# go-webring [![REUSE status][reuse-shield]][reuse] [![Donate with fosspay][fosspay-shield]][fosspay] ![Time spent on project][wakapi-shield] Simple webring implementation created for the [Fediring](https://fediring.net/) ``` shell git clone https://git.sr.ht/~amolith/go-webring cd go-webring pandoc -s index.md -o index.html go build ./go-webring xdg-open ``` ## Usage ``` text $ ./go-webring -h Usage of ./go-webring -i, --index string Path to home page template (default "index.html") -l, --listen string Host and port go-webring will listen on (default "") -m, --members string Path to list of webring members (default "list.txt") ``` This webring implementation handles four paths: - **Root:** returns the home page template replacing the string "`{{ . }}`" with an HTML table of ring members - **Next:** returns a 302 redirect pointing to the next site in the list - **Previous:** returns a 302 redirect pointing to the previous site in the list - **Random:** returns a 302 redirect pointing to a random site in the list The **next** and **previous** paths require a `?host=` parameter containing a URL-encoded URI of the site being visited. For example, if Sam is a member of a webring on `example.com` and her site is `sometilde.com/~sam`, she will need the following links on her page for directing visitors to the next/previous ring members. - `https://example.com/next?host=sometilde.com%2F~sam` - `https://example.com/previous?host=sometilde.com%2F~sam` ### With provided examples See the included `list.txt` and `index.md` for examples of a webring setup. To run `go-webring` with those examples, first install [pandoc](https://pandoc.org) then generate `index.html` from `index.md` like so: ``` shell $ pandoc -s index.md -o index.html ``` Next, you'll need to [install Go](https://go.dev/dl) and build the project. ``` shell $ go build ``` After that, simply execute the binary then open [localhost:2857](http://localhost:2857) in your browser. ``` shell $ ./go-webring ``` ### With custom files To run your own webring, you'll first need a template homepage. This should be any HTML file with the string "`{{ . }}`" placed wherever you want the table of members inserted. This table is plain HTML so you can style it with CSS in the template's `` or in a separate `.css` file. Pandoc produces very pleasing (in my opinion) standalone HTML pages; if you just want something simple, I would recommend modifying the included `index.md` and generating your homepage as in section above. Next, you'll need a text file containing a list of members. On each line should be the member's unique identifer (such as their username) followed by a single space followed by their site's URI omitting the scheme. For example, if a user is `bob` and his site is `https://bobssite.com`, his line would look like the following. ``` text bob bobssite.com ``` If the user was `sam` and her site was `https://sometilde/~sam`, her line would look like this: ``` text sam sometilde/~sam ``` With those two members in the text file, the HTML inserted into the home page will be the following. ``` html bob bobssite.com sam sometilde.com/~sam ``` Assuming this webring is on `example.com`, Bob will need to have the following links on his page. - `https://example.com/next?host=bobssite.com` - `https://example.com/previous?host=bobssite.com` Because Sam has a forward slash in her URI, she'll need to percent-encode it so browsers interpret the parameter correctly. - `https://example.com/next?host=sometilde.com%2F~sam` - `https://example.com/previous?host=sometilde.com%2F~sam` ## Questions & Contributions Questions, comments, and patches can always be sent to my public inbox, but I'm also in my IRC channel/XMPP room pretty much 24/7. However, I might not see messages right away because I'm working on something else (or sleeping) so please stick around! If you're wanting to introduce a new feature and I don't feel like it fits with this project's goal, I encourage you to fork the repo and make whatever changes you like! - Email: [~amolith/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht][email] - IRC: [irc.nixnet.services/#secluded][irc] - XMPP: [secluded@muc.secluded.site][xmpp] *If you haven't used mailing lists before, please take a look at [SourceHut's documentation](https://man.sr.ht/lists.sr.ht/), especially the etiquette section.* [reuse]: https://api.reuse.software/info/git.sr.ht/~amolith/go-webring [reuse-shield]: https://shields.io/reuse/compliance/git.sr.ht/~amolith/go-webring [fosspay]: https://secluded.site/donate/ [fosspay-shield]: https://shields.io/badge/donate-fosspay-yellow [wakapi-shield]: https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://waka.secluded.site/api/compat/shields/v1/amolith/interval:any/project:go-webring&color=blue&label=time%20spent [email]: mailto:~amolith/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht [irc]: irc://irc.nixnet.services/#secluded [xmpp]: xmpp:secluded@muc.secluded.site?join