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2022-07-26 18:07:09 +00:00
import os
import re
import shutil
import traceback
import urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from core.elements import Plain, Image
from core.utils import get_url, download_to_cache
from import UTC8
from import WikiLib
from .tpg import tpg
async def get_user_info(wikiurl, username, pic=False):
wiki = WikiLib(wikiurl)
if not await wiki.check_wiki_available():
return [Plain(f'{wikiurl}不可用。')]
await wiki.fixup_wiki_info()
match_interwiki = re.match(r'(.*?):(.*)', username)
if match_interwiki:
if in wiki.wiki_info.interwiki:
return await get_user_info(wiki.wiki_info.interwiki[],, pic)
data = {}
base_user_info = (await wiki.get_json(action='query', list='users', ususers=username,
if 'missing' in base_user_info:
return [Plain('没有找到此用户。')]
data['username'] = base_user_info['name']
data['url'] = re.sub(r'\$1', 'User:' + username, wiki.wiki_info.articlepath)
groups = {}
get_groups = await wiki.get_json(action='query', meta='allmessages', amprefix='group-')
for a in get_groups['query']['allmessages']:
groups[re.sub('^group-', '', a['name'])] = a['*']
user_central_auth_data = {}
if 'CentralAuth' in wiki.wiki_info.extensions:
user_central_auth_data = await wiki.get_json(action='query', meta='globaluserinfo', guiuser=username,
data['users_groups'] = []
users_groups_ = base_user_info['groups']
for x in users_groups_:
if x != '*':
data['users_groups'].append(groups[x] if x in groups else x)
data['global_users_groups'] = []
if user_central_auth_data:
data['global_edit_count'] = str(user_central_auth_data['query']['globaluserinfo']['editcount'])
data['global_home'] = user_central_auth_data['query']['globaluserinfo']['home']
for g in user_central_auth_data['query']['globaluserinfo']['groups']:
data['global_users_groups'].append(groups[g] if g in groups else g)
data['registration_time'] = base_user_info['registration']
data['registration_time'] = UTC8(data['registration_time'], 'full') if data['registration_time'] is not None else '未知'
data['edited_count'] = str(base_user_info['editcount'])
data['gender'] = base_user_info['gender']
if data['gender'] == 'female':
data['gender'] = ''
elif data['gender'] == 'male':
data['gender'] = ''
elif data['gender'] == 'unknown':
data['gender'] = '未知'
# if one day LGBTers...
gp_clawler = bs(await get_url(re.sub(r'\$1', 'UserProfile: ' + username, wiki.wiki_info.articlepath)), 'html.parser')
dd = gp_clawler.find('div', class_='section stats').find_all('dd')
data['edited_wiki_count'] = dd[0].text
data['created_page_count'] = dd[1].text
data['edited_count'] = dd[2].text
data['deleted_count'] = dd[3].text
data['patrolled_count'] = dd[4].text
data['site_rank'] = dd[5].text
data['global_rank'] = dd[6].text
data['friends_count'] = dd[7].text
data['wikipoints'] = gp_clawler.find('div', class_='score').text
data['url'] = re.sub(r'\$1', 'UserProfile:' + username, wiki.wiki_info.articlepath)
except Exception:
if 'blockedby' in base_user_info:
data['blocked_by'] = base_user_info['blockedby']
data['blocked_time'] = base_user_info['blockedtimestamp']
data['blocked_time'] = UTC8(data['blocked_time'], 'full') if data['blocked_time'] is not None else '未知'
data['blocked_expires'] = base_user_info['blockedexpiry']
data['blocked_expires'] = UTC8(data['blocked_expires'], 'full') if data['blocked_expires'] is not None else '未知'
data['blocked_reason'] = base_user_info['blockedreason']
data['blocked_reason'] = data['blocked_reason'] if data['blocked_reason'] is not None else '未知'
if pic:
assets_path = os.path.abspath('./assets/')
icon_path = os.path.join(assets_path, 'favicon')
if not os.path.exists(icon_path):
site_icon = os.path.join(icon_path, urllib.parse.urlparse(wiki.wiki_info.api).netloc)
if not os.path.exists(site_icon):
if 'Wiki.png' not in os.listdir(site_icon):
query_wiki = await wiki.parse_page_info('File:Wiki.png')
file = query_wiki.file
get_file = await download_to_cache(file)
shutil.copy(get_file, os.path.join(site_icon, 'Wiki.png'))
bantype = None
blocked_by = data.get('blocked_by', False)
blocked_reason = data.get('blocked_reason', False)
if blocked_by and not blocked_reason:
bantype = 'YN'
elif blocked_by and blocked_reason:
bantype = 'Y'
image = tpg(
favicon=os.path.join(site_icon, 'Wiki.png'),,
username=data['username'] if 'username' in data else '?',
gender=data['gender'] if 'gender' in data else '?',
registertime=data['registration_time'] if 'registration_time' in data else '?',
contributionwikis=data['edited_wiki_count'] if 'edited_wiki_count' in data else '?',
createcount=data['created_page_count'] if 'created_page_count' in data else '?',
editcount=data['edited_count'] if 'edited_count' in data else '?',
deletecount=data['deleted_count'] if 'deleted_count' in data else '?',
patrolcount=data['patrolled_count'] if 'patrolled_count' in data else '?',
sitetop=data['site_rank'] if 'site_rank' in data else '?',
globaltop=data['global_rank'] if 'global_rank' in data else '?',
wikipoint=data['wikipoints'] if 'wikipoints' in data else '?',
blockbyuser=data['blocked_by'] if 'blocked_by' in data else '?',
blocktimestamp1=data['blocked_time'] if 'blocked_time' in data else '?',
blocktimestamp2=data['blocked_expires'] if 'blocked_expires' in data else '?',
blockreason=data['blocked_reason'] if 'blocked_reason' in data else '?',
return [Plain(data['url']), Image(image)]
msgs = []
if user := data.get('username', False):
msgs.append('用户' + user + (' | 编辑数:' + data['edited_count'] if 'edited_count' in data else ''))
if users_groups := data.get('users_groups', False):
msgs.append('用户组:' + ''.join(users_groups))
if gender_ := data.get('gender', False):
msgs.append('性别:' + gender_)
if registration := data.get('registration_time', False):
msgs.append('注册时间:' + registration)
if edited_wiki_count := data.get('edited_wiki_count', False):
msgs.append('编辑过的Wiki' + edited_wiki_count)
sub_edit_counts1 = []
if created_page_count := data.get('created_page_count', False):
sub_edit_counts1.append('创建数:' + created_page_count)
if edited_count := data.get('edited_count', False):
sub_edit_counts1.append('编辑数:' + edited_count)
sub_edit_counts2 = []
if deleted_count := data.get('deleted_count', False):
sub_edit_counts2.append('删除数:' + deleted_count)
if patrolled_count := data.get('patrolled_count', False):
sub_edit_counts2.append('巡查数:' + patrolled_count)
sub_edit_counts3 = []
if site_rank := data.get('site_rank', False):
sub_edit_counts3.append('本站排名:' + site_rank)
if global_rank := data.get('global_rank', False):
sub_edit_counts3.append('全站排名:' + global_rank)
sub_edit_counts4 = []
if friends_count := data.get('friends_count', False):
sub_edit_counts4.append('好友数:' + friends_count)
if wikipoints := data.get('wikipoints', False):
sub_edit_counts4.append('Wikipoints' + wikipoints)
if sub_edit_counts1:
msgs.append(' | '.join(sub_edit_counts1))
if sub_edit_counts2:
msgs.append(' | '.join(sub_edit_counts2))
if sub_edit_counts3:
msgs.append(' | '.join(sub_edit_counts3))
if sub_edit_counts4:
msgs.append(' | '.join(sub_edit_counts4))
if global_users_groups := data.get('global_users_groups', False):
msgs.append('全域用户组:' + ''.join(global_users_groups))
if global_edit_count := data.get('global_edit_count', False):
msgs.append('全域编辑数:' + global_edit_count)
if global_home := data.get('global_home', False):
msgs.append('注册Wiki' + global_home)
if blocked_by := data.get('blocked_by', False):
msgs.append(data['user'] + '正在被封禁中!')
msgs.append('' + blocked_by + '封禁,' + ('时间从' + data['blocked_time'] if 'blocked_time' in data else '')
+ ('' + data['blocked_expires'] if 'blocked_expires' in data else '')
+ (',理由:' + data['blocked_reason'] if 'blocked_reason' in data else ''))
if url := data.get('url', False):
if msgs:
return [Plain('\n'.join(msgs))]