haskell: merge lookup of symbols and identifier prefixes

This commit is contained in:
Alain Zscheile 2023-10-25 22:18:47 +02:00
parent 31c6f1a717
commit 9b6229f9fd
2 changed files with 44 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -38,14 +38,10 @@ data TokenKind = TIdent Ident
data IdentPrefix = IpDot | IpPatOut
lexeIdentPrefixTree :: HandleTree IdentPrefix
lexeIdentPrefixTree = HandleTree (H.fromList l1) Nothing
l1 = [('.', Htleaf IpDot), ('$', Htleaf IpPatOut)]
data TokiOrIdepfx = Toki TokenKind | Idepfx IdentPrefix
handleIdentsI :: Parser' Error (Maybe TokenKind)
handleIdentsI = do
pfx <- eats lexeIdentPrefixTree
handleIdentsI :: Maybe IdentPrefix -> Parser' Error (Maybe TokenKind)
handleIdentsI pfx = do
marker <- gets peOffset
ident' <- takeIdent
ident <- case ident' of
@ -73,13 +69,20 @@ lexe = do
lexeComments 0
-- handle symbols
symb <- lexeSymbols
(sp, symb) <- lexeSymbols
case symb of
Just tok -> fmap (tok:) lexe
Nothing -> recordSpan handleIdentsI >>= \(sp, mtk) ->
Just (Toki toki) -> fmap ((Token sp toki):) lexe
Just (Idepfx pfx) -> handleIdentsI' $ Just ((start sp), pfx)
Nothing -> handleIdentsI' Nothing
fixSpan Nothing sp = sp
fixSpan (Just (x, _)) sp = sp { start = x }
handleIdentsI' pfx = recordSpan (handleIdentsI (fmap (\(_, x) -> x) pfx)) >>= \(sp, mtk) ->
case mtk of
Nothing -> pure []
Just tk -> fmap ((Token sp tk):) lexe
Just tk -> fmap ((Token (fixSpan pfx sp) tk):) lexe
data LevelDelta = LevelIncr | LevelDecr deriving (Show)
@ -114,19 +117,18 @@ lexeComments lvl = do
-- or we skip over a single character and continue
Nothing -> if lvl <= 0 then pure () else tryOne (\_ -> Just ()) >> lexeComments lvl
lexeSymbolsTree :: HandleTree TokenKind
lexeSymbolsTree = HandleTree (H.fromList l1) Nothing
-- NOTE: we can't handle '.' and '$' here (they might be followed by identifiers)
l1 = [('^', Htleaf TCaret ), ('(', Htleaf TLParen), (')', Htleaf TRParen)
,('{', Htleaf TLBrace ), ('}', Htleaf TRBrace), (':', Htleaf TDubColon)
,(';', Htleaf TSemiColon), ('=', Htleaf TAssign)
,('←', Htleaf TLArr ), ('→', Htleaf TRArr )
recordToken :: Functor f => Parser' e (f TokenKind) -> Parser' e (f Token)
recordToken tkp = recordSpan tkp >>=
\(sp, tk) -> pure $ fmap (\y -> Token sp y) tk
lexeSymbols :: Parser' e (Maybe Token)
lexeSymbols = recordToken (eats lexeSymbolsTree)
lexeSymbols :: Parser' e (Span, Maybe TokiOrIdepfx)
lexeSymbols = recordSpan . tryOne $ \c -> case c of
'^' -> Just $ Toki TCaret
'(' -> Just $ Toki TLParen
')' -> Just $ Toki TRParen
'{' -> Just $ Toki TLBrace
'}' -> Just $ Toki TRBrace
':' -> Just $ Toki TDubColon
';' -> Just $ Toki TSemiColon
'=' -> Just $ Toki TAssign
'←' -> Just $ Toki TLArr
'→' -> Just $ Toki TRArr
'.' -> Just $ Idepfx IpDot
'$' -> Just $ Idepfx IpPatOut
_ -> Nothing

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Language.Yanais.Parser (
-- creating and running parsers
-- parser combinators
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ module Language.Yanais.Parser (
) where
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile, span, splitAt)
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Data.ByteString as Bb
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ instance Semigroup Span where
-- misc failure conditions
class ParserError e where
type PErrEnv e :: *
type PErrEnv e :: Type
-- | an unknown error (the state might indicate where the error happened)
perrUnknown :: PErrEnv e -> e
@ -75,6 +78,10 @@ class ParserError e where
-- a generic parser monad
newtype Parser s e a = Parser { runP :: StateT s (Either e) a }
-- | lift an unwrapped parser into our structures
makeParser :: ((s1 -> Either e1 (a, s1)) -> (s2 -> Either e2 (b, s2))) -> Parser s1 e1 a -> Parser s2 e2 b
makeParser f (Parser (StateT origp)) = Parser . StateT $ f origp
instance Functor (Parser s e) where
fmap f = Parser . (fmap f) . runP
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
@ -138,6 +145,13 @@ parseFile f p = do
-- some simple parser combinators
-- | shave an either from the parser result and possibly throw errors into the parser itself
flatEither :: Parser s e (Either e a) -> Parser s e a
flatEither = makeParser $ \inner st -> case inner st of
Left x -> Left x
Right (Left x, _) -> Left x
Right (Right y, st2) -> Right (y, st2)
shiftEnv :: (Int, Text) -> Parser' e ()
shiftEnv (ll, r) = Parser $ modify go