2024-02-25 15:08:43 +01:00

139 lines
4.6 KiB

(* Localization support *)
open Format
open Yanais_syntax.Tys
module type LocaleT = sig
val pp_loc_span : formatter -> loc_span -> unit
val fmt_error_ctx : error_ctx -> string
val pp_error : formatter -> error -> unit
(* TODO:
* print locations as lines and columns
module Bare : LocaleT = struct
let pp_loc_span (fmtp : formatter) (s : loc_span) =
Asai.Range.dump fmtp s;
pp_print_string fmtp "; "
let fmt_error_ctx = function
| XComment -> "comment"
| XExpression -> "expression"
| XLambda -> "[ty]lambda"
| XLet -> "let-expresssion"
| XLiteral -> "literal"
| XParens -> "parentheses"
| XSemiColon -> "semi-colon"
| XPattern -> "pattern"
| XRecord -> "record"
| XRefOf -> "ref-of"
| XSelect -> "selection"
| XString -> "string"
| XTagGroup -> "tag-group"
| XTagGroupItem -> "tag-group-item"
| XIdent -> "identifier"
let pp_error fmtp (k,s) =
pp_open_box fmtp 0;
pp_print_string fmtp "error; ";
pp_loc_span fmtp s;
(match k with
| EExpected x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "#expected; ctx=";
pp_print_string fmtp (fmt_error_ctx x)
| EUnexpectedEof x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "#unexpected_eof; ctx=";
pp_print_string fmtp (fmt_error_ctx x)
| EUnexpectedToken (x, t) ->
pp_print_string fmtp "#unexpected_eof; ctx=";
pp_print_string fmtp (fmt_error_ctx x);
pp_print_string fmtp "; token=";
pp_print_string fmtp (token_to_string t)
| EUnhandled x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "#unhandled; ";
pp_print_string fmtp (String.escaped x)
| ERecordDupIdent x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "#record_dup_ident; ident=";
pp_print_string fmtp x
| EPatternDupIdent x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "#pattern_dup_ident; ident=";
pp_print_string fmtp x
| EUnknownIdent x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "#unknown_ident; ident=";
pp_print_string fmtp x
pp_close_box fmtp ()
module En : LocaleT = struct
let pp_loc_span (fmtp : formatter) (s : loc_span) =
let source_name (src : Asai.Range.source) = match src with
| `File s -> s
| `String s -> Option.value s.title ~default:"<none>"
in let tr_pos (p : Asai.Range.position) = (p.line_num - 1, p.offset - p.start_of_line)
in match Asai.Range.view s with
| `Range (startp, endp) ->
let (startl, startc) = tr_pos startp in
let (endl, endc) = tr_pos endp in
Format.fprintf fmtp "File: @,%s %@@ (line %d col %d@ - line %d col %d)"
(source_name startp.source) startl startc endl endc
| `End_of_file p ->
let (pl, pc) = tr_pos p in
Format.fprintf fmtp "File: @,%s, EOF %@@ (line %d col %d)"
(source_name p.source) pl pc
let fmt_error_ctx = function
| XComment -> "comment"
| XExpression -> "expression"
| XLambda -> "(ty)lambda"
| XLet -> "let expresssion"
| XLiteral -> "literal"
| XParens -> "parentheses"
| XSemiColon -> "semi-colon"
| XPattern -> "pattern"
| XRecord -> "record"
| XRefOf -> "ref-of"
| XSelect -> "selection"
| XString -> "string"
| XTagGroup -> "tag group"
| XTagGroupItem -> "tag group item"
| XIdent -> "identifier"
let pp_error fmtp (k,s) =
pp_open_box fmtp 0;
pp_print_string fmtp "Error: ";
pp_loc_span fmtp s;
(match k with
| EExpected x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "expected ";
pp_print_string fmtp (fmt_error_ctx x)
| EUnexpectedEof x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "end of file encountered inside ";
pp_print_string fmtp (fmt_error_ctx x)
| EUnexpectedToken (x, t) ->
pp_print_string fmtp "unexpected token inside ";
pp_print_string fmtp (fmt_error_ctx x);
pp_print_string fmtp ": ";
pp_print_string fmtp (token_to_string t)
| EUnhandled x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "unhandled charachter: ";
pp_print_string fmtp (String.escaped x)
| ERecordDupIdent x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "duplicated record field identifier: ";
pp_print_string fmtp x
| EPatternDupIdent x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "duplicated pattern field identifier: ";
pp_print_string fmtp x
| EUnknownIdent x ->
pp_print_string fmtp "unknown identifier: ";
pp_print_string fmtp x
pp_close_box fmtp ()
let get = function
| "en" -> (module En: LocaleT)
| _ -> (module Bare: LocaleT)