//go:build windows // +build windows // Modified from: https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-go/tree/tun/tun_windows.go and https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-windows/tree/tunnel/addressconfig.go // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package dev import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "net" "os" "sort" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" _ "unsafe" "github.com/Dreamacro/clash/listener/tun/dev/winipcfg" "github.com/Dreamacro/clash/listener/tun/dev/wintun" "github.com/Dreamacro/clash/log" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) const ( rateMeasurementGranularity = uint64((time.Second / 2) / time.Nanosecond) spinloopRateThreshold = 800000000 / 8 // 800mbps spinloopDuration = uint64(time.Millisecond / 80 / time.Nanosecond) // ~1gbit/s messageTransportHeaderSize = 0 // size of data preceding content in transport message ) type rateJuggler struct { current uint64 nextByteCount uint64 nextStartTime int64 changing int32 } type tunWindows struct { wt *wintun.Adapter handle windows.Handle close int32 running sync.WaitGroup forcedMTU int rate rateJuggler session wintun.Session readWait windows.Handle stopOnce sync.Once url string name string tunAddress string autoRoute bool } var WintunPool, _ = wintun.MakePool("Clash") var WintunStaticRequestedGUID *windows.GUID //go:linkname procyield runtime.procyield func procyield(cycles uint32) //go:linkname nanotime runtime.nanotime func nanotime() int64 // OpenTunDevice return a TunDevice according a URL func OpenTunDevice(tunAddress string, autoRoute bool) (TunDevice, error) { requestedGUID, err := windows.GUIDFromString("{330EAEF8-7578-5DF2-D97B-8DADC0EA85CB}") if err == nil { WintunStaticRequestedGUID = &requestedGUID log.Debugln("Generate GUID: %s", WintunStaticRequestedGUID.String()) } else { log.Warnln("Error parese GUID from string: %v", err) } interfaceName := "Clash" mtu := 9000 tun, err := CreateTUN(interfaceName, mtu, tunAddress, autoRoute) if err != nil { return nil, err } return tun, nil } // // CreateTUN creates a Wintun interface with the given name. Should a Wintun // interface with the same name exist, it is reused. // func CreateTUN(ifname string, mtu int, tunAddress string, autoRoute bool) (TunDevice, error) { return CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID(ifname, WintunStaticRequestedGUID, mtu, tunAddress, autoRoute) } // // CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID creates a Wintun interface with the given name and // a requested GUID. Should a Wintun interface with the same name exist, it is reused. // func CreateTUNWithRequestedGUID(ifname string, requestedGUID *windows.GUID, mtu int, tunAddress string, autoRoute bool) (TunDevice, error) { var err error var wt *wintun.Adapter // Does an interface with this name already exist? wt, err = WintunPool.OpenAdapter(ifname) if err == nil { // If so, we delete it, in case it has weird residual configuration. _, err = wt.Delete(false) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error deleting already existing interface: %w", err) } } wt, rebootRequired, err := WintunPool.CreateAdapter(ifname, requestedGUID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error creating interface: %w", err) } if rebootRequired { log.Infoln("Windows indicated a reboot is required.") } forcedMTU := 1420 if mtu > 0 { forcedMTU = mtu } tun := &tunWindows{ wt: wt, handle: windows.InvalidHandle, forcedMTU: forcedMTU, tunAddress: tunAddress, autoRoute: autoRoute, } // config tun ip err = tun.configureInterface() if err != nil { tun.wt.Delete(false) return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error configure interface: %w", err) } realInterfaceName, err2 := wt.Name() if err2 == nil { ifname = realInterfaceName tun.name = realInterfaceName } tun.session, err = wt.StartSession(0x800000) // Ring capacity, 8 MiB if err != nil { tun.wt.Delete(false) return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error starting session: %w", err) } tun.readWait = tun.session.ReadWaitEvent() return tun, nil } func (tun *tunWindows) getName() (string, error) { tun.running.Add(1) defer tun.running.Done() if atomic.LoadInt32(&tun.close) == 1 { return "", os.ErrClosed } return tun.wt.Name() } func (tun *tunWindows) IsClose() bool { return atomic.LoadInt32(&tun.close) == 1 } func (tun *tunWindows) Close() error { tun.stopOnce.Do(func() { atomic.StoreInt32(&tun.close, 1) //tun.running.Wait() tun.session.End() if tun.wt != nil { forceCloseSessions := false rebootRequired, err := tun.wt.Delete(forceCloseSessions) if rebootRequired { log.Infoln("Remove Wintun failure, Windows indicated a reboot is required.") } else { log.Infoln("Remove Wintun adapter success.") } if err != nil { log.Errorln("Close Wintun Sessions failure: %v", err) } } }) return nil } func (tun *tunWindows) MTU() (int, error) { return tun.forcedMTU, nil } // TODO: This is a temporary hack. We really need to be monitoring the interface in real time and adapting to MTU changes. func (tun *tunWindows) ForceMTU(mtu int) { tun.forcedMTU = mtu } func (tun *tunWindows) Read(buff []byte) (int, error) { return tun.ReadO(buff, messageTransportHeaderSize) } // Note: Read() and Write() assume the caller comes only from a single thread; there's no locking. func (tun *tunWindows) ReadO(buff []byte, offset int) (int, error) { tun.running.Add(1) defer tun.running.Done() retry: if atomic.LoadInt32(&tun.close) == 1 { return 0, os.ErrClosed } start := nanotime() shouldSpin := atomic.LoadUint64(&tun.rate.current) >= spinloopRateThreshold && uint64(start-atomic.LoadInt64(&tun.rate.nextStartTime)) <= rateMeasurementGranularity*2 for { if atomic.LoadInt32(&tun.close) == 1 { return 0, os.ErrClosed } packet, err := tun.session.ReceivePacket() switch err { case nil: packetSize := len(packet) copy(buff[offset:], packet) tun.session.ReleaseReceivePacket(packet) tun.rate.update(uint64(packetSize)) return packetSize, nil case windows.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: if !shouldSpin || uint64(nanotime()-start) >= spinloopDuration { windows.WaitForSingleObject(tun.readWait, windows.INFINITE) goto retry } procyield(1) continue case windows.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF: return 0, os.ErrClosed case windows.ERROR_INVALID_DATA: return 0, errors.New("Send ring corrupt") } return 0, fmt.Errorf("Read failed: %w", err) } } func (tun *tunWindows) Flush() error { return nil } func (tun *tunWindows) Write(buff []byte) (int, error) { return tun.WriteO(buff, messageTransportHeaderSize) } func (tun *tunWindows) WriteO(buff []byte, offset int) (int, error) { tun.running.Add(1) defer tun.running.Done() if atomic.LoadInt32(&tun.close) == 1 { return 0, os.ErrClosed } if len(buff) == 0 { return 0, nil } packetSize := len(buff) - offset tun.rate.update(uint64(packetSize)) packet, err := tun.session.AllocateSendPacket(packetSize) if err == nil { copy(packet, buff[offset:]) tun.session.SendPacket(packet) return packetSize, nil } switch err { case windows.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF: return 0, os.ErrClosed case windows.ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: return 0, nil // Dropping when ring is full. } return 0, fmt.Errorf("Write failed: %w", err) } // LUID returns Windows interface instance ID. func (tun *tunWindows) LUID() uint64 { tun.running.Add(1) defer tun.running.Done() if atomic.LoadInt32(&tun.close) == 1 { return 0 } return tun.wt.LUID() } // RunningVersion returns the running version of the Wintun driver. func (tun *tunWindows) RunningVersion() (version uint32, err error) { return wintun.RunningVersion() } func (rate *rateJuggler) update(packetLen uint64) { now := nanotime() total := atomic.AddUint64(&rate.nextByteCount, packetLen) period := uint64(now - atomic.LoadInt64(&rate.nextStartTime)) if period >= rateMeasurementGranularity { if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&rate.changing, 0, 1) { return } atomic.StoreInt64(&rate.nextStartTime, now) atomic.StoreUint64(&rate.current, total*uint64(time.Second/time.Nanosecond)/period) atomic.StoreUint64(&rate.nextByteCount, 0) atomic.StoreInt32(&rate.changing, 0) } } func (tun *tunWindows) Name() string { return tun.name } func (t *tunWindows) URL() string { return fmt.Sprintf("dev://%s", t.Name()) } func (tun *tunWindows) configureInterface() error { luid := winipcfg.LUID(tun.LUID()) log.Infoln("[wintun]: tun adapter LUID: %d", luid) mtu, err := tun.MTU() if err != nil { return errors.New("unable to get device mtu") } family := winipcfg.AddressFamily(windows.AF_INET) familyV6 := winipcfg.AddressFamily(windows.AF_INET6) tunAddress := winipcfg.ParseIPCidr("") addresses := []net.IPNet{tunAddress.IPNet()} err = luid.FlushIPAddresses(familyV6) if err != nil { return err } err = luid.FlushDNS(family) if err != nil { return err } err = luid.FlushDNS(familyV6) if err != nil { return err } err = luid.FlushRoutes(familyV6) //if err != nil { // return err //} err = luid.SetIPAddressesForFamily(family, addresses) if err == windows.ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS { cleanupAddressesOnDisconnectedInterfaces(family, addresses) err = luid.SetIPAddressesForFamily(family, addresses) } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to set ips %+v: %w", addresses, err) } foundDefault4 := false foundDefault6 := false if tun.autoRoute { allowedIPs := []*winipcfg.IPCidr{ //winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), //winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), //winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), //winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), winipcfg.ParseIPCidr(""), } estimatedRouteCount := len(allowedIPs) routes := make([]winipcfg.RouteData, 0, estimatedRouteCount) var haveV4Address, haveV6Address bool = true, false for _, allowedip := range allowedIPs { allowedip.MaskSelf() if (allowedip.Bits() == 32 && !haveV4Address) || (allowedip.Bits() == 128 && !haveV6Address) { continue } route := winipcfg.RouteData{ Destination: allowedip.IPNet(), Metric: 0, } if allowedip.Bits() == 32 { if allowedip.Cidr == 0 { foundDefault4 = true } route.NextHop = net.IPv4zero } else if allowedip.Bits() == 128 { if allowedip.Cidr == 0 { foundDefault6 = true } route.NextHop = net.IPv6zero } routes = append(routes, route) } deduplicatedRoutes := make([]*winipcfg.RouteData, 0, len(routes)) sort.Slice(routes, func(i, j int) bool { if routes[i].Metric != routes[j].Metric { return routes[i].Metric < routes[j].Metric } if c := bytes.Compare(routes[i].NextHop, routes[j].NextHop); c != 0 { return c < 0 } if c := bytes.Compare(routes[i].Destination.IP, routes[j].Destination.IP); c != 0 { return c < 0 } if c := bytes.Compare(routes[i].Destination.Mask, routes[j].Destination.Mask); c != 0 { return c < 0 } return false }) for i := 0; i < len(routes); i++ { if i > 0 && routes[i].Metric == routes[i-1].Metric && bytes.Equal(routes[i].NextHop, routes[i-1].NextHop) && bytes.Equal(routes[i].Destination.IP, routes[i-1].Destination.IP) && bytes.Equal(routes[i].Destination.Mask, routes[i-1].Destination.Mask) { continue } deduplicatedRoutes = append(deduplicatedRoutes, &routes[i]) } err = luid.SetRoutesForFamily(family, deduplicatedRoutes) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to set routes %+v: %w", deduplicatedRoutes, err) } } ipif, err := luid.IPInterface(family) if err != nil { return err } ipif.RouterDiscoveryBehavior = winipcfg.RouterDiscoveryDisabled ipif.DadTransmits = 0 ipif.ManagedAddressConfigurationSupported = false ipif.OtherStatefulConfigurationSupported = false ipif.NLMTU = uint32(mtu) if (family == windows.AF_INET && foundDefault4) || (family == windows.AF_INET6 && foundDefault6) { ipif.UseAutomaticMetric = false ipif.Metric = 0 } err = ipif.Set() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to set metric and MTU: %w", err) } ipif6, err := luid.IPInterface(familyV6) ipif6.RouterDiscoveryBehavior = winipcfg.RouterDiscoveryDisabled ipif6.DadTransmits = 0 ipif6.ManagedAddressConfigurationSupported = false ipif6.OtherStatefulConfigurationSupported = false if err != nil { return err } err = ipif6.Set() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to set v6 metric and MTU: %w", err) } err = luid.SetDNS(family, []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, nil) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to set DNS %s %s: %w", "", "nil", err) } return nil } func cleanupAddressesOnDisconnectedInterfaces(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, addresses []net.IPNet) { if len(addresses) == 0 { return } includedInAddresses := func(a net.IPNet) bool { // TODO: this makes the whole algorithm O(n^2). But we can't stick net.IPNet in a Go hashmap. Bummer! for _, addr := range addresses { ip := addr.IP if ip4 := ip.To4(); ip4 != nil { ip = ip4 } mA, _ := addr.Mask.Size() mB, _ := a.Mask.Size() if bytes.Equal(ip, a.IP) && mA == mB { return true } } return false } interfaces, err := winipcfg.GetAdaptersAddresses(family, winipcfg.GAAFlagDefault) if err != nil { return } for _, iface := range interfaces { if iface.OperStatus == winipcfg.IfOperStatusUp { continue } for address := iface.FirstUnicastAddress; address != nil; address = address.Next { ip := address.Address.IP() ipnet := net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: net.CIDRMask(int(address.OnLinkPrefixLength), 8*len(ip))} if includedInAddresses(ipnet) { log.Infoln("[Wintun] Cleaning up stale address %s from interface ā€˜%sā€™", ipnet.String(), iface.FriendlyName()) iface.LUID.DeleteIPAddress(ipnet) } } } } // GetAutoDetectInterface get ethernet interface func GetAutoDetectInterface() (string, error) { ifname, err := getAutoDetectInterfaceByFamily(winipcfg.AddressFamily(windows.AF_INET)) if err == nil { return ifname, err } return getAutoDetectInterfaceByFamily(winipcfg.AddressFamily(windows.AF_INET6)) } func getAutoDetectInterfaceByFamily(family winipcfg.AddressFamily) (string, error) { interfaces, err := winipcfg.GetAdaptersAddresses(family, winipcfg.GAAFlagIncludeGateways) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("find ethernet interface failure. %w", err) } for _, iface := range interfaces { if iface.OperStatus != winipcfg.IfOperStatusUp { continue } ifname := iface.FriendlyName() if ifname == "Clash" { continue } for gatewayAddress := iface.FirstGatewayAddress; gatewayAddress != nil; gatewayAddress = gatewayAddress.Next { nextHop := gatewayAddress.Address.IP() var ipnet net.IPNet if family == windows.AF_INET { ipnet = net.IPNet{IP: net.IPv4zero, Mask: net.CIDRMask(0, 32)} } else { ipnet = net.IPNet{IP: net.IPv6zero, Mask: net.CIDRMask(0, 128)} } if _, err = iface.LUID.Route(ipnet, nextHop); err == nil { return ifname, nil } } } return "", errors.New("ethernet interface not found") }