{pkgs, ...}: let myPythonPackages = python-packages: with python-packages; [ pkgs.my-nixpkgs.python3Packages.gasp grip pyxdg tkinter ]; python-custom = pkgs.python3.withPackages myPythonPackages; in { home.packages = with pkgs; [ # tessen age-plugin-yubikey alejandra aria2 atomicparsley bandwhich beets bitwarden-cli btop buku bukubrow btrfs-progs cachix cargo-audit cargo-bloat cargo-cache cargo-crev cargo-criterion cargo-edit cargo-feature cargo-outdated cargo-tarpaulin cargo-watch cmus clipman cloudflared colmena darktable dex dracula-theme du-dust discord # etcher fd ffmpeg fossil freetube fwts fzf git-credential-gopass # glfw-wayland gnuplot gopass-jsonapi sway-contrib.grimshot hyperfine ink josm kdeconnect kde-gtk-config krita lutris mkpasswd my-pkgs.taskwarrior-tui my-pkgs.sway-launcher-desktop networkmanager_dmenu (nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "FiraCode" "FiraMono" "Lekton" "RobotoMono" "SpaceMono" "VictorMono" ]; }) nixgl.nixGLIntel nixpkgs-update nvfetcher nyxt page persepolis phinger-cursors polymc proton-caller protontricks protonup python-custom quickemu rbw ripgrep ripgrep-all remind rnix-lsp rust-analyzer rustscan rsync senpai shellcheck statix # steam stylua sumneko-lua-language-server taskell tokei vieb wdisplays wev wezterm wget wl-clipboard wlogout yt-dlp ytfzf zk zulip-term zulip ]; }