Fork 0

Merge branch

This commit is contained in:
Light Beacon 2023-01-26 15:33:50 +08:00
commit b5183a88c0
13 changed files with 254 additions and 130 deletions

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class ImageTable:
self.headers = headers
async def image_table_render(table: Union[ImageTable, List[ImageTable]], save_source=False):
async def image_table_render(table: Union[ImageTable, List[ImageTable]], save_source=True):
if not web_render:
return False
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ async def image_table_render(table: Union[ImageTable, List[ImageTable]], save_so
padding: 15px;
text-align: left;
html = {'content': tblst + css, 'width': w}
html = {'content': tblst + css, 'width': w, 'mw': False}
if save_source:
fname = random_cache_path() + '.html'
with open(fname, 'w') as fi:

View file

@ -1,55 +1,31 @@
from core.builtins.message import MessageSession
from core.component import on_command
from simpleeval import InvalidExpression, SimpleEval, DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS, DEFAULT_NAMES, DEFAULT_OPERATORS
import ast
import operator as op
import asyncio
import math
import os
import sys
from core.exceptions import NoReportException
from .constant import consts
from core.builtins.message import MessageSession
from core.component import on_command
funcs = {}
for name in dir(math):
item = getattr(math, name)
if not name.startswith('_') and callable(item):
funcs[name] = item
import asyncio
import subprocess
s_eval = SimpleEval(
ast.BitOr: op.or_,
ast.BitAnd: op.and_,
ast.BitXor: op.xor,
ast.Invert: op.invert,
functions={**DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS, **funcs},
**DEFAULT_NAMES, **consts,
'pi': math.pi,
'e': math.e,
'tau': math.tau,
'inf': math.inf, 'nan': math.nan,
from core.logger import Logger
c = on_command('calc', developers=[
'Dianliang233'], desc='安全地计算 Python ast 表达式。',)
'Dianliang233'], desc='安全地计算 Python ast 表达式。')
@c.handle('<math_expression>', options_desc={'+': '和/正数1 + 2 -> 3',
'-': '差/负数3 - 1 -> 2',
'/': '6 / 3 -> 2',
'//': '整除7 // 4 -> 1',
'*': '2 * 3 -> 6',
'**': 'x 的 y 次幂(由于性能问题,结果不得超过 4e+62 ** 3 -> 8',
'**': 'x 的 y 次幂(由于性能问题,指数不得超过 4e+62 ** 3 -> 8',
'%': '取模5 % 2 -> 1',
'==': '等于1 == 1 -> True',
'<': '小于1 < 2 -> True',
'>': '大于2 > 1 -> True',
'<=': '小于等于1 <= 2 -> True',
'>=': '大于等于1 >= 2 -> False',
'>>': 'x 右移 y 位(相当于 x / (2 ** y)y < 1000032 >> 5 -> 1',
'<<': 'x 左移 y 位(相当于 x * (2 ** y)y < 100001 << 5 -> 32',
'in': 'x 在 y 中:"hat" in "what" -> True',
'^': '按位异或1 ^ 1 -> 0',
'not': 'not True -> False',
'is': 'x 与 y 是同一个对象1 is 1 -> True',
'randint(x)': '小于 x 的随机整数randint(6) -> 5',
@ -57,24 +33,51 @@ c = on_command('calc', developers=[
'int()': '转换为整数int(1.5) -> 1',
'float()': '转换为浮点数float(1) -> 1.0',
'str()': '转换为字符串str(1) -> "1"',
'更多数学函数': ''
'complex()': '转换为复数complex(1) -> (1 + 0j)',
'bool()': '转换为布尔值bool(1) -> True',
'bin()': '转换为二进制bin(268) -> 0b100001100',
'oct()': '转换为八进制oct(268) -> 0o414',
'hex()': '转换为十六进制hex(268) -> 0x10c',
'更多可用运算符和函数': '',
async def _(msg: MessageSession):
res = await asyncio.wait_for(async_eval(msg.parsed_msg["<math_expression>"]), 15)
await msg.finish(f'{(msg.parsed_msg["<math_expression>"])} = {str(res)}')
except InvalidExpression as e:
await msg.finish(f"表达式无效:{e}")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise TimeoutException()
except Exception as e:
raise NoReportException(e)
expr = msg.asDisplay().split(' ', 1)[1]
if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info.minor < 10:
res = subprocess.check_output(
['python', os.path.abspath("./modules/calc/"), expr], timeout=10, shell=False).decode('utf-8')
if res[0:6] == 'Result':
await msg.finish(f'{(expr)} = {res[7:]}')
await msg.finish(f'表达式无效:{res[7:]}')
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
raise NoReportException('计算超时。')
p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('python', os.path.abspath("./modules/calc/"), expr,
await asyncio.wait_for(p.wait(), timeout=10)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise NoReportException('计算超时。')
stdout_data, stderr_data = await p.communicate()
if p.returncode == 0:
res = stdout_data.decode('utf-8')
async def async_eval(expr: str):
return s_eval.eval(expr)
class TimeoutException(NoReportException):
'''计算超时,最大计算时间为 15 秒。'''
if res[0:6] == 'Result':
await msg.finish(f'{(expr)} = {res[7:]}')
await msg.finish(f'表达式无效:{res[7:]}')
Logger.error(f' exited with code {p.returncode}')
f' stderr: {stderr_data.decode("utf-8")}')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
f' stderr: {stderr_data.decode("gbk")}')
except Exception as e:
raise NoReportException(e)

modules/calc/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
from constant import consts
from simpleeval import EvalWithCompoundTypes, DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS, DEFAULT_NAMES, DEFAULT_OPERATORS
import ast
import sys
import operator as op
import math
import statistics
import cmath
import decimal
import fractions
import os
if == 'posix':
import resource
(16 * 1024 * 1024, 16 * 1024 * 1024))
(16 * 1024 * 1024, 16 * 1024 * 1024))
(16 * 1024 * 1024, 16 * 1024 * 1024))
elif == 'nt':
import win32process
), 16384)
win32process.GetCurrentProcess(), 1, 16 * 1024 * 1024)
funcs = {}
named_funcs = {}
def add_func(module):
for name in dir(module):
item = getattr(module, name)
if not name.startswith('_') and callable(item):
funcs[name] = item
def add_named_func(module):
named_funcs[module.__name__] = {}
for name in dir(module):
item = getattr(module, name)
if not name.startswith('_') and callable(item):
named_funcs[module.__name__][name] = item
s_eval = EvalWithCompoundTypes(
ast.BitOr: op.or_,
ast.BitAnd: op.and_,
ast.BitXor: op.xor,
ast.Invert: op.invert,
functions={**funcs, **DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS,
'bin': bin,
'bool': bool,
'complex': complex,
'divmod': divmod,
'hex': hex,
'len': len,
'oct': oct,
'round': round
**DEFAULT_NAMES, **consts, **named_funcs,
'pi': math.pi,
'e': math.e,
'tau': math.tau,
'inf': math.inf, 'nan': math.nan,
'cmath': {
'pi': cmath.pi,
'e': cmath.e,
'tau': cmath.tau,
'inf': cmath.inf,
'infj': cmath.infj,
'nan': cmath.nan,
'nanj': cmath.nanj,
}, )
try: # rina's rina lazy solution :rina:
sys.stdout.write('Result ' + str(s_eval.eval(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))))
except Exception as e:
sys.stdout.write('Failed ' + str(e))

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ i = on_command('convert', alias=('conv', 'unit'), desc='全能单位转换。',
@i.handle('<from_val> <to_unit> {单位转换。单位原文为英文,由 ChatGPT 翻译生成,欢迎汇报错误。}')
@i.handle('<from_val> <to_unit> {单位转换。大小写敏感。单位原文为英文,由 ChatGPT 翻译生成,欢迎汇报错误。}')
async def _(msg: MessageSession):
from_val = msg.parsed_msg['<from_val>']
to_unit = msg.parsed_msg['<to_unit>']

View file

@ -132,10 +132,10 @@ count = [] = 个
turn = 2 * π * radian = _ = revolution = cycle = circle = 转
degree = π / 180 * radian = deg = arcdeg = arcdegree = 度 = 角度
arcminute = degree / 60 = arcmin = arc_minute = angular_minute = 弧分 = 角分
arcsecond = arcminute / 60 = arcsec = arc_second = angular_second = 秒 = 角秒
arcsecond = arcminute / 60 = arcsec = arc_second = angular_second = 秒 = 角秒
milliarcsecond = 1e-3 * arcsecond = mas = 毫弧秒 = 毫角秒
grade = π / 200 * radian = grad = gon = 百分度 = 梯度
mil = π / 32000 * radian = 毫弧度 = 密位
milliradian = π / 32000 * radian = mil = 毫弧度 = 密位
# Solid angle
steradian = radian ** 2 = sr = 球面度
@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ ppm = 1e-6 = 分比
# Length
angstrom = 1e-10 * meter = Å = ångström = Å = 埃格斯特朗 = 埃
micron = micrometer = µ = μ = 微米
micron = micrometer = µm = μ = 微米
fermi = femtometer = fm = 费米
light_year = speed_of_light * julian_year = ly = lightyear = 光年
astronomical_unit = 149597870700 * meter = au = 天文单位 # since Aug 2012
parsec = 1 / tansec * astronomical_unit = pc = 秒差距
nautical_mile = 1852 * meter = nmi = 海里
bohr = hbar / (alpha * m_e * c) = a_0 = a0 = bohr_radius = atomic_unit_of_length = a_u_length = 波尔
nautical_mile = 1852 * meter = nmi = 海里 = 浬
bohr = hbar / (alpha * m_e * c) = a_0 = a0 = bohr_radius = atomic_unit_of_length = a_u_length = 玻尔半径 = 原子单位长度
x_unit_Cu = K_alpha_Cu_d_220 * d_220 / 1537.4 = Xu_Cu = 铜的X单位 = 铜的X射线波长
x_unit_Mo = K_alpha_Mo_d_220 * d_220 / 707.831 = Xu_Mo = 钼的X单位 = 钼的X射线波长
angstrom_star = K_alpha_W_d_220 * d_220 / 0.2090100 = Å_star = 埃星
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ planck_length = (hbar * gravitational_constant / c ** 3) ** 0.5 = 普朗克长
# Mass
metric_ton = 1e3 * kilogram = t = tonne = 公吨
metric_ton = 1e3 * kilogram = t = tonne = 吨 = 公吨
unified_atomic_mass_unit = atomic_mass_constant = u = amu = 原子质量单位
dalton = atomic_mass_constant = Da = 道尔顿
grain = 64.79891 * milligram = gr = 格令
@ -177,22 +177,22 @@ carat = 200 * milligram = ct = karat = 克拉
planck_mass = (hbar * c / gravitational_constant) ** 0.5 = 普朗克质量
# Time
minute = 60 * second = min = 分钟
minute = 60 * second = min = 分钟 = 分
hour = 60 * minute = h = hr = 小时
day = 24 * hour = d = 天
week = 7 * day = 星期
day = 24 * hour = d = 日 =
week = 7 * day = 星期 = 周 = 礼拜
fortnight = 2 * week = 两星期
year = 365.25 * day = a = yr = julian_year = 年
year = 365.25 * day = a = yr = julian_year = 年 = 儒略年
month = year / 12 = 月
# decade = 10 * year
## NOTE: decade [time] can conflict with decade [dimensionless]
century = 100 * year = _ = centuries = 世纪
millennium = 1e3 * year = _ = millennia = 千年
millennium = 1e3 * year = _ = millennia = 千年纪 = 千纪 = 千年
eon = 1e9 * year = 宙
shake = 1e-8 * second = 抖
svedberg = 1e-13 * second = 斯维德伯格
svedberg = 1e-13 * second = 斯韦德贝里 = 斯维德伯格
atomic_unit_of_time = hbar / E_h = a_u_time = 原子单位时间
gregorian_year = 365.2425 * day = 公历年
sidereal_year = 365.256363004 * day = 恒星年
@ -202,12 +202,12 @@ leap_year = 366 * day = 闰年
sidereal_day = day / 1.00273790935079524 = 恒星日
sidereal_month = 27.32166155 * day = 恒星月
tropical_month = 27.321582 * day = 回归月
synodic_month = 29.530589 * day = _ = lunar_month = 同步月
synodic_month = 29.530589 * day = _ = lunar_month = 同步月 = 朔望月
planck_time = (hbar * gravitational_constant / c ** 5) ** 0.5 = 普朗克时间
# Temperature
degree_Celsius = kelvin; offset: 273.15 = °C = celsius = degC = degreeC = 摄氏度
degree_Rankine = 5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 0 = °R = rankine = degR = degreeR = 兰氏度
degree_Rankine = 5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 0 = °R = °Ra = rankine = degR = degreeR = 兰氏度
degree_Fahrenheit = 5 / 9 * kelvin; offset: 233.15 + 200 / 9 = °F = fahrenheit = degF = degreeF = 华氏度
réaumur = 4 / 5 * kelvin; offset: 273.15 = °Re = reaumur = degRe = degreeRe = degree_Réaumur = 列氏度
atomic_unit_of_temperature = E_h / k = a_u_temp = 原子单位温度
@ -215,21 +215,21 @@ planck_temperature = (hbar * c ** 5 / gravitational_constant / k ** 2) ** 0.5 =
# Area
[area] = [length] ** 2
are = 100 * meter ** 2
b = 1e-28 * meter ** 2 = barn
darcy = centipoise * centimeter ** 2 / (second * atmosphere) = 达西
ha = 100 * are = hectare
# Volume
[volume] = [length] ** 3
are = 100 * meter ** 2 = 公亩
barn = 1e-28 * meter ** 2 = b = 贝纳
barn = 1e-28 * meter ** 2 = b = 靶恩
darcy = centipoise * centimeter ** 2 / (second * atmosphere) = 达西
hectare = 100 * are = ha = 公顷
# Volume
[volume] = [length] ** 3
liter = decimeter ** 3 = l = L = litre = 升
cubic_centimeter = centimeter ** 3 = cc = 立方厘米
lambda = microliter = λ
stere = meter ** 3
# Frequency
[frequency] = 1 / [time]
hertz = 1 / second = Hz = 赫兹
hertz = 1 / second = Hz = 赫兹 = 赫
revolutions_per_minute = revolution / minute = rpm = 转每分
revolutions_per_second = revolution / second = rps = 转每秒
counts_per_second = count / second = cps = 次每秒
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ reciprocal_centimeter = 1 / cm = cm_1 = kayser = 倒数厘米
[velocity] = [length] / [time]
[speed] = [velocity]
knot = nautical_mile / hour = kt = knot_international = international_knot = 节
mile_per_hour = mile / hour = mph = MPH = 英里每小时
mile_per_hour = mile / hour = mph = MPH = 英里每小时 = 迈
kilometer_per_hour = kilometer / hour = kph = KPH = 千米每小时
kilometer_per_second = kilometer / second = kps = 千米每秒
meter_per_second = meter / second = mps = 米每秒
@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ galileo = centimeter / second ** 2 = Gal = 伽利略
# Force
[force] = [mass] * [acceleration]
newton = kilogram * meter / second ** 2 = N = 牛顿
dyne = gram * centimeter / second ** 2 = dyn =
newton = kilogram * meter / second ** 2 = N = 牛顿 = 牛
dyne = gram * centimeter / second ** 2 = dyn = 达因
force_kilogram = g_0 * kilogram = kgf = kilogram_force = pond = 千克力
force_gram = g_0 * gram = gf = gram_force = 克力
force_metric_ton = g_0 * metric_ton = tf = metric_ton_force = force_t = t_force = 公吨力
force_metric_ton = g_0 * metric_ton = tf = metric_ton_force = force_t = t_force = 公吨力 = 吨力
atomic_unit_of_force = E_h / a_0 = a_u_force = 原子单位力
# Energy
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ thermochemical_british_thermal_unit = 1e3 * pound / kilogram * degR / kelvin * c
quadrillion_Btu = 1e15 * Btu = quad = 兆英热单位
therm = 1e5 * Btu = thm = EC_therm = 热量
US_therm = 1.054804e8 * joule = 美国热量
ton_TNT = 1e9 * calorie = tTNT = TNT
ton_TNT = 1e9 * calorie = tTNT = TNT当量
tonne_of_oil_equivalent = 1e10 * international_calorie = toe = 吨油当量
atmosphere_liter = atmosphere * liter = atm_l = 气体升
@ -315,18 +315,18 @@ water_60F = 0.999001 * kilogram / liter = 水60华氏度
pascal = newton / meter ** 2 = Pa = 帕斯卡
barye = dyne / centimeter ** 2 = Ba = barie = barad = barrie = baryd = 微巴
bar = 1e5 * pascal = 巴
technical_atmosphere = kilogram * g_0 / centimeter ** 2 = at = 技术大气
torr = atm / 760 = 托
pound_force_per_square_inch = force_pound / inch ** 2 = psi = 每平方英寸磅力
kip_per_square_inch = kip / inch ** 2 = ksi = 每平方英寸千磅力
millimeter_Hg_0C = millimeter * Hg * g_0 = mmHg = mm_Hg = 毫米水银
centimeter_Hg_0C = centimeter * Hg * g_0 = cmHg = cm_Hg = 厘米水银
inch_Hg_32F = inch * Hg * g_0 = inHg = in_Hg = 英寸水银
inch_Hg_60F = inch * Hg_60F * g_0 = 英寸水银60华氏度
inch_H2O_39F = inch * water_39F * g_0 = 英寸水39华氏度
inch_H2O_60F = inch * water_60F * g_0 = 英寸水60华氏度
feet_H2O = foot * water * g_0 = ftH2O = 英尺水
cm_H2O = centimeter * water * g_0 = cmH2O = 厘米水
technical_atmosphere = kilogram * g_0 / centimeter ** 2 = at = 工程大气压
torr = atm / 760 = 托
pound_force_per_square_inch = force_pound / inch ** 2 = psi = 磅力每平方英寸
kip_per_square_inch = kip / inch ** 2 = ksi = 千磅力每平方英寸
millimeter_Hg_0C = millimeter * Hg * g_0 = mmHg = mm_Hg = 毫米汞柱
centimeter_Hg_0C = centimeter * Hg * g_0 = cmHg = cm_Hg = 厘米汞柱
inch_Hg_32F = inch * Hg * g_0 = inHg = in_Hg = 英寸汞柱
inch_Hg_60F = inch * Hg_60F * g_0 = 60华氏度英寸汞柱
inch_H2O_39F = inch * water_39F * g_0 = 39华氏度英寸水柱
inch_H2O_60F = inch * water_60F * g_0 = 60华氏度英寸水柱
feet_H2O = foot * water * g_0 = ftH2O = 英尺水
centimeter_H2O = cm_H2O = centimeter * water * g_0 = cmH2O = 厘米水
sound_pressure_level = 20e-6 * pascal = SPL = 声压级
# Torque
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ molar = mole / liter = M = 体积摩尔
# Catalytic activity
[activity] = [substance] / [time]
katal = mole / second = kat = 卡塔尔
katal = mole / second = kat = 开特
enzyme_unit = micromole / minute = U = enzymeunit = 酶单位
# Entropy
@ -367,11 +367,11 @@ clausius = calorie / kelvin = Cl = 克劳西斯
entropy_unit = calorie / kelvin / mole = eu = 熵单位
# Radiation
becquerel = counts_per_second = Bq = 贝可勒尔
becquerel = counts_per_second = Bq = 贝克勒尔 = 贝克
curie = 3.7e10 * becquerel = Ci = 居里
rutherford = 1e6 * becquerel = Rd = 卢瑟福
gray = joule / kilogram = Gy = 格雷
sievert = joule / kilogram = Sv = 西弗
gray = joule / kilogram = Gy = 戈瑞
sievert = joule / kilogram = Sv = 希沃特
rads = 0.01 * gray = 拉德斯
rem = 0.01 * sievert = 雷质
roentgen = 2.58e-4 * coulomb / kilogram = _ = röntgen = 伦琴
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ lux = lumen / meter ** 2 = lx = 勒克斯
atomic_unit_of_intensity = 0.5 * ε_0 * c * atomic_unit_of_electric_field ** 2 = a_u_intensity = 原子单位光强
# Current
biot = 10 * ampere = Bi =
biot = 10 * ampere = Bi =
abampere = biot = abA = 绝对安培
atomic_unit_of_current = e / atomic_unit_of_time = a_u_current = 原子单位电流
mean_international_ampere = mean_international_volt / mean_international_ohm = A_it = 平均国际安培
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ ampere_hour = ampere * hour = Ah = 安培时
# Electric potential
[electric_potential] = [energy] / [charge]
volt = joule / coulomb = V = 伏特
volt = joule / coulomb = V = 伏特 = 伏
abvolt = 1e-8 * volt = abV = 绝对伏特
mean_international_volt = 1.00034 * volt = V_it = 平均国际伏特 # approximate
US_international_volt = 1.00033 * volt = V_US = 美国国际伏特 # approximate
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ atomic_unit_of_electric_field = e * k_C / a_0 ** 2 = a_u_electric_field = 原子
# Resistance
[resistance] = [electric_potential] / [current]
ohm = volt / ampere = Ω = 欧姆
ohm = volt / ampere = Ω = 欧姆 = 欧
abohm = 1e-9 * ohm = abΩ = 绝对欧姆
mean_international_ohm = 1.00049 * ohm = Ω_it = ohm_it = 平均国际欧姆 # approximate
US_international_ohm = 1.000495 * ohm = Ω_US = ohm_US = 美国国际欧姆 # approximate
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ conventional_ohm_90 = R_K / R_K90 * ohm = Ω_90 = ohm_90 = 传统欧姆90
# Conductance
[conductance] = [current] / [electric_potential]
siemens = ampere / volt = S = mho = 西门子
siemens = ampere / volt = S = mho = 西门子 = 西门
absiemens = 1e9 * siemens = abS = abmho = 绝对西门子
# Capacitance

View file

@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ from database import BotDBUtil
module = on_command('module',
alias={'enable': 'module enable', 'disable': 'module disable','reload':'module reload'},
alias={'enable': 'module enable',
'disable': 'module disable',
'reload':'module reload'},
@ -44,9 +46,11 @@ async def _(msg: MessageSession):
async def config_modules(msg: MessageSession):
alias = ModulesManager.return_modules_alias_map()
modules_ = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
modules_ = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
enabled_modules_list = BotDBUtil.TargetInfo(msg).enabled_modules
wait_config = [msg.parsed_msg.get('<module>')] + msg.parsed_msg.get('...', [])
wait_config = [msg.parsed_msg.get(
'<module>')] + msg.parsed_msg.get('...', [])
wait_config_list = []
for module_ in wait_config:
if module_ not in wait_config_list:
@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ async def config_modules(msg: MessageSession):
if function[0] == '_':
if isinstance(modules_[function], Command) and (
modules_[function].base or modules_[function].required_superuser):
modules_[function].base or modules_[function].required_superuser):
@ -103,7 +107,8 @@ async def config_modules(msg: MessageSession):
if modules_[m].desc is not None:
if isinstance(modules_[m], Command):
hdoc = CommandParser(modules_[m], msg=msg, bind_prefix=modules_[m].bind_prefix,
@ -117,7 +122,7 @@ async def config_modules(msg: MessageSession):
if function[0] == '_':
if isinstance(modules_[function], Command) and (
modules_[function].base or modules_[function].required_superuser):
modules_[function].base or modules_[function].required_superuser):
@ -178,7 +183,6 @@ async def config_modules(msg: MessageSession):
await msg.finish()
hlp = on_command('help',
developers=['OasisAkari', 'Dianliang233'],
@ -187,7 +191,8 @@ hlp = on_command('help',
@hlp.handle('<module> {查看一个模块的详细信息}')
async def bot_help(msg: MessageSession):
module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
developers = ModulesManager.return_modules_developers_map()
alias = ModulesManager.return_modules_alias_map()
if msg.parsed_msg is not None:
@ -215,7 +220,8 @@ async def bot_help(msg: MessageSession):
if help_name in developers:
dev_list = developers[help_name]
if isinstance(dev_list, (list, tuple)):
devs = ''.join(developers[help_name]) if developers[help_name] is not None else ''
devs = ''.join(
developers[help_name]) if developers[help_name] is not None else ''
elif isinstance(dev_list, str):
devs = dev_list
@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ async def bot_help(msg: MessageSession):
devs = ''
devs_msg = '\n模块作者:' + devs if devs != '' else ''
wiki_msg = f'\n模块文档' + help_name
await msg.finish(doc + devs_msg)
await msg.finish('此模块可能不存在,请检查输入。')
@ -230,7 +237,8 @@ async def bot_help(msg: MessageSession):
async def _(msg: MessageSession):
module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
target_enabled_list = msg.enabled_modules
developers = ModulesManager.return_modules_developers_map()
legacy_help = True
@ -256,18 +264,21 @@ async def _(msg: MessageSession):
doc = '\n'.join(doc_)
module_alias = ModulesManager.return_module_alias(module_.bind_prefix)
module_alias = ModulesManager.return_module_alias(
malias = []
for a in module_alias:
malias.append(f'{a} -> {module_alias[a]}')
appends.append('\n'.join(malias) if malias else '')
appends.append(''.join(developers[x]) if developers.get(x) is not None else '')
appends.append(''.join(developers[x]) if developers.get(
x) is not None else '')
if isinstance(module_, Command) and module_.base:
if x in target_enabled_list:
if essential:
tables.append(ImageTable(essential, ['基础模块列表', '帮助信息', '命令别名', '作者']))
essential, ['基础模块列表', '帮助信息', '命令别名', '作者']))
if m:
tables.append(ImageTable(m, ['扩展模块列表', '帮助信息', '命令别名', '作者']))
if tables:
@ -306,7 +317,8 @@ async def _(msg: MessageSession):
async def modules_help(msg: MessageSession):
module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict(
developers = ModulesManager.return_modules_developers_map()
legacy_help = True
if web_render and msg.Feature.image:
@ -322,7 +334,8 @@ async def modules_help(msg: MessageSession):
appends = [module_.bind_prefix]
doc_ = []
if isinstance(module_, Command):
help_ = CommandParser(module_, bind_prefix=module_.bind_prefix, command_prefixes=msg.prefixes)
help_ = CommandParser(
module_, bind_prefix=module_.bind_prefix, command_prefixes=msg.prefixes)
if module_.desc is not None:
if help_.args is not None:
@ -332,12 +345,14 @@ async def modules_help(msg: MessageSession):
doc = '\n'.join(doc_)
module_alias = ModulesManager.return_module_alias(module_.bind_prefix)
module_alias = ModulesManager.return_module_alias(
malias = []
for a in module_alias:
malias.append(f'{a} -> {module_alias[a]}')
appends.append('\n'.join(malias) if malias else '')
appends.append(''.join(developers[x]) if developers.get(x) is not None else '')
appends.append(''.join(developers[x]) if developers.get(
x) is not None else '')
if m:
tables.append(ImageTable(m, ['扩展模块列表', '帮助信息', '命令别名', '作者']))

View file

@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ async def cytoid_profile(msg: MessageSession):
s = grade.get('S')
if s is not None:
grade_t.append(f'S: {s}')
aa = grade.get('AA')
if aa is not None:
grade_t.append(f'AA: {aa}')
a = grade.get('A')
if a is not None:
grade_t.append(f'A: {a}')

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ async def _(msg: MessageSession):
await msg.finish(''+str(random))
@r.handle('choice ... {从选项中选择一个}',)
@r.handle('choice ... {从集合中选择元素}',)
async def _(msg: MessageSession):
choices = msg.parsed_msg['...']
await msg.finish(secrets.choice(choices))

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from typing import Any
from typing import Any, Dict
import json
import socket
import ipaddress
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def parse_coordinate(axis: str, value: float):
return f'{value}°{"E" if value > 0 else "W"}'
async def format_ip(info: dict[str, Any]):
async def format_ip(info: Dict[str, Any]):
ip_property = {
'global': '全局',
'private': '私有',

View file

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ async def _(msg: MessageSession):
if section_:
s = urllib.parse.unquote(''.join(section_)[1:])
if q[qq].realurl:
if q[qq].realurl and q[qq].in_allowlist:
if q[qq].realurl in generate_screenshot_v2_blocklist:
get_section = await generate_screenshot_v1(q[qq].realurl, qq, headers, section=s)

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ async def generate_screenshot_v2(page_link, section=None, allow_special_page=Fal
if allow_special_page and doc_mode:
page_link += '/doc'
elements_.insert(0, '.mw-parser-output')
elements_.insert(0, '.documentation')
if allow_special_page and not doc_mode:
elements_.insert(0, '.diff')'[Webrender] Generating element screenshot...')
@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ async def generate_screenshot_v1(link, page_link, headers, section=None, allow_s
read_file = open(url, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
html = {'content':, 'width': w}
html = {'content':, 'width': w, 'mw': True}'Start rendering...')
picname = os.path.abspath(f'./cache/{pagename}.jpg')
if os.path.exists(picname):

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import asyncio
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union
import filetype
@ -274,11 +275,13 @@ async def query_pages(session: Union[MessageSession, QueryInfo], title: Union[st
for ii in i:[ii]['url'])
if i[ii]['url'] not in generate_screenshot_v2_blocklist:
timer =
get_infobox = await generate_screenshot_v2(ii, allow_special_page=i[ii]['in_allowlist'],
if get_infobox:
infobox_msg_list.append(Plain(f'生成用时:{int( - timer)}s' +
get_infobox = await generate_screenshot_v1(i[ii]['url'], ii, headers,
@ -295,13 +298,17 @@ async def query_pages(session: Union[MessageSession, QueryInfo], title: Union[st
for ii in i:
if i[ii]['in_allowlist']:
if i[ii]['url'] not in generate_screenshot_v2_blocklist:
timer =
get_section = await generate_screenshot_v2(ii, section=i[ii]['section'])
if get_section:
Plain(f'生成用时:{int( - timer)}s' +
get_section = await generate_screenshot_v1(i[ii]['url'], ii, headers, section=i[ii]['section'])
get_section = await generate_screenshot_v1(i[ii]['url'], ii, headers,
if get_section:
if section_msg_list:

View file

@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ numpy
pywin32; sys_platform == 'win32'