2021-07-01 22:49:29 +08:00

216 lines
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// +build windows
// +build amd64 arm64
package winipcfg
import (
// IPAdapterWINSServerAddress structure stores a single Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server address in a linked list of WINS server addresses for a particular adapter.
type IPAdapterWINSServerAddress struct {
Length uint32
_ uint32
Next *IPAdapterWINSServerAddress
Address windows.SocketAddress
// IPAdapterGatewayAddress structure stores a single gateway address in a linked list of gateway addresses for a particular adapter.
type IPAdapterGatewayAddress struct {
Length uint32
_ uint32
Next *IPAdapterGatewayAddress
Address windows.SocketAddress
// IPAdapterAddresses structure is the header node for a linked list of addresses for a particular adapter. This structure can simultaneously be used as part of a linked list of IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES structures.
// This is a modified and extended version of windows.IpAdapterAddresses.
type IPAdapterAddresses struct {
Length uint32
IfIndex uint32
Next *IPAdapterAddresses
adapterName *byte
FirstUnicastAddress *windows.IpAdapterUnicastAddress
FirstAnycastAddress *windows.IpAdapterAnycastAddress
FirstMulticastAddress *windows.IpAdapterMulticastAddress
FirstDNSServerAddress *windows.IpAdapterDnsServerAdapter
dnsSuffix *uint16
description *uint16
friendlyName *uint16
physicalAddress [windows.MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH]byte
physicalAddressLength uint32
Flags IPAAFlags
MTU uint32
IfType IfType
OperStatus IfOperStatus
IPv6IfIndex uint32
ZoneIndices [16]uint32
FirstPrefix *windows.IpAdapterPrefix
TransmitLinkSpeed uint64
ReceiveLinkSpeed uint64
FirstWINSServerAddress *IPAdapterWINSServerAddress
FirstGatewayAddress *IPAdapterGatewayAddress
Ipv4Metric uint32
Ipv6Metric uint32
DHCPv4Server windows.SocketAddress
CompartmentID uint32
NetworkGUID windows.GUID
ConnectionType NetIfConnectionType
TunnelType TunnelType
DHCPv6Server windows.SocketAddress
dhcpv6ClientDUID [maxDHCPv6DUIDLength]byte
dhcpv6ClientDUIDLength uint32
DHCPv6IAID uint32
FirstDNSSuffix *IPAdapterDNSSuffix
// MibIPInterfaceRow structure stores interface management information for a particular IP address family on a network interface.
type MibIPInterfaceRow struct {
Family AddressFamily
InterfaceLUID LUID
InterfaceIndex uint32
MaxReassemblySize uint32
InterfaceIdentifier uint64
MinRouterAdvertisementInterval uint32
MaxRouterAdvertisementInterval uint32
AdvertisingEnabled bool
ForwardingEnabled bool
WeakHostSend bool
WeakHostReceive bool
UseAutomaticMetric bool
UseNeighborUnreachabilityDetection bool
ManagedAddressConfigurationSupported bool
OtherStatefulConfigurationSupported bool
AdvertiseDefaultRoute bool
RouterDiscoveryBehavior RouterDiscoveryBehavior
DadTransmits uint32
BaseReachableTime uint32
RetransmitTime uint32
PathMTUDiscoveryTimeout uint32
LinkLocalAddressBehavior LinkLocalAddressBehavior
LinkLocalAddressTimeout uint32
ZoneIndices [ScopeLevelCount]uint32
SitePrefixLength uint32
Metric uint32
NLMTU uint32
Connected bool
SupportsWakeUpPatterns bool
SupportsNeighborDiscovery bool
SupportsRouterDiscovery bool
ReachableTime uint32
TransmitOffload OffloadRod
ReceiveOffload OffloadRod
DisableDefaultRoutes bool
// mibIPInterfaceTable structure contains a table of IP interface entries.
type mibIPInterfaceTable struct {
numEntries uint32
table [anySize]MibIPInterfaceRow
// MibIfRow2 structure stores information about a particular interface.
type MibIfRow2 struct {
InterfaceLUID LUID
InterfaceIndex uint32
InterfaceGUID windows.GUID
alias [ifMaxStringSize + 1]uint16
description [ifMaxStringSize + 1]uint16
physicalAddressLength uint32
physicalAddress [ifMaxPhysAddressLength]byte
permanentPhysicalAddress [ifMaxPhysAddressLength]byte
MTU uint32
Type IfType
TunnelType TunnelType
MediaType NdisMedium
PhysicalMediumType NdisPhysicalMedium
AccessType NetIfAccessType
DirectionType NetIfDirectionType
InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags
OperStatus IfOperStatus
AdminStatus NetIfAdminStatus
MediaConnectState NetIfMediaConnectState
NetworkGUID windows.GUID
ConnectionType NetIfConnectionType
TransmitLinkSpeed uint64
ReceiveLinkSpeed uint64
InOctets uint64
InUcastPkts uint64
InNUcastPkts uint64
InDiscards uint64
InErrors uint64
InUnknownProtos uint64
InUcastOctets uint64
InMulticastOctets uint64
InBroadcastOctets uint64
OutOctets uint64
OutUcastPkts uint64
OutNUcastPkts uint64
OutDiscards uint64
OutErrors uint64
OutUcastOctets uint64
OutMulticastOctets uint64
OutBroadcastOctets uint64
OutQLen uint64
// mibIfTable2 structure contains a table of logical and physical interface entries.
type mibIfTable2 struct {
numEntries uint32
table [anySize]MibIfRow2
// MibUnicastIPAddressRow structure stores information about a unicast IP address.
type MibUnicastIPAddressRow struct {
Address RawSockaddrInet
InterfaceLUID LUID
InterfaceIndex uint32
PrefixOrigin PrefixOrigin
SuffixOrigin SuffixOrigin
ValidLifetime uint32
PreferredLifetime uint32
OnLinkPrefixLength uint8
SkipAsSource bool
DadState DadState
ScopeID uint32
CreationTimeStamp int64
// mibUnicastIPAddressTable structure contains a table of unicast IP address entries.
type mibUnicastIPAddressTable struct {
numEntries uint32
table [anySize]MibUnicastIPAddressRow
// MibAnycastIPAddressRow structure stores information about an anycast IP address.
type MibAnycastIPAddressRow struct {
Address RawSockaddrInet
InterfaceLUID LUID
InterfaceIndex uint32
ScopeID uint32
// mibAnycastIPAddressTable structure contains a table of anycast IP address entries.
type mibAnycastIPAddressTable struct {
numEntries uint32
table [anySize]MibAnycastIPAddressRow
// mibIPforwardTable2 structure contains a table of IP route entries.
type mibIPforwardTable2 struct {
numEntries uint32
table [anySize]MibIPforwardRow2