# Lambeat Lambeat is a new way to make music using functional programming. It's heavily influenced by [Bytebeat](https://dollchan.net/bytebeat) and initially started out as an reimplementation of Bytebeat in Scheme. Since then, it's grown to be a delightful new way to make music with code. ## Get started First, install [Sox](https://sox.sourceforge.net/) and clone this repo. Write some music in `music.scm`. Enjoy your music with `guile --fresh-auto-compile lambeat.scm | play -r 8000 -t s16 -`! For the Python version, use `pypy3 music.py | play -r 44100 -t s32 -` to listen and `pypy3 music.py | sox -r 44100 -t s32 - example.ogg` to save to a file. For the nim version ``` nim c --mm:orc -d:release music.nim ./music > music.s32 play -r 44100 -t s32 music.s32 ```