
165 lines
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(* unevaluated expressions with no runtime variables *)
open Tys
type stack_ref = int [@@deriving show]
type sel_ident = loc_span * stack_ref [@@deriving show]
type max_stack_ref = int [@@deriving show]
type 'a record = 'a Record.t [@@deriving show]
type lambda =
{ pat : Pattern.t
; pty : (loc_span * expr) option
; body_span : loc_span
; body : expr
} [@@deriving show]
and expr =
| Infer
| ELiteral of Literal.lit
| Use of sel_ident
| RefOf of sel_ident
| Lambda of max_stack_ref * lambda
| TyLambda of max_stack_ref * expr * lambda (* note that the first element is the layout of the binders *)
| Apply of expr * loc_span * expr
| RefTy of stack_ref * expr
| Record of expr record
| TyRecord of expr record
[@@deriving show]
(* parser *)
module FieldsReg = Set.Make(String)
module FieldsReg2 = Map.Make(String)
let rec msr_of_expr = function
| Infer -> 0
| ELiteral _ -> 0
| Use (_, x) -> x + 1
| RefOf (_, x) -> x + 1
| Lambda (x, _) -> x
| TyLambda (x, _, _) -> x
| Apply (x, _, y) -> Int.max (msr_of_expr x) (msr_of_expr y)
| RefTy (x, y) -> Int.max (x + 1) (msr_of_expr y)
| Record x -> msr_of_record x 0
| TyRecord x -> msr_of_record x 0
and msr_of_record rcd acc = match rcd with
| [] -> acc
| (_, _, x)::xs -> (Int.max acc (msr_of_expr x)) |> msr_of_record xs
let msr_of_lambda lam =
let msr_body = msr_of_expr lam.body in
let msr_pty = Option.fold ~none:0 ~some:(fun (_, x) -> (msr_of_expr x) + 1) lam.pty in
Int.max msr_body msr_pty
(* a minimal expression are all parts which are "self contained" enough (e.g. not an apply) *)
let rec parse_minexpr ps =
let (k, s, ps) = next_in_noeof ps XExpression in
match k with
| Ident i -> (Use (s, env_lookup i s ps), ps)
| RefOf -> (
let (k, s, ps) = next_in_noeof ps XRefOf in
match k with
| Ident i -> (RefOf (s, env_lookup i s ps), ps)
| _ -> Yanais_syntax_err (EUnexpectedToken (XRefOf, TkIdent), s) |> raise
| LLiteral l -> (ELiteral l, ps)
| Paren Open -> (
let (inner, ps) = parse_expr ps in
let (_, ps) = require_token XParens (Paren Close) ps in
(inner, ps)
| _ -> Yanais_syntax_err (EExpected XExpression, s) |> raise
and parse_ty_annot ps = when_got DubColon (fun (_, ps) ->
let span_start = ps.offset in
let (ptyx, ps) = parse_expr ps in
let span = loc_span_of_start_end span_start ps.offset in
(span, ptyx, ps)
) ps
and parse_letbinds ps acc = match ps.lt () with
| Seq.Cons ((Let, s), lt) ->
let (pat, ps) = Pattern.parse { ps with lt; offset = loc_span_end s; } in
let (pty, ps) = match parse_ty_annot ps with
| Some (x, y, ps) -> (Some (x, y), ps)
| None -> (None, ps)
let (_, ps) = require_token XLet Assign ps in
let value_start = ps.offset in
let (value, ps) = parse_expr ps in
let value_span = loc_span_of_start_end value_start ps.offset in
let ps = { ps with names = Pattern.exports ps.names pat } in
let (_, ps) = require_token XLet SemiColon ps in
parse_letbinds ps ((pat, pty, (value_span, value)) :: acc)
| _ -> (acc, ps)
and parse_expr ps = match ps.lt () with
| Seq.Cons ((Lambda, s), lt) -> (
let ps = { ps with lt; offset = loc_span_end s; } in
let (pat, ps) = Pattern.parse ps in
let (pty, ps) = match parse_ty_annot ps with
| None -> (None, ps)
| Some (s, ptyx, ps) -> (Some (s, ptyx), ps)
let (_, ps) = require_token XLambda RArr ps in
let body_span_start = ps.offset in
let old_names = ps.names in
let new_names = Pattern.exports ps.names pat in
let ps = { ps with names = Pattern.exports ps.names pat; } in
let (body, ps) = parse_expr ps in
if ps.names <> new_names then failwith "invalid name book-keeping detected";
let ps = { ps with names = old_names; } in
let lam = { pat; pty; body_span = Asai.Range.make (body_span_start, ps.offset); body; } in
(Lambda (msr_of_lambda lam, lam), ps)
| Seq.Cons ((TyLambda, s), lt) -> (
let ps = { ps with lt; offset = loc_span_end s; } in
let (_, ps) = require_token XLambda (Paren Open) ps in
let (bind_layout, ps) = parse_expr ps in
let (_, ps) = require_token XLambda (Paren Close) ps in
let (pat, ps) = Pattern.parse ps in
let (pty, ps) = match parse_ty_annot ps with
| None -> (None, ps)
| Some (s, ptyx, ps) -> (Some (s, ptyx), ps)
let (_, ps) = require_token XLambda RArr ps in
let body_span_start = ps.offset in
let old_names = ps.names in
let new_names = Pattern.exports ps.names pat in
let ps = { ps with names = Pattern.exports ps.names pat; } in
let (body, ps) = parse_expr ps in
if ps.names <> new_names then failwith "invalid name book-keeping detected";
let ps = { ps with names = old_names; } in
let lam = { pat; pty; body_span = Asai.Range.make (body_span_start, ps.offset); body; } in
(TyLambda (Int.max (msr_of_lambda lam) (msr_of_expr bind_layout), bind_layout, lam), ps)
| Seq.Cons ((Include, s1), lt) -> (
let ps = { ps with lt; offset = loc_span_end s1; } in
let (_, ps) = require_token XLambda (Paren Open) ps in
let (fname, fnsp, ps) = match ps.lt () with
| Seq.Cons ((TString fname, s), lt) -> (fname, s, { ps with lt; offset = loc_span_end s; })
| Seq.Cons ((_, s), _) -> Yanais_syntax_err (EExpected XString, s) |> raise
| Seq.Nil -> Yanais_syntax_err (EUnexpectedEof XString, s1) |> raise
let (s2, ps) = require_token XLambda (Paren Close) ps in
let span_end = loc_span_end s2 in
let fname = match Asai.Range.source s1 with
| `File forig -> (Filename.dirname forig) ^ "/" ^ fname
| `String _ -> fname
let subsource = `File fname in
let subrunner sublt =
let subparser = parser_init subsource sublt in
let (xp, subparser) = parse_expr subparser in
let ps = { ps with lt; offset = span_end; } in
match subparser.lt () with
| Seq.Nil -> (xp, ps)
| Seq.Cons ((_, posc), _) -> Yanais_syntax_err (EExpected XEof, posc) |> raise
in try Lex.run subsource subrunner with
Sys_error e -> Yanais_syntax_err (ESys e, fnsp) |> raise
| _ -> parse_minexpr ps