import datetime import traceback import aiohttp from core import dirty_check as dirty def darkCheck(msg: str): blacklist = [ 'china-dictatorship' 'cirosantilli', 'gfwlist', 'v2ray', 'shadowsocks', 'xi-yu-yan-kai-fa', 'xi-winnie-rainbow-fart', 'xi-speech-synthesizer', 'dnmkrgi', 'xi-speech-demo', 'zhao', 'programthink' ] for i in blacklist: if msg.find(i) > -1: return True return False def time_diff(time: str): datetimed = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').timestamp() now = diff = now - datetimed diff = diff t = diff / 60 / 60 / 24 dw = ' day(s)' if t < 1: t = diff / 60 / 60 dw = ' hour(s)' if t < 1: t = diff / 60 dw = ' minute(s)' if t < 1: t = diff dw = ' second(s)' diff = str(int(t)) + dw return diff async def dirty_check(text, *whitelist_check): whitelist = [ 'Teahouse-Studios', 'Dianliang233', 'OasisAkari', 'Lakejason0', 'wyapx', 'XxLittleCxX', 'lakejason0' ] if whitelist_check in whitelist: return False check = await dirty.check(text) print(check) if check.find('<吃掉了>') != -1 or check.find('<全部吃掉了>') != -1: return True return False async def query(url: str, fmt: str): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.get(url, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20)) as req: if hasattr(req, fmt): return await getattr(req, fmt)() else: raise ValueError(f"NoSuchMethod: {fmt}") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return False