@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Readex+Pro&display=swap'); body { background: linear-gradient(rgb(10,5,0,0.05), rgb(10,5,0,0.1)), url("img.png") no-repeat fixed; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; font-family: "Readex Pro", Open Sans, sans-serif; } .box { border-radius: 1.5em 0.175em; background: rgb(10,5,0,0.85); color: white; border: 1px solid #aae6ff; padding: 0.75em 1.25em; } a, .links li:before, .links li:after, .links .last { color: #1896ca; } a:hover { color: #9930a5; } .sidebar-image img { border-radius: 0.175em; } /*Alternate style of spacers for nav links. Replace with "" for no spacer characters.*/ .links li:before { content: " "; } .links li:after { content: " ⬪ "; } .links .last:after { content: " "; } /*Increase gap between automatic spacers.*/ .links li:before, .links li:after { letter-spacing: 0.375em; }