'''利用阿里云API检查字符串是否合规。 在使用前,应该在配置中填写"Check_accessKeyId"和"Check_accessKeySecret"以便进行鉴权。 ''' import base64 import datetime import hashlib import hmac import json import time import aiohttp from tenacity import retry, wait_fixed, stop_after_attempt from core.elements import EnableDirtyWordCheck from core.logger import Logger from database.logging_message import DirtyWordCache from config import Config def hash_hmac(key, code, sha1): hmac_code = hmac.new(key.encode(), code.encode(), hashlib.sha1) return base64.b64encode(hmac_code.digest()).decode('utf-8') def computeMD5hash(my_string): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(my_string.encode('gb2312')) return m.hexdigest() def parse_data(result: dict): original_content = content = result['content'] for itemResult in result['results']: if itemResult['suggestion'] == 'block': for itemDetail in itemResult['details']: if 'contexts' in itemDetail: for itemContext in itemDetail["contexts"]: content = content.replace(itemContext['context'], '<吃掉了>') else: content = "<全部吃掉了>" return {original_content: content} @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), wait=wait_fixed(3)) async def check(*text) -> list: '''检查字符串是否合规 :param text: 字符串(List/Union)。 :returns: 经过审核后的字符串。不合规部分会被替换为'<吃掉了>',全部不合规则是'<全部吃掉了>'。 ''' accessKeyId = Config("Check_accessKeyId") accessKeySecret = Config("Check_accessKeySecret") if not accessKeyId or not accessKeySecret or not EnableDirtyWordCheck.status: Logger.warn('Dirty words filter was disabled, skip.') return list(text) if not text: return [] query_list = {} count = 0 for t in text: query_list.update({count: {t: False}}) count += 1 for q in query_list: for pq in query_list[q]: cache = DirtyWordCache(pq) if not cache.need_insert: query_list.update({q: parse_data(cache.get())}) call_api_list = {} for q in query_list: for pq in query_list[q]: if not query_list[q][pq]: call_api_list.update({pq: q}) call_api_list_ = [x for x in call_api_list] if call_api_list_: body = { "scenes": [ "antispam" ], "tasks": list(map(lambda x: { "dataId": "Nullcat is god {}".format(time.time()), "content": x }, call_api_list_)) } clientInfo = '{}' root = 'https://green.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com' url = '/green/text/scan?{}'.format(clientInfo) GMT_FORMAT = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT' date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(GMT_FORMAT) nonce = 'LittleC is god forever {}'.format(time.time()) contentMd5 = base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(json.dumps(body).encode('utf-8')).digest()).decode('utf-8') headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-MD5': contentMd5, 'Date': date, 'x-acs-version': '2018-05-09', 'x-acs-signature-nonce': nonce, 'x-acs-signature-version': '1.0', 'x-acs-signature-method': 'HMAC-SHA1' } tmp = { 'x-acs-version': '2018-05-09', 'x-acs-signature-nonce': nonce, 'x-acs-signature-version': '1.0', 'x-acs-signature-method': 'HMAC-SHA1' } sorted_header = {k: tmp[k] for k in sorted(tmp)} step1 = '\n'.join(list(map(lambda x: "{}:{}".format(x, sorted_header[x]), list(sorted_header.keys())))) step2 = url step3 = "POST\napplication/json\n{contentMd5}\napplication/json\n{date}\n{step1}\n{step2}".format( contentMd5=contentMd5, date=headers['Date'], step1=step1, step2=step2) sign = "acs {}:{}".format(accessKeyId, hash_hmac(accessKeySecret, step3, hashlib.sha1)) headers['Authorization'] = sign # 'Authorization': "acs {}:{}".format(accessKeyId, sign) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session: async with session.post('{}{}'.format(root, url), data=json.dumps(body)) as resp: if resp.status == 200: result = await resp.json() print(result) for item in result['data']: content = item['content'] query_list.update({call_api_list[content]: parse_data(item)}) DirtyWordCache(content).update(item) else: raise ValueError(await resp.text()) results = [] print(query_list) for x in query_list: for y in query_list[x]: results.append(query_list[x][y]) return results