import json import os import sys from config import Config if not Config('db_path'): raise AttributeError('Wait! You need to fill a valid database address into the config.cfg "db_path"\n' 'Example: \ndb_path = sqlite:///database/save.db\n' '(Also you can fill in the above example directly,' ' bot will automatically create a SQLite database in the "./database/save.db")') from database import BotDBUtil, session from database.tables import DBVersion import asyncio import traceback import aioconsole from bot import init_bot from core.builtins import PrivateAssets, EnableDirtyWordCheck, Plain from core.types import MsgInfo, AutoSession from core.console.template import Template as MessageSession, FetchTarget from core.parser.message import parser from import init_async from core.logger import Logger query_dbver = session.query(DBVersion).first() if query_dbver is None: session.add_all([DBVersion(value='2')]) session.commit() query_dbver = session.query(DBVersion).first() if (current_ver := int(query_dbver.value)) < (target_ver := BotDBUtil.database_version): print(f'Updating database from {current_ver} to {target_ver}...') from database.update import update_database update_database() print('Database updated successfully! Please restart the program.') sys.exit() EnableDirtyWordCheck.status = True PrivateAssets.set(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/assets')) async def console_scheduler(): await init_async() async def console_command(): try: m = await aioconsole.ainput('> ') asyncio.create_task(console_command()) await send_command(m) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Exited.') exit() except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) async def send_command(msg, interactions=None):'-------Start-------') returns = await parser(MessageSession(target=MsgInfo(targetId='TEST|Console|0', senderId='TEST|0', senderName='', targetFrom='TEST|Console', senderFrom='TEST', clientName='TEST', messageId=0, replyId=None), session=AutoSession(message=msg, target='TEST|Console|0', sender='TEST|0', auto_interactions=interactions))) # print(returns)'----Process end----') return returns async def autotest(): test_file = './test_commands.txt' if not os.path.exists(test_file): Logger.error('Test file not found.') read = open(test_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') commands ='\n\n') for command in commands: sub_c = command.split('\n') cmds = '' results = {} interactions = [] for sub in sub_c: if sub.startswith('~'): cmds += sub elif sub.startswith('!!results'): results = json.loads(sub.replace('!!results=', '', 1)) elif sub.startswith('!!interactions'): interactions = json.loads(sub.replace('!!interactions=', '', 1)) else: cmds += '\n' + sub returns = (await send_command(cmds, interactions=interactions)).sent # todo: 需要收集结果 included_texts = results.get('include_texts', []) excluded_texts = results.get('exclude_texts', []) if isinstance(included_texts, str): included_texts = [included_texts] if isinstance(excluded_texts, str): excluded_texts = [excluded_texts] for text in included_texts: included = False for r in returns: for rr in r.value: if isinstance(rr, Plain): if rr.text.find(text) != -1:'Found included text: ' + text) included = True if not included: Logger.error('Included text not found: ' + text) for text in excluded_texts: excluded = False for r in returns: for rr in r.value: if isinstance(rr, Plain): if rr.text.find(text) != -1: Logger.error('Found excluded text: ' + text) excluded = True if not excluded:'Excluded text not found: ' + text) included_elements = results.get('include_elements', []) excluded_elements = results.get('exclude_elements', []) if isinstance(included_elements, str): included_elements = [included_elements] if isinstance(excluded_elements, str): excluded_elements = [excluded_elements] for element in included_elements: if isinstance(element, str): included2 = False for r in returns: for rr in r.value: if rr.__class__.__name__ == element:'Found included element: ' + element) included2 = True if not included2: Logger.error('Included element not found: ' + element) for element in excluded_elements: if isinstance(element, str): excluded2 = False for r in returns: for rr in r.value: if rr.__class__.__name__ == element: Logger.error('Found excluded element: ' + element) excluded = True if not excluded2:'Excluded element not found: ' + element) if __name__ == '__main__': init_bot() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() argv = sys.argv autotest_ = False if len(argv) > 1: if argv[1] == 'autotest': autotest_ = True if not autotest_: loop.create_task(console_scheduler()) loop.create_task(console_command()) loop.run_forever() else: loop.create_task(autotest()) loop.run_forever()