import openai import re from config import Config from core.builtins import Bot from core.component import module from core.dirty_check import check_bool, rickroll from core.logger import Logger from core.petal import count_petal from core.utils.cooldown import CoolDown openai.api_key = Config('openai_api_key') s = module('summary', developers=['Dianliang233', 'OasisAkari'], desc='{}', available_for=['QQ', 'QQ|Group']) @s.handle('{{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): is_superuser = msg.check_super_user() if not Config('openai_api_key'): raise Exception(msg.locale.t('error.config.secret.not_found')) if not is_superuser and <= 0: # refuse await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('core.message.petal.no_petals') + Config('issue_url')) qc = CoolDown('call_openai', msg) c = qc.check(60) if c == 0 or == 'TEST|Console' or is_superuser: f_msg = await msg.wait_next_message(msg.locale.t('summary.message'), append_instruction=False) try: f ='\[Ke:forward,id=(.*?)\]', f_msg.as_display()).group(1) except AttributeError: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('summary.message.not_found')) data = await f_msg.call_api('get_forward_msg', message_id=f) msgs = data['messages'] texts = [f'\n{m["sender"]["nickname"]}:{m["content"]}' for m in msgs] if await check_bool(''.join(texts)): rickroll(msg) char_count = sum([len(i) for i in texts]) wait_msg = await msg.send_message( msg.locale.t('summary.message.waiting', count=char_count, time=round(char_count / 33.5, 1))) nth = 0 prev = '' while nth < len(texts): prompt = f'请总结下列聊天内容。要求语言简练,但必须含有所有要点,以一段话的形式输出。请使用{msg.locale.locale}输出结果。除了聊天记录的摘要以外,不要输出其他任何内容。' \ f'''{f"""同时与<|ctx_end|>之间记录了聊天内容的上下文,请你同时结合这段上下文和聊天记录来输出。 <|ctx_start|>{prev}<|ctx_end|>""" if nth != 0 else ""}''' len_prompt = len(prompt) post_texts = '' for t in texts[nth:]: if len(post_texts) + len_prompt < 1970: post_texts += texts[nth] nth += 1 else: break completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model='gpt-3.5-turbo', messages=[ {'role': 'system', "content": "You are a helpful assistants who summarizes chat logs."}, {'role': 'user', "content": f'''{prompt} {post_texts}'''}, ] ) output = completion['choices'][0]['message']['content'] tokens = completion['usage']['total_tokens'] if not is_superuser: petal = await count_petal(tokens) else: petal = 0 if petal != 0: output = f"{output}\n{msg.locale.t('petal.message.cost', count=petal)}" await wait_msg.delete() if await check_bool(output): if petal != 0: await msg.sendMessage(msg.locale.t('petal.message.cost', count=petal)) rickroll(msg) if != 'TEST|Console' and not is_superuser: qc.reset() await msg.finish(output, disable_secret_check=True) else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('message.cooldown', time=int(c), cd_time='60'))