2021-12-17 21:21:25 +08:00

170 lines
5.1 KiB

import toast from 'react-hot-toast'
import JSZip from 'jszip'
import { fetcher } from './fetchWithSWR'
import { getStoredToken } from './protectedRouteHandler'
// Blob download helper
export function downloadBlob({ blob, name }: { blob: Blob; name: string }) {
// Prepare for download
const el = document.createElement('a') = 'none'
// Download zip file
const bUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
el.href = bUrl = name
* Download multiple files after compressing them into a zip
* @param toastId Toast ID to be used for toast notification
* @param files Files to be downloaded
* @param folder Optional folder name to hold files, otherwise flatten files in the zip
export async function downloadMultipleFiles({
}: {
toastId: string
files: { name: string; url: string }[]
folder?: string
}): Promise<void> {
const zip = new JSZip()
const dir = folder ? zip.folder(folder)! : zip
// Add selected file blobs to zip
files.forEach(({ name, url }) => {
fetch(url).then(r => {
return r.blob()
// Create zip file and download it
const b = await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }, metadata => {
toast.loading(`Downloading ${metadata.percent.toFixed(0)}%. Refresh to cancel...`, {
id: toastId,
downloadBlob({ blob: b, name: folder ? folder + '.zip' : '' })
* Download hierarchical tree-like files after compressing them into a zip
* @param toastId Toast ID to be used for toast notification
* @param files Files to be downloaded. Array of file and folder items excluding root folder.
* Folder items MUST be in front of its children items in the array.
* Use async generator because generation of the array may be slow.
* When waiting for its generation, we can meanwhile download bodies of already got items.
* Only folder items can have url undefined.
* @param basePath Root dir path of files to be downloaded
* @param folder Optional folder name to hold files, otherwise flatten files in the zip
export async function downloadTreelikeMultipleFiles({
}: {
toastId: string
files: AsyncGenerator<{
name: string
url?: string
path: string
isFolder: boolean
basePath: string
folder?: string
}): Promise<void> {
const zip = new JSZip()
const root = folder ? zip.folder(folder)! : zip
const map = [{ path: basePath, dir: root }]
// Add selected file blobs to zip according to its path
for await (const { name, url, path, isFolder } of files) {
// Search parent dir in map
const i = map
({ path: parent }) =>
path.substring(0, parent.length) === parent && path.substring(parent.length + 1).indexOf('/') === -1
if (i === -1) {
throw new Error('File array does not satisfy requirement')
// Add file or folder to zip
const dir = map[map.length - 1 - i].dir
if (isFolder) {
map.push({ path, dir: dir.folder(name)! })
} else {
fetch(url!).then(r => r.blob())
// Create zip file and download it
const b = await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }, metadata => {
toast.loading(`Downloading ${metadata.percent.toFixed(0)}%. Refresh to cancel...`, {
id: toastId,
downloadBlob({ blob: b, name: folder ? folder + '.zip' : '' })
* One-shot concurrent BFS file traversing for the folder.
* Due to react hook limit, we cannot reuse SWR utils for recursive actions.
* We will directly fetch API and arrange responses instead.
* In folder tree, we visit folders with same level concurrently.
* Every time we visit a folder, we fetch and return meta of all its children.
* @param path Folder to be traversed
* @returns Array of items representing folders and files of traversed folder in BFS order and excluding root folder.
* Due to BFS, folder items are ALWAYS in front of its children items.
export async function* traverseFolder(path: string): AsyncGenerator<
path: string
meta: any
isFolder: boolean
> {
const hashedToken = getStoredToken(path)
let folderPaths = [path]
while (folderPaths.length > 0) {
const itemLists = await Promise.all( =>
(async fp => {
const data = await fetcher(`/api?path=${fp}`, hashedToken ?? undefined)
if (data && data.folder) {
return any) => {
const p = `${fp === '/' ? '' : fp}/${encodeURIComponent(}`
return { path: p, meta: c, isFolder: Boolean(c.folder) }
} else {
throw new Error('Path is not folder')
const items = itemLists.flat() as { path: string; meta: any; isFolder: boolean }[]
yield* items
folderPaths = items.filter(i => i.isFolder).map(i => i.path)