help" to learn about applications. def application do [ extra_applications: [:asn1, :crypto, :logger], mod: {Floof.Application, []}, env: [ # listen_port cam be set to `nil` to disable to server-socket listener listen_port: 2540, # listen_opts can be used to specify e.g. `[ip: {192,168,0,133}]` a specific interface IP listen_opts: [], # upstreams have structure `{host, port}` or `{host}` (port defaults to 2540) upstreams: [], # markers have the structure {bool(), {:RelativeDistinguishedName, oid-as-list(), value()}} # all of the markers marked with 'true' should be included in each message to-be-processed # and none of the markers marked with 'false' should be included. the same holds for attrs. markers: [], attrs: [], # these are the markers of form {:RelativeDistinguishedName, oid-as-list(), value()} # which get added to all processed messages set_markers: [], # a list of functions which can be used to further filter packets # (by returning nil if unwanted) and modify them extra_filters: [], # file locations # the spool dir saves messages in-transit, and is used to prevent RAM OOM spool_dir: "mock_spool", # the sessions file is used for persistence of session data across restarts sessions_file: "mock_sessions.dets" ] ] end defp package do [ maintainers: ["Alain Zscheile"], licenses: ["Apache-2.0"] ] end # Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies. defp deps do [ {:enacl, "~> 1.0.0"}, {:logger_file_backend, "~> 0.0.13"} # {:dep_from_hexpm, "~> 0.3.0"}, # {:dep_from_git, git: "", tag: "0.1.0"} ] end end # source: defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.Asn1 do use Mix.Task alias Mix.Compilers.Erlang @recursive true @manifest ".compile.asn1" def run(args) do {opts, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: [force: :boolean]) project = Mix.Project.config() source_paths = project[:asn1_paths] || ["asn1"] dest_paths = project[:asn1_target] || ["src"] mappings =, dest_paths) options = project[:asn1_options] || [] force = case opts[:force] do true -> [force: true] _ -> [force: false] end Erlang.compile(manifest(), mappings, :asn1, :erl, force, fn input, output -> File.mkdir(Path.dirname(output)) options = options ++ [:noobj, outdir: Erlang.to_erl_file(Path.dirname(output))] case :asn1ct.compile(Erlang.to_erl_file(input), options) do :ok -> {:ok, [], []} :error -> {:error, [], []} end end) end def manifests, do: [manifest()] defp manifest, do: Path.join(Mix.Project.manifest_path(), @manifest) def clean, do: Erlang.clean(manifest()) end