Alain Zscheile 2023-10-28 23:24:27 +02:00
parent 02acd9e583
commit f87a8ede9b
5 changed files with 176 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- | Administrative normal form
module Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Anf (
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..), MonadReader(..), asks, runReaderT)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Generic.Data (Generic)
import Numeric.Natural
-- import Language.Yanais.Parser.Lex (Ident, nullIdent)
import Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Literal
data AtomicExpr = AELiteral Literal
| AEBound Natural
-- a lambda always takes up a single stack slot,
-- potentially necessary binder pattern matching happens in embedded let bindings
| AELambda Expr
-- a pi is similar to a lambda, but the binder type is also present
| AEPi Expr Expr
-- references are only allowed to bound idents
| AERefOf Natural
-- a reference type contains both the scope in which the referenced variable originated
-- (from the top of the stack so we know when it gets invalidated),
-- and also the type of what's referenced
-- | AERefOfTy Natural
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable AtomicExpr
-- NOTE: these patterns don't allow nesting (to avoid the need for propagation of that)
data PatternInf = PatIgnore | PatFull
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PatternInf
data Expr =
EAtomic AtomicExpr
| EApply AtomicExpr AtomicExpr [AtomicExpr]
-- we allow atomic expr's to be let bound because we need to be able to take references to them
| ELet { elpat :: PatternInf, elval :: Expr, elbody :: Expr }
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable Expr
patAllocSlots :: PatternInf -> Natural
patAllocSlots pat = case pat of
PatIgnore -> 0
PatFull -> 1
-- evaluation and quoting
data NeutralRoot = NrLiteral Literal
| Local Natural
| Quote Natural
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable NeutralRoot
data Neutral = Neutral NeutralRoot [Value]
data EvalError =
EEInvalidApply Value Value
| EEOutOfRange Natural
type EvalResult a = Either EvalError a
type EvalMonad a = ReaderT [Value] (Either EvalError) a
data Value = VLam (Value -> EvalResult Value)
| VPi Value (Value -> EvalResult Value)
| VNeutral Neutral
-- when using a reference when the value was expected (or the other way around)
-- an error should be raised
| VRefOf Value
| VRefOfTy Natural Value
vapp :: Value -> [Value] -> EvalResult Value
vapp v [] = Right v
vapp (VLam l) (v:xs) = l v >>= \res -> vapp res xs
-- NOTE: this allows cases where a lambda violates borrowing rules
vapp (VRefOf r) xs = vapp r xs
vapp v (x:_) = Left $ EEInvalidApply v x
evalAtomic :: AtomicExpr -> EvalMonad Value
evalAtomic eat = case eat of
AELiteral l -> pure . VNeutral $ Neutral (NrLiteral l) []
AELambda l -> asks (\env -> VLam $ \x -> eval l (x:env))
AEPi arg ret -> do
env <- ask
arg' <- eval' arg
pure $ VPi arg' $ \x -> eval ret (x:env)
AEBound b -> lb' b
AERefOf b -> fmap VRefOf $ lb' b
lb' :: Natural -> EvalMonad Value
lb' b = ReaderT $ lb'' b
lb'' :: Natural -> [Value] -> EvalResult Value
lb'' b env = case lookupBinder env b of
Nothing -> Left $ EEOutOfRange b
Just x -> Right x
eval' :: Expr -> EvalMonad Value
eval' (EAtomic eat) = evalAtomic eat
eval' (EApply eat rhs rhsxs) = do
eat' <- evalAtomic eat
rhs' <- evalAtomic rhs
rhsxs' <- sequenceA $ fmap evalAtomic rhsxs
ReaderT $ \_ -> vapp eat' $ rhs' : rhsxs'
eval' (ELet { elpat = PatIgnore, elval = _, elbody = elb }) = eval' elb
eval' (ELet { elpat = PatFull, elval = elv, elbody = elb }) = do
elval' <- eval' elv
local (\env -> (elval':env)) $ eval' elb
eval :: Expr -> [Value] -> EvalResult Value
eval e = runReaderT $ eval' e

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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ module Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Ast (
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ module Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Ast (
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, MonadReader(..))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
-- import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)
import qualified Deque.Strict as Deq
import Generic.Data (Generic)
@ -32,21 +31,7 @@ import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Language.Yanais.Parser.Lex (Ident, nullIdent)
import Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Pattern (Pattern(..))
-- | integer sizes
data IntSz = PI8 | PI16 | PI32 | PI64 | PIsize
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable IntSz
-- | primitive type literals
data PrimTy = PtType | PtBool | PtString | PtIntSz | PtUnsInt IntSz | PtSigInt IntSz
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PrimTy
-- | all possible literals
data Literal = LPrimTy PrimTy | LIntSz IntSz | LNat Natural
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable Literal
import Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Literal
data NeutralRoot = NrLiteral Literal
| Global Ident
@ -103,12 +88,6 @@ data Value = VLam (Value -> Either ValueError Value)
| VRefOf Value
| VRefOfTy Value
binderLookup :: [a] -> Natural -> Maybe a
binderLookup = foldr ffun (const Nothing)
ffun x _ 0 = Just x
ffun _ r k = r (k-1)
vapp :: Value -> Value -> Either ValueError Value
vapp (VLam f) v = f v
vapp (VRefOf r) v = vapp r v
@ -131,7 +110,7 @@ unpackVP val bindpat env = case bindpat of
-- | evaluate an expression in an environment
eval :: Expr info -> EvalEnv -> Either ValueError Value
eval (Expr _ kind) env = case kind of
EBound b -> case binderLookup env b of
EBound b -> case lookupBinder env b of
Nothing -> Left . VEOutOfRange $ b
Just y -> Right y
EFree x -> Right. VNeutral $ Neutral x mempty

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Literal (
) where
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Generic.Data (Generic)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
-- import Language.Yanais.Parser.Lex (Ident, nullIdent)
-- | integer sizes
data IntSz = PI8 | PI16 | PI32 | PI64 | PIsize
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable IntSz
-- | primitive type literals
data PrimTy = PtType | PtBool | PtString | PtIntSz | PtUnsInt IntSz | PtSigInt IntSz
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable PrimTy
-- | all possible literals
data Literal = LPrimTy PrimTy | LIntSz IntSz | LNat Natural
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable Literal
-- | lookup a value in a list by its position (via Natural instead of Int);
-- this is only here because it has no dependencies
lookupBinder :: [a] -> Natural -> Maybe a
lookupBinder = foldr ffun (const Nothing)
ffun x _ 0 = Just x
ffun _ r k = r (k-1)

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Numeric.Natural
import Language.Yanais.Parser.Lex (nullIdent)
import Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Ast
import Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Literal (lookupBinder)
import Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Pattern (Pattern(..))
data TyckEnv = TyckEnv {
@ -32,8 +33,8 @@ data TypeError = TETypesNotEq (Expr ()) (Expr ())
type TyckMonad a = ReaderT TyckEnv (Either TypeError) a
binderLookup' :: Natural -> TyckMonad Value
binderLookup' n = ReaderT $ \env -> case binderLookup (binders env) n of
lookupBinder' :: Natural -> TyckMonad Value
lookupBinder' n = ReaderT $ \env -> case lookupBinder (binders env) n of
Nothing -> Left . TEValueError $ VEOutOfRange n
Just x -> Right x
@ -53,10 +54,10 @@ typeChkIsTy e = typeChk e $ litToVal $ LPrimTy PtType
typeInf :: Expr () -> TyckMonad Type
typeInf (Expr _ kind) = case kind of
EBound n -> binderLookup' n
EBound n -> lookupBinder' n
-- TODO: get rid of this case
EFree (Local n) -> binderLookup' n
EFree (Local n) -> lookupBinder' n
EFree (NrLiteral l) ->
let tau = NrLiteral . LPrimTy $ case l of

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@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ library
-- Modules exported by the library.
, Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Ast
, Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Literal
, Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Pattern
, Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Typeck
, Language.Yanais.Nfker7h.Parser.Types