2022-08-22 13:55:49 -05:00

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a short story of bias
2kwatts.exozy.me | by 2kwatts
>log on to twitter
>set your pfp to pepe the frog
>tweet a wojak
>be suspended
Before reading this, I want to ask you a question. What does the word "based" mean to you?
Do you see it as meaning "agreed", "admirable", or something like that?
Or, do you see it as an alt-right dogwhistle used by white supremacists and /pol/?
If it was the second one, you're a victim of... society.
Now, before we go off the rails, I want to clarify that I am not taking any corner of the
political spectrum. That is not the plan. The plan is to warn people about listening to
one side of the argument, and only that side.
"I watch CNN and I watch Fox News. I like to stay informed about the enemy"
Let me explain my idea in a simpler way. If you grow up in a Windows household, you're
more likely to hate MacOS. If you grow up in a MacOS household, you're more likely to hate
Windows. This isn't too crazy of a concept.
Bias, which is what a sane person would call this, is not uncommon at all in the modern day.
Going back to my original question, if you're primarily leftist, you may have mistaken "based"
as an evil word used by neo-nazis on *chan. Each side likes to fight against eachother, and
lots of people will instantly reject the enemy and stay with what they know.
This, however, is a terrible idea. If you know what your side is doing, you're getting by.
If you know what the other side is doing, you're winning.
For example, if A is planning to nuke B's castle, and B has no idea, they're screwed.
If B is watching A, they're going to know ahead of time and prepare. Even if the information
they have is very minor - it's better than nothing.