import re import traceback from typing import List, Union from bots.aiogram.client import dp, bot from config import Config from core.builtins.message import MessageSession as MS from core.elements import Plain, Image, MsgInfo, Session, Voice, FetchTarget as FT, FetchedSession as FS, \ FinishedSession as FinS from core.elements.message.chain import MessageChain from core.logger import Logger from core.utils import image_split from database import BotDBUtil enable_analytics = Config('enable_analytics') class FinishedSession(FinS): async def delete(self): """ 用于删除这条消息。 """ try: for x in self.result: await x.delete() except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) class MessageSession(MS): class Feature: image = True voice = True embed = False forward = False delete = True quote = True wait = True async def sendMessage(self, msgchain, quote=True, disable_secret_check=False, allow_split_image=True) -> FinishedSession: msgchain = MessageChain(msgchain) if not msgchain.is_safe and not disable_secret_check: return await self.sendMessage('') self.sent.append(msgchain) count = 0 send = [] for x in msgchain.asSendable(embed=False): if isinstance(x, Plain): send_ = await bot.send_message(, x.text, reply_to_message_id=self.session.message.message_id if quote and count == 0 and self.session.message else None)'[Bot] -> [{}]: {x.text}') send.append(send_) count += 1 elif isinstance(x, Image): if allow_split_image: split = await image_split(x) for xs in split: with open(await xs.get(), 'rb') as image: send_ = await bot.send_photo(, image, reply_to_message_id=self.session.message.message_id if quote and count == 0 and self.session.message else None)'[Bot] -> [{}]: Image: {str(xs.__dict__)}') send.append(send_) count += 1 else: with open(await x.get(), 'rb') as image: send_ = await bot.send_photo(, image, reply_to_message_id=self.session.message.message_id if quote and count == 0 and self.session.message else None)'[Bot] -> [{}]: Image: {str(x.__dict__)}') send.append(send_) count += 1 elif isinstance(x, Voice): with open(x.path, 'rb') as voice: send_ = await bot.send_audio(, voice, reply_to_message_id=self.session.message.message_id if quote and count == 0 and self.session.message else None)'[Bot] -> [{}]: Voice: {str(x.__dict__)}') send.append(send_) count += 1 msgIds = [] for x in send: msgIds.append(x.message_id) return FinishedSession(msgIds, send) async def checkPermission(self): if == 'private' or in self.custom_admins \ or return True admins = [ for member in await] if self.session.sender in admins: return True return False async def checkNativePermission(self): if == 'private': return True admins = [ for member in await] if self.session.sender in admins: return True return False def asDisplay(self): return self.session.message.text async def delete(self): try: for x in self.session.message: await x.delete() except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) class Typing: def __init__(self, msg: MS): self.msg = msg async def __aenter__(self): # await bot.answer_chat_action(, 'typing') pass async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass class FetchedSession(FS): def __init__(self, targetFrom, targetId): = MsgInfo(targetId=f'{targetFrom}|{targetId}', senderId=f'{targetFrom}|{targetId}', targetFrom=targetFrom, senderFrom=targetFrom, senderName='', clientName='Telegram', messageId=0, replyId=None) self.session = Session(message=False, target=targetId, sender=targetId) self.parent = MessageSession(, self.session) class FetchTarget(FT): name = 'Telegram' @staticmethod async def fetch_target(targetId) -> Union[FetchedSession, bool]: matchChannel = re.match(r'^(Telegram\|.*?)\|(.*)', targetId) if matchChannel: return FetchedSession(, else: return False @staticmethod async def fetch_target_list(targetList: list) -> List[FetchedSession]: lst = [] for x in targetList: fet = await FetchTarget.fetch_target(x) if fet: lst.append(fet) return lst @staticmethod async def post_message(module_name, message, user_list: List[FetchedSession] = None): if user_list is not None: for x in user_list: try: await x.sendDirectMessage(message) if enable_analytics: BotDBUtil.Analytics(x).add('', module_name, 'schedule') except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) else: get_target_id = BotDBUtil.TargetInfo.get_enabled_this(module_name, "Telegram") for x in get_target_id: fetch = await FetchTarget.fetch_target(x.targetId) if fetch: try: await fetch.sendDirectMessage(message) if enable_analytics: BotDBUtil.Analytics(fetch).add('', module_name, 'schedule') except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc())