4-bit color for encoder, fix a ton of bugs

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Wang 2024-04-23 01:42:51 -04:00
parent dee89fcb30
commit 3d940c0a1c
Signed by: a
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:B5ADfMCqd2M7d/jtXDoihAV/yfXOAbWWri9+GdCN4hQ
3 changed files with 44 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -3,8 +3,5 @@
Formatting: `black -l 120 *.py`
- Only search corner for corner
- Fast BFS using numpy (OpenCV floodfill?)
- Limit BFS time
- Spread out RS bytes (still need to impl in decoder)
- 4bit color (still need to impl in decoder)
- Write better ECC

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import argparse
import collections
import sys
import traceback
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
@ -19,8 +20,8 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
cheight = cwidth = max(args.height // 10, args.width // 10)
frame_size = args.height * args.width - 4 * cheight * cwidth
frame_xor = np.arange(frame_size, dtype=np.uint8)
rs_size = frame_size - int((frame_size + 254) / 255) * int(args.level * 255) - 4
frame_xor = np.arange(frame_size // 2, dtype=np.uint8)
rs_size = frame_size // 2 - (frame_size // 2 + 254) // 255 * int(args.level * 255) - 4
rsc = RSCodec(int(args.level * 255))
decoder = Decoder.with_defaults(args.size, rs_size)
@ -35,65 +36,32 @@ while data is None:
if not ret:
print("End of stream")
raw_frame = cv2.cvtColor(raw_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.float64)
cv2.imshow("", raw_frame)
# raw_frame is a uint8 BE CAREFUL
raw_frame = cv2.cvtColor(raw_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
X, Y = raw_frame.shape[:2]
scale = min(X // 20, Y // 20)
# Resize so smaller dim is 20
# Use fast default interpolation for factor of 4
# Then switch to good slow interpolation
dframe = cv2.resize(
cv2.resize(raw_frame, (Y // 4, X // 4)),
(Y // scale, X // scale), # OpenCV swaps them
# plt.imshow(dframe.astype(np.uint8))
# plt.show()
cx, cy = X // 4, Y // 4
scale = min(cx // 5, cy // 5)
# Resize so smaller dim is 5
def max_in_orig(x):
return tuple(np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(x), x.shape)) * scale + scale // 2)
def find_corner(A, f):
B = cv2.resize(A, (cy // scale, cx // scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
guess = np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(f(B)), B.shape[:2])) * scale + scale // 2
mask = cv2.floodFill(A, np.empty(0), tuple(reversed(guess)), 1, 10, 10, cv2.FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY)[2][
1:-1, 1:-1
return np.average(np.where(mask), axis=1), np.average(A[mask], axis=0).astype(np.float64)
sumframe = np.sum(dframe, axis=2)
# TODO: Only search in corner area
widx = max_in_orig((np.std(dframe, axis=2) < 35) * sumframe)
ridx = max_in_orig(2 * dframe[:, :, 0] - sumframe)
gidx = max_in_orig(2 * dframe[:, :, 1] - sumframe)
bidx = max_in_orig(2 * dframe[:, :, 2] - sumframe)
# Flood fill corners
def flood_fill(s):
# TODO: make this faster
vis = np.full((X, Y), False)
vis[s] = True
queue = collections.deque([s])
pos = np.array(s)
col = np.copy(raw_frame[s])
n = 1
while len(queue) > 0:
u = queue.popleft()
for d in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]:
v = (u[0] + d[0], u[1] + d[1])
if (
0 <= v[0] < X
and 0 <= v[1] < Y
and not vis[v]
and np.linalg.norm(raw_frame[v] - raw_frame[s]) < 125
vis[v] = True
pos += np.array(v)
col += raw_frame[v]
n += 1
# plt.imshow(raw_frame.astype(np.uint8))
# plt.scatter(*reversed(np.where(vis)))
# plt.scatter(pos[1] / n, pos[0] / n)
# plt.show()
return pos / n, col / n
widx, wcol = flood_fill(widx)
ridx, rcol = flood_fill(ridx)
gidx, gcol = flood_fill(gidx)
bidx, bcol = flood_fill(bidx)
widx, wcol = find_corner(raw_frame[:cx, :cy], lambda B: (np.std(B, axis=2) < 35) * np.sum(B, axis=2))
ridx, rcol = find_corner(raw_frame[:cx, Y - cy :], lambda B: B[:, :, 0] - B[:, :, 1] - B[:, :, 2])
ridx[1] += Y - cy
gidx, gcol = find_corner(raw_frame[X - cx :, :cy], lambda B: B[:, :, 1] - B[:, :, 2] - B[:, :, 0])
gidx[0] += X - cx
bidx, bcol = find_corner(raw_frame[X - cx :, Y - cy :], lambda B: B[:, :, 2] - B[:, :, 0] - B[:, :, 1])
bidx[0] += X - cx
bidx[1] += Y - cy
# Find basis of color space
origin = (rcol + gcol + bcol - wcol) / 2
@ -134,23 +102,28 @@ while data is None:
# plt.imshow(raw_frame.astype(np.uint8))
# plt.show()
raw_color_frame = raw_frame[np.round(xp).astype(np.int64), np.round(yp).astype(np.int64), :]
# color_frame = raw_color_frame.astype(np.uint8)
color_frame = np.clip(np.squeeze(F @ (raw_color_frame - origin)[..., np.newaxis]), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
frame = (
(color_frame[:, :, 0] >> 5) + (color_frame[:, :, 1] >> 2 & 0b00111000) + (color_frame[:, :, 2] & 0b11000000)
frame_data = np.concatenate(
frame = raw_frame[
np.clip(np.round(xp).astype(np.int64), 0, X - 1), np.clip(np.round(yp).astype(np.int64), 0, Y - 1), :
frame = np.clip(np.squeeze(F @ (frame - origin)[..., np.newaxis]), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
frame = (frame[:, :, 0] >> 7) + (frame[:, :, 1] >> 5 & 0b0110) + (frame[:, :, 2] >> 4 & 0b1000)
frame = np.concatenate(
frame[:cheight, cwidth : args.width - cwidth].flatten(),
frame[cheight : args.height - cheight].flatten(),
frame[args.height - cheight :, cwidth : args.width - cwidth].flatten(),
data = decoder.decode(bytes(rsc.decode(frame_data ^ frame_xor)[0]))
frame = ((frame[::2] << 4) + frame[1::2]) ^ frame_xor
frame = np.pad(frame, (0, (len(frame) + 254) // 255 * 255 - len(frame)))
frame = np.ravel(frame.reshape(255, len(frame) // 255), "F")[: frame_size // 2]
data = decoder.decode(bytes(rsc.decode(frame)[0]))
print("Decoded frame")
except Exception as e:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
with open(args.output, "wb") as f:

View file

@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
cheight = cwidth = max(args.height // 10, args.width // 10)
midwidth = args.width - 2 * cwidth
frame_size = args.height * args.width - 4 * cheight * cwidth
# Divide by 2 for 4-bit color
frame_xor = np.arange(frame_size // 2, dtype=np.uint8)
# reedsolo breaks message into 255-byte chunks
# raptorq can add up to 4 extra bytes
# Divide by 2 for 4-bit color
rs_size = frame_size - (frame_size // 2 + 254) // 255 * int(args.level * 255) - 4
rs_size = frame_size // 2 - (frame_size // 2 + 254) // 255 * int(args.level * 255) - 4
with open(args.input, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def get_frame():
# Add 4 bytes, pad frame to be multiple of 255
frame = np.pad(frame, (0, (len(frame) + 258) // 255 * 255 - len(frame)))
# Space out elements in each size 255 chunk
frame = np.ravel(np.reshape(frame, (len(frame) // 255, 255)), "F")[: frame_size // 2] ^ frame_xor
frame = np.ravel(frame.reshape(len(frame) // 255, 255), "F")[: frame_size // 2] ^ frame_xor
frame = np.ravel(np.column_stack((frame >> 4, frame & 0b1111)))
frame = np.concatenate(