import os import re import traceback import uuid from typing import Union from urllib.parse import urljoin import aiohttp import ujson as json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment from config import Config from core.logger import Logger web_render = Config('web_render') async def get_infobox_pic(link, page_link, headers, section=None) -> Union[str, bool]: if not web_render: return False try:'Starting find infobox/section..') if link[-1] != '/': link += '/' try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session: async with session.get(page_link, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20)) as req: html = await except: traceback.print_exc() return False soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') pagename = uuid.uuid4() url = os.path.abspath(f'./cache/{pagename}.html') if os.path.exists(url): os.remove(url)'Downloaded raw.') open_file = open(url, 'a', encoding='utf-8') def join_url(base, target): target = target.split(' ') targetlist = [] for x in target: if x.find('/') != -1: x = urljoin(base, x) targetlist.append(x) else: targetlist.append(x) target = ' '.join(targetlist) return target open_file.write('\n') for x in soup.find_all('html'): fl = [] for f in x.attrs: if isinstance(x.attrs[f], str): fl.append(f'{f}="{x.attrs[f]}"') elif isinstance(x.attrs[f], list): fl.append(f'{f}="{" ".join(x.attrs[f])}"') open_file.write(f'') open_file.write('\n') for x in soup.find_all(rel='stylesheet'): if x.has_attr('href'): x.attrs['href'] = re.sub(';', '&', urljoin(link, x.get('href'))) open_file.write(str(x)) for x in soup.find_all(): if x.has_attr('href'): x.attrs['href'] = re.sub(';', '&', urljoin(link, x.get('href'))) open_file.write('') for x in soup.find_all('style'): open_file.write(str(x)) if section is None: infoboxes = ['notaninfobox', 'portable-infobox', 'infobox', 'tpl-infobox', 'infoboxtable', 'infotemplatebox', 'skin-infobox', 'arcaeabox'] find_infobox = None for i in infoboxes: find_infobox = soup.find(class_=i) if find_infobox is not None: break if find_infobox is None:'Found nothing...') return False # 找你妈,不找了<-咱还是回家吧'Found infobox...') for x in find_infobox.find_all(['a', 'img', 'span']): if x.has_attr('href'): x.attrs['href'] = join_url(link, x.get('href')) if x.has_attr('src'): x.attrs['src'] = join_url(link, x.get('src')) if x.has_attr('srcset'): x.attrs['srcset'] = join_url(link, x.get('srcset')) if x.has_attr('style'): x.attrs['style'] = re.sub(r'url\(/(.*)\)', 'url(' + link + '\\1)', x.get('style')) for x in find_infobox.find_all(class_='lazyload'): if x.has_attr('class') and x.has_attr('data-src'): x.attrs['class'] = 'image' x.attrs['src'] = x.attrs['data-src'] for x in find_infobox.find_all(class_='lazyload'): if x.has_attr('class') and x.has_attr('data-src'): x.attrs['class'] = 'image' x.attrs['src'] = x.attrs['data-src'] open_file.write(str(find_infobox)) w = 500 open_file.write('') else: for x in soup.find_all('body'): if x.has_attr('class'): open_file.write(f'') for x in soup.find_all('div'): if x.has_attr('id'): if x.get('id') in ['content', 'mw-content-text']: fl = [] for f in x.attrs: if isinstance(x.attrs[f], str): fl.append(f'{f}="{x.attrs[f]}"') elif isinstance(x.attrs[f], list): fl.append(f'{f}="{" ".join(x.attrs[f])}"') open_file.write(f'
') open_file.write('
') for x in soup.find_all('main'): fl = [] for f in x.attrs: if isinstance(x.attrs[f], str): fl.append(f'{f}="{x.attrs[f]}"') elif isinstance(x.attrs[f], list): fl.append(f'{f}="{" ".join(x.attrs[f])}"') open_file.write(f'
') def is_comment(e): return isinstance(e, Comment) to_remove = soup.find_all(text=is_comment) for element in to_remove: element.extract() selected = False x = None for x in soup.find_all('h2'): for y in x.find_all('span', id=section): if y != '': selected = True break if selected: break if not selected:'Found nothing...') return False'Found section...') open_file.write(str(x)) b = x bl = [] while True: b = b.next_sibling if b is None: break if == 'h2': break if b not in bl: bl.append(str(b)) open_file.write(''.join(bl)) open_file.close() open_file = open(url, 'r', encoding='utf-8') soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') open_file.close() for x in soup.find_all(['a', 'img', 'span']): if x.has_attr('href'): x.attrs['href'] = join_url(link, x.get('href')) if x.has_attr('src'): x.attrs['src'] = join_url(link, x.get('src')) if x.has_attr('srcset'): x.attrs['srcset'] = join_url(link, x.get('srcset')) if x.has_attr('style'): x.attrs['style'] = re.sub(r'url\(/(.*)\)', 'url(' + link + '\\1)', x.get('style')) for x in soup.find_all(class_='lazyload'): if x.has_attr('class') and x.has_attr('data-src'): x.attrs['class'] = 'image' x.attrs['src'] = x.attrs['data-src'] for x in soup.find_all(class_='lazyload'): if x.has_attr('class') and x.has_attr('data-src'): x.attrs['class'] = 'image' x.attrs['src'] = x.attrs['data-src'] open_file = open(url, 'w', encoding='utf-8') open_file.write(str(soup)) w = 1000 open_file.write('
') open_file.write('') open_file.write('') open_file.close() read_file = open(url, 'r', encoding='utf-8') html = {'content':, 'width': w}'Start rendering...') picname = os.path.abspath(f'./cache/{pagename}.jpg') if os.path.exists(picname): os.remove(picname) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, data=json.dumps(html)) as resp: with open(picname, 'wb+') as jpg: jpg.write(await return picname except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return False