{pkgs, ...}: let myPythonPackages = python-packages: with python-packages; [ grip nose nose2 pdftotext pyflakes pygments pygobject3 pytest pyxdg tkinter ]; python-custom = pkgs.python310.withPackages myPythonPackages; in { home.packages = with pkgs; [ age-plugin-yubikey alejandra any-nix-shell atomicparsley bitwarden-cli btrfs-progs brightnessctl buku bukubrow cargo ccid clipman cmus colmena dex discord dxvk editorconfig-core-c element-desktop-wayland fd ffmpeg # freetube fzf gnupg graphviz gnuplot html-tidy josm kde-gtk-config kdenlive libappindicator libappindicator-gtk3 libqalculate (mumble.override {pipewireSupport = true;}) my-pkgs.pywalfox my-pkgs.taskwarrior-tui my-pkgs.tokyo-night-gtk nb nixgl.nixGLIntel nixfmt nodePackages.stylelint nodePackages.js-beautify nyxt obsidian pavucontrol pcmanfm pinentry pipenv playerctl polymc proton-caller protontricks pulseaudio-ctl python-custom pywal qemu quickemu rbw remind ripgrep ripgrep-all rsync rustc rust-analyzer shellcheck sumneko-lua-language-server # steam # steam-run # steam-run-native sway-contrib.grimshot sway-launcher-desktop ueberzug viewnior wget which wireless-regdb wirelesstools wl-clipboard wlogout wyrd xdg-utils yt-dlp ytfzf yubikey-agent zulip (nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "3270" "FiraCode" "FiraMono" "Lekton" "RobotoMono" "SpaceMono" "VictorMono" ]; }) ]; }