2022-02-08 22:12:40 +08:00

111 lines
9 KiB

"- showing {{count}} page(s) ——one": "- showing {{count}} page ",
"- showing {{count}} page(s) ——other": "- showing {{count}} pages ",
"{{count}} item(s)——one": "{{count}} item",
"{{count}} item(s)——other": "{{count}} items",
"<0></0> If you are not the owner of this website, stop now, as continuing with this process may expose your personal files in OneDrive.": "<0></0> If you are not the owner of this website, stop now, as continuing with this process may expose your personal files in OneDrive.",
"<0></0> If you have not specified a REDIS_URL inside your Vercel env variable, go initialise one at <3>Upstash</3>. Docs: <6>Vercel Integration - Upstash</6>.": "<0></0> If you have not specified a REDIS_URL inside your Vercel env variable, go initialise one at <3>Upstash</3>. Docs: <6>Vercel Integration - Upstash</6>.",
"<0></0> If you see anything missing or incorrect, you need to reconfigure <3>/config/api.config.js</3> and redeploy this instance.": "<0></0> If you see anything missing or incorrect, you need to reconfigure <3>/config/api.config.js</3> and redeploy this instance.",
"✅ You can now proceed onto the next step: requesting your access token and refresh token.": "✅ You can now proceed onto the next step: requesting your access token and refresh token.",
"❌ No valid code extracted.": "❌ No valid code extracted.",
"Acquired access_token: ": "Acquired access_token: ",
"Acquired refresh_token: ": "Acquired refresh_token: ",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Authorisation is required as no valid <2>access_token</2> or <5>refresh_token</5> is present on this deployed instance. Check the following configurations before proceeding with authorising onedrive-vercel-index with your own Microsoft account.": "Authorisation is required as no valid <2>access_token</2> or <5>refresh_token</5> is present on this deployed instance. Check the following configurations before proceeding with authorising onedrive-vercel-index with your own Microsoft account.",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Cannot preview {{path}}": "Cannot preview {{path}}",
"Check out <2>Microsoft's official explanation</2> on the error message.": "Check out <2>Microsoft's official explanation</2> on the error message.",
"Clear all": "Clear all",
"Clear all tokens?": "Clear all tokens?",
"Cleared all tokens": "Cleared all tokens",
"clearing them means that you will need to re-enter the passwords again.": "clearing them means that you will need to re-enter the passwords again.",
"Copied direct link to clipboard.": "Copied direct link to clipboard.",
"Copied folder permalink.": "Copied folder permalink.",
"Copied raw file permalink.": "Copied raw file permalink.",
"Copy direct link": "Copy direct link",
"Copy folder permalink": "Copy folder permalink",
"Copy raw file permalink": "Copy raw file permalink",
"Copy the permalink to the file to the clipboard": "Copy the permalink to the file to the clipboard",
"Do not pretend to be the site owner": "Do not pretend to be the site owner",
"Don't worry, after storing them, onedrive-vercel-index will take care of token refreshes and updates after your site goes live.": "Don't worry, after storing them, onedrive-vercel-index will take care of token refreshes and updates after your site goes live.",
"Download": "Download",
"Download file": "Download file",
"Download folder": "Download folder",
"Download selected files": "Download selected files",
"Download the file directly through OneDrive": "Download the file directly through OneDrive",
"Downloading {{progress}}%": "Downloading {{progress}}%",
"Downloading folder, refresh page to cancel": "Downloading folder, refresh page to cancel",
"Downloading selected files, refresh page to cancel": "Downloading selected files, refresh page to cancel",
"Downloading selected files...": "Downloading selected files...",
"Email": "Email",
"Enter Password": "Enter Password",
"Error storing the token": "Error storing the token",
"Error validating identify, restart": "Error validating identify, restart",
"Error: {{message}}": "Error: {{message}}",
"Failed to download folder {{path}}: {{status}} {{message}} Skipped it to continue.": "Failed to download folder {{path}}: {{status}} {{message}} Skipped it to continue.",
"Failed to download folder.": "Failed to download folder.",
"Failed to download selected files.": "Failed to download selected files.",
"File is empty.": "File is empty.",
"File size": "File size",
"Final step, click the button below to store these tokens persistently before they expire after {{minutes}} minutes {{seconds}} seconds. ": "Final step, click the button below to store these tokens persistently before they expire after {{minutes}} minutes {{seconds}} seconds. ",
"Finished downloading folder.": "Finished downloading folder.",
"Finished downloading selected files.": "Finished downloading selected files.",
"Get tokens": "Get tokens",
"Grid": "Grid",
"Hashes": "Hashes",
"Home": "Home",
"If you go back home and still see the welcome page telling you to re-authenticate, ": "If you go back home and still see the welcome page telling you to re-authenticate, ",
"If you know the password, please enter it below.": "If you know the password, please enter it below.",
"Last modified": "Last modified",
"Last Modified": "Last Modified",
"Last modified:": "Last modified:",
"List": "List",
"Load more": "Load more",
"Loading ...": "Loading ...",
"Loading EPUB ...": "Loading EPUB ...",
"Loading file content...": "Loading file content...",
"Loading FLV extension...": "Loading FLV extension...",
"Logout": "Logout",
"MIME type": "MIME type",
"Name": "Name",
"No more files": "No more files",
"Nothing here.": "Nothing here.",
"OAuth Step 1 - {{title}}": "OAuth Step 1 - {{title}}",
"OAuth Step 2 - {{title}}": "OAuth Step 2 - {{title}}",
"OAuth Step 3 - {{title}}": "OAuth Step 3 - {{title}}",
"of {{count}} file(s) -——loaded——one": "of {{count}} file -",
"of {{count}} file(s) -——loaded——other": "of {{count}} files -",
"of {{count}} file(s) -——loading——one": "of ... file(s) -",
"of {{count}} file(s) -——loading——other": "of ... file(s) -",
"Oops, that's a <1>four-oh-four</1>.": "Oops, that's a <1>four-oh-four</1>.",
"Open URL": "Open URL",
"Open URL{{url}}": "Open URL{{url}}",
"Press <2>F12</2> and open devtools for more details, or seek help at <6>onedrive-vercel-index discussions</6>.": "Press <2>F12</2> and open devtools for more details, or seek help at <6>onedrive-vercel-index discussions</6>.",
"Proceed to OAuth": "Proceed to OAuth",
"Requesting tokens": "Requesting tokens",
"Restart": "Restart",
"revisit home and do a hard refresh.": "revisit home and do a hard refresh.",
"Search ...": "Search ...",
"Select all files": "Select all files",
"Select file": "Select file",
"Select files": "Select files",
"Size": "Size",
"Step 1/3: Preparations": "Step 1/3: Preparations",
"Step 2/3: Get authorisation code": "Step 2/3: Get authorisation code",
"Step 3/3: Get access and refresh tokens": "Step 3/3: Get access and refresh tokens",
"Store tokens": "Store tokens",
"Stored! Going home...": "Stored! Going home...",
"Storing tokens": "Storing tokens",
"Success! The API returned what we needed.": "Success! The API returned what we needed.",
"The authorisation code extracted is:": "The authorisation code extracted is:",
"The OAuth link for getting the authorisation code has been created. Click on the link above to get the <2>authorisation code</2>. Your browser willopen a new tab to Microsoft's account login page. After logging in and authenticating with your Microsoft account, you will be redirected to a blank page on localhost. Paste <6>the entire redirected URL</6> down below.": "The OAuth link for getting the authorisation code has been created. Click on the link above to get the <2>authorisation code</2>. Your browser willopen a new tab to Microsoft's account login page. After logging in and authenticating with your Microsoft account, you will be redirected to a blank page on localhost. Paste <6>the entire redirected URL</6> down below.",
"These tokens are used to authenticate yourself into password protected folders, ": "These tokens are used to authenticate yourself into password protected folders, ",
"These tokens may take a few seconds to populate after you click the button below. ": "These tokens may take a few seconds to populate after you click the button below. ",
"This route (the folder itself and the files inside) is password protected. ": "This route (the folder itself and the files inside) is password protected. ",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"Waiting for code...": "Waiting for code...",
"Weibo": "Weibo",
"Welcome to your new onedrive-vercel-index 🎉": "Welcome to your new onedrive-vercel-index 🎉",
"Where is the auth code? Did you follow step 2 you silly donut?": "Where is the auth code? Did you follow step 2 you silly donut?",
"Whoops, looks like we got a problem: {{error}}.": "Whoops, looks like we got a problem: {{error}}."