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Update Crowdin Translations (Chinese Traditional #598)

This commit is contained in:
Dorobot 2023-05-13 11:44:01 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent f50379821a
commit c774b6fe4f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
15 changed files with 133 additions and 13 deletions

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"": "Alias: ",
"parser.module.desc": "Description:\n${desc}",
"check.redacted": "<REDACTED>",
"check.redacted.all": "<REDACTED ALL>",
"check.redacted.all": "<ALL REDACTED>",
"none": "None",
"language": "English"

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"": "執行指令時發生錯誤,請回報機器人開發人員:\n${err_msg}\n錯誤回報網址",
"error.prompt.noreport": "執行指令時發生錯誤:\n${err_msg}\n此問題並非機器人程式錯誤API 請求錯誤等),請勿將此訊息回報給機器人開發人員。",
"": "訊息傳送失敗,可能被風控,請稍後再試。",
"error.message.paused": "群消息发送被服务器拦截,已暂停群消息发送,使用 ${prefix}resume 命令恢复推送。",
"error.message.paused": "群消息发送被服务器拦截,已暂停群消息发送,使用「${prefix}resume」命令恢复推送。",
"error.message.chain.invalid": "機器人嘗試傳送無效訊息鏈,請聯絡機器人開發人員解決問題。",
"error.message.chain.empty": "機器人嘗試傳送空白訊息鏈,請聯絡機器人開發人員解決問題。",
"error.message.chain.plain.empty": "機器人嘗試傳送空白文字訊息,請聯絡機器人開發人員解決問題。",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
"arcaea.errcode.-1": "非法的用户名或好友代码",
"arcaea.errcode.-2": "非法的好友代码",
"arcaea.errcode.-3": "未找到用户",
"arcaea.errcode.-4": "好友列表已满",
"arcaea.errcode.-5": "非法的歌曲名或歌曲 ID",
"arcaea.errcode.-6": "非法的歌曲 ID",
"arcaea.errcode.-7": "歌曲未记录",
"arcaea.errcode.-8": "记录过多",
"arcaea.errcode.-9": "非法的难度",
"arcaea.errcode.-10": "非法的近期记录数",
"arcaea.errcode.-11": "分配 Arcaea 账户失败",
"arcaea.errcode.-12": "清除好友对象失败",
"arcaea.errcode.-13": "添加对象失败",
"arcaea.errcode.-14": "该歌曲无 Beyond 难度",
"arcaea.errcode.-15": "无游玩记录",
"arcaea.errcode.-16": "用户排行榜被封禁",
"arcaea.errcode.-17": "查询 B30 记录失败",
"arcaea.errcode.-18": "更新服务器不可用",
"arcaea.errcode.-19": "非法的搭档",
"arcaea.errcode.-20": "文件不存在",
"arcaea.errcode.-23": "发生了内部错误",
"arcaea.errcode.-233": "发生了未知错误",
"arcaea.message.assets.not_found": "找不到资源文件!请放置一份 Arcaea 的 apk 文件到机器人的 assets 目录并重命名为 arc.apk 后,使用“${prefix}arcaea initialize”初始化资源。",
"arcaea.message.failed": "查询失败。",
"arcaea.message.failed.errcode": "查询失败:",
"arcaea.message.failed.fetch": "获取失败。",
"arcaea.message.invalid.friendcode.format": "请输入正确的好友 ID",
"arcaea.message.invalid.friendcode.non_digital": "好友 ID 必须是 9 位数字!",
"arcaea.message.user.unbound": "未绑定用户,请使用“${prefix}arcaea bind <friendcode>”绑定一个用户。",
"arcaea.message.no_webrender": "未配置 webrender无法使用此命令。",
"": "查询 Arcaea 用户的 b30 列表。",
"arcaea.b30.message.success": "获取结果\nB30${b30} | R10${r10}\nB30 倒 5 列表:\n${last5list}",
"": "查询 Arcaea 用户的最近游玩记录。",
"": "${username} (${potential}) 的最近游玩记录:\n${trackname}${difficulty}\n分数${score}\nPure${pure} (${shiny_pure})\nFar${far}\nLost${lost}\n潜力值${realptt} -> ${ptt}\n时间${time_played} (UTC+8)",
"": "此用户无游玩记录。",
"": "查询一首 Arcaea 谱面的信息。",
"": "请输入正确的谱面难度!",
"": "该谱面难度不存在。",
"": "难度:",
"": "作曲:",
"": "封面:",
"": "谱师:",
"": "物量:",
"": "BPM",
"": "所属曲包:",
"": "时长:",
"": " 秒",
"": "上线日期:",
"": "需要通过世界解锁:",
"": "需要下载:",
"": "最佳成绩:",
"": "消色",
"": "纷争",
"": "光芒",
"": "绑定 Arcaea 用户。",
"arcaea.bind.message.success": "绑定成功:${username} (${friendcode})",
"arcaea.bind.message.success.but.failed.fetch.username": "绑定成功,但是无法获取用户信息。请自行检查命令是否可用。",
"arcaea.bind.message.failed": "绑定失败,请尝试使用好友 ID 绑定。",
"": "解绑用户。",
"arcaea.unbind.message.success": "解绑成功。",
"arcaea.initialize.message.not_found": "未找到 arc.apk",
"arcaea.initialize.message.success": "成功初始化!",
"": "获取最新版本的游戏 apk。",
"": "目前的最新版本为 ${version}。\n下载地址${url}",
"": "随机一首曲子。",
"": "查看当前免费包游玩排行。",
"": "查看当前付费包游玩排行。",
"": "查询 Arcaea 相关内容。"

View file

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"": "转换为十六进制hex(268) -> 0x10c",
"": "More available operators and functions",
"calc.calc.message.invalid": "Invalid expression: ${expr}",
"calc.calc.message.time_out": "Calculation timeout.",
"": "Safely evaluate Python ast expressions.",
"calc.message.time_out": "Calculation timeout.",
"calc.message.running_time": "计算花费时间:${time} ms / 10000 ms。",
"": "分解质因数。",
"": "发生错误:必须为大于 1 的正整数。",

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"": "和/正数1 + 2 -> 3",
"": "差/负数3 - 1 -> 2",
"": "商6 / 3 -> 2",
"": "积2 * 3 -> 6",
"": "x 的 y 次幂(由于性能问题,指数不得超过 4e+62 ** 3 -> 8",
"": "取模5 % 2 -> 1",
"": "等于1 == 1 -> True",
"": "小于等于1 <= 2 -> True",
"": "大于等于1 >= 2 -> False",
"": "x 右移 y 位(相当于 x / (2 ** y)y < 1000032 >> 5 -> 1",
"": "x 左移 y 位(相当于 x * (2 ** y)y < 100001 << 5 -> 32",
"": "按位异或1 ^ 1 -> 0",
"": "非not True -> False",
"": "x 与 y 是同一个对象1 is 1 -> True",
"": "小于 x 的随机整数randint(6) -> 5",
"": "0 与 1 之间的随机浮点数rand() -> 0.5789015836448923",
"": "转换为整数int(1.5) -> 1",
"": "转换为浮点数float(1) -> 1.0",
"": "转换为字符串str(1) -> \"1\"",
"": "转换为复数complex(1) -> (1 + 0j)",
"": "转换为布尔值bool(1) -> True",
"": "转换为二进制bin(268) -> 0b100001100",
"": "转换为八进制oct(268) -> 0o414",
"": "转换为十六进制hex(268) -> 0x10c",
"": "更多可用运算符和函数",
"calculator.calc.message.invalid": "表达式无效:${expr}",
"": "安全地计算 Python ast 表达式。",
"calculator.message.time_out": "计算超时。",
"": "分解质因数。",
"calculator.factor.message.running_time": "计算花费时间:${time} s / 10.00 s。",
"": "发生错误:必须为大于 1 的正整数。",
"": "${num} 是质数。"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"": "全能单位转换。",
"": "单位转换,大小写敏感。"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"": "全能单位转换。",
"": "单位转换,大小写敏感。"

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"": "查询一个用户的基本信息。",
"": "查詢一個使用者的基本訊息。",
"": "查詢 Cytoid 使用者的 b30/r30 列表。",
"cytoid.b30.message.cooldown": "距离上次执行已过去 ${time} 秒,本命令的冷却时间为 150 秒。(据官方人员所述,此 API 的调用十分昂贵,故手动做出这一限制,请谅解。)",
"": "绑定 Cytoid 使用者。",
"cytoid.bind.message.success": "綁定成功。",
"cytoid.bind.message.failed": "绑定失败,请检查输入。",
"cytoid.bind.message.failed": "綁定失敗,請檢查輸入。",
"": "解除綁定使用者。",
"cytoid.unbind.message.success": "解除綁定成功。",
"cytoid.message.user.unbound": "未綁定使用者,請使用「${prefix}cytoid bind <username>」綁定一個使用者。",

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"": "字串的雜湊值。",
"": "生字串的雜湊值。",
"": "返回支援的雜湊演算法。",
"hash.message.output": "上述字串的 ${algorithm} 雜湊值為:${digest}",
"hash.message.unsupported_algorithm": "不支援此演算法:${algorithm}",

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"": "取得一言。",
"": "获取一言,留空则随机类型。",
"": "取得一言,留空則隨機類型。",
"hitokoto.message.type.a": "動畫",
"hitokoto.message.type.b": "漫畫",
"hitokoto.message.type.c": "遊戲",

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"": "一張 Arcaea Potential 圖片。",
"": "生一張 Arcaea Potential 圖片。",
"ptt.message.invalid": "發生錯誤Potential 必須為 ≥0.00 且 ≤99.99 的數字。"

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"": "產生區間內的隨機整數。",
"": "從集合中選擇元素。",
"": "打乱集合的顺序。",
"": "打亂集合的順序。",
"": "產生隨機 UUIDv4。",
"": "隨機數器(密碼學安全)"
"": "隨機數生器(密碼學安全)"

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"summary.message": "接下來,請傳送要摘要的合併轉發訊息。",
"summary.message": "接下來,請傳送要生摘要的合併轉發訊息。",
"summary.message.not_found": "未檢測到合併轉發訊息。",
"summary.message.waiting": "正在摘要。您的聊天記錄共 ${count} 個字元,大約需要 ${time} 秒。請稍候……",
"": "開始發送聊天摘要。",
"summary.message.waiting": "正在生摘要。您的聊天記錄共 ${count} 個字元,大約需要 ${time} 秒。請稍候……",
"": "使用 ChatGPTgpt-3.5-turbo產生合併轉發訊息的聊天記錄摘要。",
"": "開始傳送聊天摘要。"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"": "搜索 WolframAlpha。",
"": "输入问题或公式搜索 WolframAlpha。"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"": "搜尋 WolframAlpha。",
"": "鍵入問題或公式搜尋 WolframAlpha。"