Meta Kennel
Meta Kernel

Another Clash Kernel.

## Features - Local HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS server with authentication support - VMess, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Snell protocol support for remote connections - Built-in DNS server that aims to minimize DNS pollution attack impact, supports DoH/DoT upstream and fake IP. - Rules based off domains, GEOIP, IPCIDR or Process to forward packets to different nodes - Remote groups allow users to implement powerful rules. Supports automatic fallback, load balancing or auto select node based off latency - Remote providers, allowing users to get node lists remotely instead of hardcoding in config - Netfilter TCP redirecting. Deploy Clash on your Internet gateway with `iptables`. - Comprehensive HTTP RESTful API controller ## Wiki Documentation is available on [Clash.Meta Wiki]( ## Advanced usage for this branch ## Build You should install [golang]( first. Then get the source code of Clash.Meta: ```shell git clone cd Clash.Meta && go mod download ``` If you can't visit github,you should set proxy first: ```shell go env -w GOPROXY=,direct ``` Now you can build it: ```shell go build ``` If you need gvisor for tun stack, build with: ```shell go build -tags with_gvisor ``` ### DNS configuration Support `geosite` with `fallback-filter`. Restore `Redir remote resolution`. Support resolve ip with a `Proxy Tunnel`. ```yaml proxy-groups: - name: DNS type: url-test use: - HK url: interval: 180 lazy: true ``` ```yaml dns: enable: true use-hosts: true ipv6: false enhanced-mode: redir-host fake-ip-range: listen: default-nameserver: - - nameserver: - - tls:// fallback: - '' # append the proxy adapter name or group name to the end of DNS URL with '#' prefix. - 'tls://' fallback-filter: geoip: false geosite: - gfw # `geosite` filter only use fallback server to resolve ip, prevent DNS leaks to unsafe DNS providers. domain: - ipcidr: - ``` ### TUN configuration Supports macOS, Linux and Windows. Built-in [Wintun]( driver. ```yaml # Enable the TUN listener tun: enable: true stack: system # system/gvisor dns-hijack: - # additional dns server listen on TUN auto-route: true # auto set global route ``` ### Rules configuration - Support rule `GEOSITE`. - Support rule-providers `RULE-SET`. - Support `multiport` condition for rule `SRC-PORT` and `DST-PORT`. - Support `network` condition for all rules. - Support source IPCIDR condition for all rules, just append to the end. - The `GEOSITE` databases via ```yaml rules: # network(tcp/udp) condition for all rules - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,DIRECT,tcp - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,,REJECT,udp # multiport condition for rules SRC-PORT and DST-PORT - DST-PORT,123/136/137-139,DIRECT,udp # rule GEOSITE - GEOSITE,category-ads-all,REJECT - GEOSITE,icloud@cn,DIRECT - GEOSITE,apple@cn,DIRECT - GEOSITE,apple-cn,DIRECT - GEOSITE,microsoft@cn,DIRECT - GEOSITE,facebook,PROXY - GEOSITE,youtube,PROXY - GEOSITE,geolocation-cn,DIRECT - GEOSITE,geolocation-!cn,PROXY # source IPCIDR condition for all rules in gateway proxy #- GEOSITE,geolocation-!cn,REJECT,, - GEOIP,telegram,PROXY,no-resolve - GEOIP,private,DIRECT,no-resolve - GEOIP,cn,DIRECT - MATCH,PROXY ``` ### Proxies configuration Active health detection `urltest / fallback` (based on tcp handshake, multiple failures within a limited time will actively trigger health detection to use the node) Support `Policy Group Filter` ```yaml proxy-groups: - name: 🚀 HK Group type: select use: - ALL filter: 'HK' - name: 🚀 US Group type: select use: - ALL filter: 'US' proxy-providers: ALL: type: http url: "xxxxx" interval: 3600 path: "xxxxx" health-check: enable: true interval: 600 url: ``` Support outbound transport protocol `VLESS`. The XTLS support (TCP/UDP) transport by the XRAY-CORE. ```yaml proxies: - name: "vless" type: vless server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid servername: # AKA SNI # flow: xtls-rprx-direct # xtls-rprx-origin # enable XTLS # skip-cert-verify: true - name: "vless-ws" type: vless server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid tls: true udp: true network: ws servername: # priority over wss host # skip-cert-verify: true ws-opts: path: /path headers: { Host:, Edge: "" } - name: "vless-grpc" type: vless server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid tls: true udp: true network: grpc servername: # priority over wss host # skip-cert-verify: true grpc-opts: grpc-service-name: grpcname ``` Support outbound transport protocol `Wireguard` ```yaml proxies: - name: "wg" type: wireguard server: port: 2480 ip: ipv6: fd01:5ca1:ab1e:80fa:ab85:6eea:213f:f4a5 private-key: eCtXsJZ27+4PbhDkHnB923tkUn2Gj59wZw5wFA75MnU= public-key: Cr8hWlKvtDt7nrvf+f0brNQQzabAqrjfBvas9pmowjo= udp: true ``` Support outbound transport protocol `Tuic` ```yaml proxies: - name: "tuic" server: port: 10443 type: tuic token: TOKEN # ip: # for overwriting the DNS lookup result of the server address set in option 'server' # heartbeat-interval: 10000 # alpn: [h3] # disable-sni: true reduce-rtt: true # request-timeout: 8000 udp-relay-mode: native # Available: "native", "quic". Default: "native" # congestion-controller: bbr # Available: "cubic", "new_reno", "bbr". Default: "cubic" # max-udp-relay-packet-size: 1500 # fast-open: true # skip-cert-verify: true ``` ### IPTABLES configuration Work on Linux OS who's supported `iptables` ```yaml # Enable the TPROXY listener tproxy-port: 9898 iptables: enable: true # default is false inbound-interface: eth0 # detect the inbound interface, default is 'lo' ``` ### General installation guide for Linux + Create user given name `clash-meta` + Download and decompress pre-built binaries from [releases]( + Rename executable file to `Clash-Meta` and move to `/usr/local/bin/` + Create folder `/etc/Clash-Meta/` as working directory Run Meta Kernel by user `clash-meta` as a daemon. Create the systemd configuration file at `/etc/systemd/system/Clash-Meta.service`: ``` [Unit] Description=Clash-Meta Daemon, Another Clash Kernel. NetworkManager.service systemd-networkd.service iwd.service [Service] Type=simple User=clash-meta Group=clash-meta LimitNPROC=500 LimitNOFILE=1000000 CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_RAW CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_RAW CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE Restart=always ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sleep 1s ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/Clash-Meta -d /etc/Clash-Meta [Install] ``` Launch clashd on system startup with: ```shell $ systemctl enable Clash-Meta ``` Launch clashd immediately with: ```shell $ systemctl start Clash-Meta ``` ### Display Process name Clash add field `Process` to `Metadata` and prepare to get process name for Restful API `GET /connections`. To display process name in GUI please use [Dashboard For Meta]( ![img.png]( ## Development If you want to build an application that uses clash as a library, check out the the [GitHub Wiki]( ## Credits * [Dreamacro/clash]( * [SagerNet/sing-box]( * [riobard/go-shadowsocks2]( * [v2ray/v2ray-core]( * [WireGuard/wireguard-go]( * [yaling888/clash-plus-pro]( ## License This software is released under the GPL-3.0 license. [![FOSSA Status](](