97 lines
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97 lines
2.2 KiB
import { IconPrefix, IconName } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-common-types'
const icons: { [key: string]: [IconPrefix, IconName] } = {
image: ['far', 'file-image'],
pdf: ['far', 'file-pdf'],
word: ['far', 'file-word'],
powerpoint: ['far', 'file-powerpoint'],
excel: ['far', 'file-excel'],
audio: ['far', 'file-audio'],
video: ['far', 'file-video'],
archive: ['far', 'file-archive'],
code: ['far', 'file-code'],
text: ['far', 'file-alt'],
file: ['far', 'file'],
markdown: ['fab', 'markdown'],
book: ['fas', 'book'],
const extensions = {
gif: icons.image,
jpeg: icons.image,
jpg: icons.image,
png: icons.image,
heic: icons.image,
webp: icons.image,
pdf: icons.pdf,
doc: icons.word,
docx: icons.word,
ppt: icons.powerpoint,
pptx: icons.powerpoint,
xls: icons.excel,
xlsx: icons.excel,
aac: icons.audio,
mp3: icons.audio,
ogg: icons.audio,
flac: icons.audio,
oga: icons.audio,
opus: icons.audio,
m4a: icons.audio,
avi: icons.video,
flv: icons.video,
mkv: icons.video,
mp4: icons.video,
'7z': icons.archive,
bz2: icons.archive,
xz: icons.archive,
wim: icons.archive,
gz: icons.archive,
rar: icons.archive,
tar: icons.archive,
zip: icons.archive,
css: icons.code,
py: icons.code,
html: icons.code,
js: icons.code,
ts: icons.code,
c: icons.code,
rb: icons.code,
cpp: icons.code,
txt: icons.text,
rtf: icons.text,
md: icons.markdown,
epub: icons.book,
mobi: icons.book,
azw3: icons.book,
* To stop TypeScript complaining about indexing the object with a non-existent key
* https://dev.to/mapleleaf/indexing-objects-in-typescript-1cgi
* @param obj Object with keys to index
* @param key The index key
* @returns Whether or not the key exists inside the object
export function hasKey<O>(obj: O, key: PropertyKey): key is keyof O {
return key in obj
export function getExtension(fileName: string): string {
return fileName.slice(((fileName.lastIndexOf('.') - 1) >>> 0) + 2).toLowerCase()
export function getFileIcon(fileName: string): [IconPrefix, IconName] {
const extension = getExtension(fileName)
return hasKey(extensions, extension) ? extensions[extension] : icons.file