Fork 0
forked from a/yue

331 lines
5.1 KiB

import bisect
import math
import struct
import sys
# Number of times to sample each second
bitrate = 44100
intro = [
melody = [
bass = [
melody2 = [
melody3 = [
outro = [
def process(notes, start, speed=1, gain=1):
Adds a list of notes to the music list
t = start
for note in notes:
vol = 1
if len(note) == 4:
vol = note[3]
start = min(t, t + note[0] / speed)
end = max(t, t + note[0] / speed)
music.append((start, end, note[1], note[2], vol * gain))
t = end
# Process all lists of notes
music = []
process(intro, 0, 4)
process(melody, 8, 4)
process(melody, 24, 4)
process(bass, 24, gain=1.5)
process(bass, 32, gain=1.5)
process(melody, 40, 4)
process(melody2, 40, 4)
process(bass, 40, gain=1.5)
process(bass, 48, gain=1.5)
process(melody, 56, 4)
process(melody3, 56, 4)
process(bass, 56, gain=1.5)
process(bass, 64, gain=1.5)
process(outro, 72, 4)
def freq(octave, step):
Returns the frequency of a note
return 55 * 2 ** (octave + step / 12 - 1)
def tone(f, t):
Returns the intensity of a tone of frequency f sampled at time t
# https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/46598/mathematical-equation-for-the-sound-wave-that-a-piano-makes
# https://youtu.be/ogFAHvYatWs?t=254
# return int(2**13*(1+square(t, 440*2**(math.floor(5*t)/12))))
# Y = sum([math.sin(2 * i * math.pi * t * f) * math.exp(-0.0004 * 2 * math.pi * t * f) / 2**i for i in range(1, 4)])
# Y += Y * Y * Y
# Y *= 1 + 16 * t * math.exp(-6 * t)
w = 2 * math.pi * f
Y = 0.6 * math.sin(w * t) * math.exp(-0.001 * w * t)
Y += 0.2 * math.sin(2 * w * t) * math.exp(-0.001 * w * t)
Y += 0.05 * math.sin(3 * w * t) * math.exp(-0.001 * w * t)
Y += Y * Y * Y
Y *= 1 + 16 * t * math.exp(-6 * t)
return Y
def at(t):
Returns the total intensity of music sampled at time t
i = bisect.bisect(music, (t, 2**31))
# This is actually pretty efficient ngl
# Because people usually don't have that many overlapping notes
ret = 0
for j in range(max(i - 32, 0), i):
m = music[j]
# if m[0] + m[1] > t:
ret += m[4] * tone(freq(m[2], m[3]), t - m[0])
return int(2**28 * ret)
# Print out music encoded in s16 to standard output
for i in range(0 * bitrate, 84 * bitrate):
sys.stdout.buffer.write(struct.pack("i", at(i / bitrate)))