haskell: report value evaluation errors

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Alain Emilia Anna Zscheile 2023-10-28 13:28:12 +02:00
parent 312e9e2d79
commit ec45a765d7
2 changed files with 110 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ module Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Ast (
@ -25,7 +28,6 @@ module Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Ast (
) where
import qualified Deque.Strict as Deq
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import Generic.Data (Generic)
@ -72,14 +74,19 @@ data Binder tyinf = Binder { bdpat :: Pattern Void, bdtyp :: tyinf }
data ExprInfKind info =
EBound Natural
| EFree NeutralRoot
-- the following can't be the result of quoting
| EAnnot (ExprChk info) (ExprChk info)
| EApply (ExprInf info) (ExprChk info)
-- lambdas
| EILambda (Binder (ExprChk info)) (ExprInf info)
| EITyLambda (Binder (ExprChk info)) (ExprChk info)
-- references
| ERefOf (ExprInf info)
| ERefOfTy (ExprChk info)
deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
-- | checkable expressions (inferrable expressions prefixed by untyped lambda binders)
@ -91,20 +98,32 @@ type Deque a = Deq.Deque a
-- | neutral values (a root, to which might be some values applied)
data Neutral = Neutral NeutralRoot (Deque Value)
data Value = VLam (Value -> Value) | VInf ValueInf
-- | errors during evaluation to values
data ValueError =
VEInvalidApply ValueInf Value
| VELambdaNonInf (Value -> Either ValueError Value)
| VEOutOfRange Natural
data ValueInf = VPi Value (Value -> Value)
data Value = VLam (Value -> Either ValueError Value) | VInf ValueInf
data ValueInf = VPi Value (Value -> Either ValueError Value)
| VNeutral Neutral
| VRefOf ValueInf
| VRefOfTy Value
vapp :: Value -> Value -> Value
vapp (VLam f) v = f v
vapp (VInf f) v = VInf $ vappInf f v
binderLookup :: [a] -> Natural -> Maybe a
binderLookup = foldr ffun (const Nothing)
ffun x _ 0 = Just x
ffun _ r k = r (k-1)
vappInf :: ValueInf -> Value -> ValueInf
vappInf (VNeutral (Neutral nam xs)) v = VNeutral . (Neutral nam) $ Deq.snoc v xs
vappInf _ _ = error "tried to apply something which can't do that"
vapp :: Value -> Value -> Either ValueError Value
vapp (VLam f) v = f v
vapp (VInf f) v = fmap VInf $ vappInf f v
vappInf :: ValueInf -> Value -> Either ValueError ValueInf
vappInf (VNeutral (Neutral nam xs)) v = Right . VNeutral . (Neutral nam) $ Deq.snoc v xs
vappInf l r = Left $ VEInvalidApply l r
type EvalEnv = [Value]
@ -119,33 +138,44 @@ unpackVP val bindpat env = case bindpat of
PatNameAnon -> val:env
PatName nam -> if nullIdent nam then env else val:env
killNonInf :: Value -> ValueInf
killNonInf (VLam _) = error "lambda is not inferrable"
killNonInf (VInf v) = v
killNonInf :: Value -> Either ValueError ValueInf
killNonInf (VLam l) = Left . VELambdaNonInf $ l
killNonInf (VInf v) = Right v
class Eval a where
eval :: a b -> EvalEnv -> Value
eval :: a b -> EvalEnv -> Either ValueError Value
subst :: Natural -> ExprInf b -> a b -> a b
evalInf :: ExprInfKind info -> EvalEnv -> ValueInf
evalInf :: ExprInfKind info -> EvalEnv -> Either ValueError ValueInf
evalInf kind env = case kind of
EBound b -> killNonInf $ List.genericIndex env b
EAnnot e _ -> killNonInf $ eval e env
EApply e e' -> killNonInf $ vapp (eval e env) (eval e' env)
EILambda b e' -> killNonInf $ VLam $ \y -> eval e' $ unpackVB y b env
EBound b -> case binderLookup env b of
Nothing -> Left . VEOutOfRange $ b
Just y -> killNonInf y
EAnnot e _ -> eval e env >>= killNonInf
EApply e e' -> do
v <- eval e env
v' <- eval e' env
vapp v v' >>= killNonInf
EILambda b e' -> killNonInf (VLam $ \y -> eval e' $ unpackVB y b env)
-- the cases above also need to be handled by normal `eval`
EFree x -> VNeutral $ Neutral x mempty
EITyLambda b e' -> VPi (eval (bdtyp b) env) $ \y -> eval e' $ unpackVB y b env
ERefOf (ExprInf _ e) -> VRefOf $ evalInf e env
ERefOfTy e -> VRefOfTy $ eval e env
EFree x -> Right. VNeutral $ Neutral x mempty
EITyLambda b e' -> fmap (\res -> VPi res $ \y -> eval e' $ unpackVB y b env) $ eval (bdtyp b) env
ERefOf (ExprInf _ e) -> fmap VRefOf $ evalInf e env
ERefOfTy e -> fmap VRefOfTy $ eval e env
instance Eval ExprInf where
eval (ExprInf _ kind) env = case kind of
EBound b -> List.genericIndex env b
EBound b -> case binderLookup env b of
Nothing -> Left . VEOutOfRange $ b
Just y -> Right y
EAnnot e _ -> eval e env
EApply e e' -> vapp (eval e env) (eval e' env)
EILambda b e' -> VLam $ \y -> eval e' $ unpackVB y b env
_ -> VInf $ evalInf kind env
EApply e e' -> do
v <- eval e env
v' <- eval e' env
vapp v v'
EILambda b e' -> Right . VLam $ \y -> eval e' $ unpackVB y b env
_ -> fmap VInf $ evalInf kind env
subst i r (ExprInf info kind) = case kind of
EBound b -> if i == b then r else (ExprInf info $ EBound b)
@ -160,34 +190,42 @@ instance Eval ExprInf where
instance Eval ExprChk where
eval (ExprChk xs' inf) env = case xs' of
[] -> eval inf env
x:xs -> VLam $ \y -> eval (ExprChk xs inf) $ unpackVP y x env
x:xs -> Right . VLam $ \y -> eval (ExprChk xs inf) $ unpackVP y x env
subst i r (ExprChk xs inf) = ExprChk xs $ subst (i + (fromInteger . toInteger $ length xs)) r inf
valQuote :: Natural -> Value
valQuote i = VInf . VNeutral $ Neutral (Quote i) mempty
quoteInf :: Natural -> ValueInf -> ExprInf ()
quoteInf i (VPi v f) = ExprInf () $ EITyLambda (anonBind $ quote i v) (quote (i + 1) (f $ valQuote i))
quoteInf :: Natural -> ValueInf -> Either ValueError (ExprInf ())
quoteInf i (VPi v f) = do
fr <- f $ valQuote i
bdty' <- quote i v
frq <- quote (i + 1) fr
pure $ ExprInf () $ EITyLambda (anonBind bdty') frq
anonBind ty = Binder { bdpat = PatNameAnon, bdtyp = ty }
quoteInf i (VRefOf v) = ExprInf () $ ERefOf $ quoteInf i v
quoteInf i (VRefOfTy v) = ExprInf () $ ERefOfTy $ quote i v
quoteInf i (VRefOf v) = fmap ((ExprInf ()) . ERefOf) $ quoteInf i v
quoteInf i (VRefOfTy v) = fmap ((ExprInf ()) . ERefOfTy) $ quote i v
quoteInf i (VNeutral n) = nQuote i n
nQuote :: Natural -> Neutral -> ExprInf ()
nQuote i' (Neutral root dq) = ExprInf () $ case Deq.unsnoc dq of
nQuote :: Natural -> Neutral -> Either ValueError (ExprInf ())
nQuote i' (Neutral root dq) = fmap (ExprInf ()) $ case Deq.unsnoc dq of
Nothing -> case root of
Quote k -> EBound $ i' - k - 1
x' -> EFree x'
Just (v, dq2) -> EApply (nQuote i' $ Neutral root dq2) (quote i' v)
Quote k -> Right . EBound $ i' - k - 1
x' -> Right $ EFree x'
Just (v, dq2) -> do
lam <- nQuote i' $ Neutral root dq2
arg <- quote i' v
pure $ EApply lam arg
quote :: Natural -> Value -> ExprChk ()
quote :: Natural -> Value -> Either ValueError (ExprChk ())
quote i (VLam f) =
let (ExprChk binders f2) = quote (i + 1) (f $ valQuote i)
in ExprChk (PatNameAnon : binders) f2
quote i (VLam f) = do
faq <- f $ valQuote i
(ExprChk binders f2) <- quote (i + 1) faq
pure $ ExprChk (PatNameAnon : binders) f2
quote i (VInf x) = ExprChk [] $ quoteInf i x
quote i (VInf x) = fmap (ExprChk []) $ quoteInf i x

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@ -25,26 +25,28 @@ type Type = Value
data TypeError = TETypesNotEq (ExprChk ()) (ExprChk ())
| TENotOfType (ExprChk ()) Type
| TEOutOfRange Natural
| TENotFound NeutralRoot
| TEIllegalApply Value
| TEValueError ValueError
type TyckMonad a = ReaderT TyckEnv (Either TypeError) a
binderLookup :: TyckEnv -> Natural -> Maybe Value
binderLookup env = foldr ffun (const Nothing) (binders env)
ffun x _ 0 = Just x
ffun _ r k = r (k-1)
binderLookup' :: Natural -> TyckMonad Value
binderLookup' n = ReaderT $ \env -> case binderLookup env n of
Nothing -> Left $ TEOutOfRange n
binderLookup' n = ReaderT $ \env -> case binderLookup (binders env) n of
Nothing -> Left . TEValueError $ VEOutOfRange n
Just x -> Right x
litToVal :: Literal -> Value
litToVal l = VInf . VNeutral $ Neutral (NrLiteral l) mempty
liftValueEval :: Either ValueError v -> TyckMonad v
liftValueEval res = ReaderT $ \_ -> case res of
Left err -> Left $ TEValueError err
Right x -> Right x
eval' :: Eval a => a b -> [Value] -> TyckMonad Value
eval' x env = liftValueEval $ eval x env
typeChkIsTy :: ExprChk () -> TyckMonad ()
typeChkIsTy e = typeChk e $ litToVal $ LPrimTy PtType
@ -68,35 +70,45 @@ typeInf (ExprInf _ kind) = case kind of
EAnnot e ety -> do
typeChkIsTy ety
-- what if the term depends on the env ???
let tau = eval ety []
tau <- eval' ety []
typeChk e tau
return tau
EApply e e' -> typeInf e >>= \sigm -> case sigm of
VInf (VPi tau tau') -> typeChk e' tau >> return (tau' $ eval e' [])
VInf (VPi tau tau') -> do
typeChk e' tau
eres <- eval' e' []
liftValueEval $ tau' eres
_ -> throwError $ TEIllegalApply sigm
-- this is not correct, but I don't know how to do it correctly...
-- we would need a way to replace a value in a value...
EILambda b e' -> typeChkBinder b (\bty -> fmap (\res -> VInf $ VPi bty (\_ -> res)) $ typeInf e')
EILambda b e' -> typeChkBinder b (\bty -> fmap (\res -> VInf $ VPi bty (\_ -> Right res)) $ typeInf e')
EITyLambda b e' -> typeChkBinder b (\_ -> typeChkIsTy e')
>> (pure . litToVal $ LPrimTy PtType)
-- this is nasty
ERefOf e -> fmap (VInf . VRefOf . killNonInf) (typeInf e)
ERefOf e -> do
ety <- typeInf e
ety' <- liftValueEval $ killNonInf ety
pure . VInf . VRefOf $ ety'
ERefOfTy e -> fmap (VInf . VRefOfTy)
(typeChkIsTy e >> (pure . litToVal $ LPrimTy PtType))
typeChk :: ExprChk () -> Type -> TyckMonad ()
typeChk (ExprChk [] inf) v = do
v' <- typeInf inf
let q = quote 0 v
let q' = quote 0 v'
q <- liftValueEval $ quote 0 v
q' <- liftValueEval $ quote 0 v'
if (q == q') then pure () else throwError $ TETypesNotEq q q'
typeChk (ExprChk (b:xs) inf) (VInf (VPi tau tau')) =
let inner = (asks $ binderCount) >>= \len -> typeChk (ExprChk xs inf) (tau' $ VInf . VNeutral $ Neutral (Local len) mempty)
in typeChkPattern b tau inner
typeChk (ExprChk (b:xs) inf) (VInf (VPi tau tau')) = typeChkPattern b tau inner
inner = do
len <- asks binderCount
tauev <- liftValueEval $ tau' $ VInf . VNeutral $ Neutral (Local len) mempty
typeChk (ExprChk xs inf) tauev
typeChk a b = throwError $ TENotOfType a b
@ -106,7 +118,7 @@ typeChkBinder b inner = do
let bdt = bdtyp b
typeChkIsTy bdt
-- what if the term depends on the env ???
let bdt' = eval bdt []
bdt' <- liftValueEval $ eval bdt []
typeChkPattern (bdpat b) bdt' (inner bdt')
typeChkPattern :: Pattern Void -> Type -> TyckMonad a -> TyckMonad a