from core.dirty_check import check_bool from core.builtins import Bot from core.component import module from modules.ask.agent import agent_executor from langchain.callbacks import get_openai_callback from decimal import Decimal from core.exceptions import NoReportException ONE_K = Decimal('1000') # BASE_COST_GPT_3_5 = Decimal('0.002') # gpt-3.5-turbo: $0.002 / 1K tokens THIRD_PARTY_MULTIPLIER = Decimal('1.5') # We are not tracking specific tool usage like searches b/c I'm too lazy, use a universal multiplier PROFIT_MULTIPLIER = Decimal('1.1') # At the time we are really just trying to break even PRICE_PER_1K_TOKEN = BASE_COST_GPT_3_5 * THIRD_PARTY_MULTIPLIER * PROFIT_MULTIPLIER # Assuming 1 USD = 7 CNY, 100 petal = 1 CNY USD_TO_CNY = 7 CNY_TO_PETAL = 100 a = module('ask', developers=['Dianliang233'], desc='{}', required_superuser=True) @a.command(' {{}}') @a.regex(r'^(?:ask|问)[\::]? ?(.+?)[??]$') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): is_superuser =msg.checkSuperUser() if not is_superuser and < 100: # refuse raise NoReportException(msg.locale.t('petal_')) if hasattr(msg, 'parsed_msg'): question = msg.parsed_msg[''] else: question = msg.matched_msg[0] if await check_bool(question): raise NoReportException('') with get_openai_callback() as cb: res = await agent_executor.arun(question) tokens = cb.total_tokens # TODO: REMEMBER TO UNCOMMENT THIS BEFORE LAUNCH!!!! # if not is_superuser: # price = tokens / ONE_K * PRICE_PER_1K_TOKEN # petal = price * USD_TO_CNY * CNY_TO_PETAL # await price = tokens / ONE_K * PRICE_PER_1K_TOKEN petal = price * USD_TO_CNY * CNY_TO_PETAL if await check_bool(res): raise NoReportException('') await msg.finish(res)