import type { OdFileObject } from '../../types' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { useClipboard } from 'use-clipboard-copy' import DPlayer from 'react-dplayer' import toast from 'react-hot-toast' import { getBaseUrl } from '../../utils/getBaseUrl' import { DownloadButton } from '../DownloadBtnGtoup' import { DownloadBtnContainer, PreviewContainer } from './Containers' import { getExtension } from '../../utils/getFileIcon' const VideoPreview: React.FC<{ file: OdFileObject }> = ({ file }) => { const { asPath } = useRouter() const clipboard = useClipboard() // OneDrive generates thumbnails for its video files, we pick the thumbnail with the highest resolution const thumbnail = file.thumbnails && file.thumbnails.length > 0 ? file.thumbnails[0].large.url : '' // We assume subtitle files are beside the video with the same name, only webvtt '.vtt' files are supported const subtitle = `/api?path=${asPath.replace(getExtension(, 'vtt')}&raw=true` return ( <>['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'])} btnColor="blue" btnText="Download" btnIcon="file-download" /> {/*`/api/proxy?url=${encodeURIComponent(file['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl'])}`) } btnColor="teal" btnText="Proxy download" btnIcon="download" /> */} { clipboard.copy(`${getBaseUrl()}/api?path=${asPath}&raw=true`) toast.success('Copied direct link to clipboard.') }} btnColor="pink" btnText="Copy direct link" btnIcon="copy" />`iina://weblink?url=${file['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl']}`)} btnText="IINA" btnImage="/players/iina.png" />`vlc://${file['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl']}`)} btnText="VLC" btnImage="/players/vlc.png" />`potplayer://${file['@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl']}`)} btnText="PotPlayer" btnImage="/players/potplayer.png" />
) } export default VideoPreview