import os import traceback from config import Config from core.builtins.message import MessageSession from core.component import on_command from core.elements import Plain, Image from core.utils import get_url from .dbutils import ArcBindInfoManager from .getb30 import getb30 from .getb30_official import getb30_official from .info import get_info from .info_official import get_info_official from .initialize import arcb30init from .utils import get_userinfo arc = on_command('arcaea', developers=['OasisAkari'], desc='查询Arcaea相关内容。', alias={'b30': 'arcaea b30', 'a': 'arcaea', 'arc': 'arcaea'}) webrender = Config('web_render') assets_path = os.path.abspath('./assets/arcaea') @arc.handle('b30 [] {查询一个Arcaea用户的b30列表(自动选择使用API)}', 'b30 official [] {使用官方API}', 'b30 unofficial [] {使用非官方API}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): if not os.path.exists(assets_path): await msg.finish('未找到资源文件!请放置一枚arcaea的apk到机器人的assets目录并重命名为arc.apk后,使用~arcaea initialize初始化资源。') query_code = None prefer_uses = msg.options.get('arc_api', None) official = msg.parsed_msg.get('official', False) unofficial = msg.parsed_msg.get('unofficial', False) if not unofficial and not official and prefer_uses is False: unofficial = True if not official and prefer_uses is True: official = True friendcode: str = msg.parsed_msg.get('', False) if friendcode: if friendcode.isdigit(): if len(friendcode) == 9: query_code = friendcode else: await msg.finish('好友码必须是9位数字!') else: await msg.finish('请输入正确的好友码!') else: get_friendcode_from_db = ArcBindInfoManager(msg).get_bind_friendcode() if get_friendcode_from_db is not None: query_code = get_friendcode_from_db if query_code is not None: if not unofficial: try: resp = await getb30_official(query_code) msgchain = [Plain(resp['text'])] if 'file' in resp and msg.Feature.image: msgchain.append(Image(path=resp['file'])) await msg.sendMessage(msgchain, allow_split_image=False) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if not official and prefer_uses is None: await msg.sendMessage('使用官方API获取失败,尝试使用非官方接口。') unofficial = True else: await msg.finish('使用官方API获取失败。') if unofficial: try: resp = await getb30(query_code) msgchain = [Plain(resp['text'])] if 'file' in resp and msg.Feature.image: msgchain.append(Image(path=resp['file'])) await msg.finish(msgchain) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() await msg.finish('使用非官方API获取失败。') else: await msg.finish('未绑定用户,请使用~arcaea bind 绑定一个用户。') @arc.handle('info [] {查询一个Arcaea用户的最近游玩记录}', 'info official [] {使用官方API}', 'info unofficial [] {使用非官方API}',) async def _(msg: MessageSession): if not os.path.exists(assets_path): await msg.sendMessage('未找到资源文件!请放置一枚arcaea的apk到机器人的assets目录并重命名为arc.apk后,使用~arcaea initialize初始化资源。') return query_code = None prefer_uses = msg.options.get('arc_api', None) unofficial = msg.parsed_msg.get('unofficial', False) official = msg.parsed_msg.get('official', False) if not unofficial and not official and prefer_uses is False: unofficial = True if not official and prefer_uses is True: official = True friendcode = msg.parsed_msg.get('', False) if friendcode: if friendcode.isdigit(): if len(friendcode) == 9: query_code = friendcode else: await msg.finish('好友码必须是9位数字!') else: await msg.finish('请输入正确的好友码!') else: get_friendcode_from_db = ArcBindInfoManager(msg).get_bind_friendcode() if get_friendcode_from_db is not None: query_code = get_friendcode_from_db if query_code is not None: if not unofficial: try: resp = await get_info_official(query_code) if resp['success']: await msg.finish(resp['msg']) else: if not official and prefer_uses is None: await msg.sendMessage('使用官方API获取失败,尝试使用非官方接口。') unofficial = True except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if not official and prefer_uses is None: await msg.sendMessage('使用官方API获取失败,尝试使用非官方接口。') unofficial = True if unofficial: try: resp = await get_info(query_code) await msg.finish(resp) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() await msg.finish('使用非官方API获取失败。') else: await msg.finish('未绑定用户,请使用~arcaea bind 绑定一个用户。') @arc.handle('bind {绑定一个Arcaea用户}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): code: str = msg.parsed_msg[''] getcode = await get_userinfo(code) if getcode: bind = ArcBindInfoManager(msg).set_bind_info(username=getcode[0], friendcode=getcode[1]) if bind: await msg.finish(f'绑定成功:{getcode[0]}({getcode[1]})') else: if code.isdigit(): bind = ArcBindInfoManager(msg).set_bind_info(username='', friendcode=code) if bind: await msg.finish('绑定成功,但是无法获取用户信息。请自行检查命令是否可用。') else: await msg.finish('绑定失败,请尝试使用好友码绑定。') @arc.handle('unbind {取消绑定用户}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): unbind = ArcBindInfoManager(msg).remove_bind_info() if unbind: await msg.finish('取消绑定成功。') @arc.handle('initialize', required_superuser=True) async def _(msg: MessageSession): assets_apk = os.path.abspath('./assets/arc.apk') if not os.path.exists(assets_apk): await msg.finish('未找到arc.apk!') return result = await arcb30init() if result: await msg.finish('成功初始化!') @arc.handle('download {获取最新版本的游戏apk}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): if not webrender: await msg.finish(['未配置webrender,无法使用此命令。']) resp = await get_url(webrender + 'source?url=', 200, fmt='json') if resp: await msg.finish([Plain(f'目前的最新版本为{resp["value"]["version"]}。\n下载地址:{resp["value"]["url"]}')]) @arc.handle('random {随机一首曲子}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): if not webrender: await msg.finish(['未配置webrender,无法使用此命令。']) resp = await get_url(webrender + 'source?url=', 200, fmt='json') if resp: value = resp["value"][0] image = f'{assets_path}/jacket/{value["song_id"]}.jpg' result = [Plain(value["title"]["en"])] if os.path.exists(image): result.append(Image(path=image)) await msg.finish(result) @arc.handle('rank free {查看当前免费包游玩排行}', 'rank paid {查看当前付费包游玩排行}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): if not webrender: await msg.finish(['未配置webrender,无法使用此命令。']) if msg.parsed_msg.get('free', False): resp = await get_url(webrender + 'source?url=', 200, fmt='json') else: resp = await get_url(webrender + 'source?url=', 200, fmt='json') if resp: r = [] rank = 0 for x in resp['value']: rank += 1 r.append(f'{rank}. {x["title"]["en"]} ({x["status"]})') await msg.finish('\n'.join(r)) @arc.handle('switch {切换查询时默认优先使用的API接口}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): value = msg.options.get('arc_api', True) set_value ='arc_api', not value) await msg.finish(f'已切换为{"官方" if not value else "非官方"}API。')