from core.builtins import Bot, Plain, Image as BImage from core.builtins import command_prefix from core.component import module from core.logger import Logger from core.utils.image import msgchain2image from modules.maimai.libraries.maimai_best_50 import generate from modules.maimai.libraries.maimaidx_api_data import get_alias from modules.maimai.libraries.maimaidx_project import get_rank, get_player_score from modules.maimai.libraries.maimaidx_music import * from .regex import * total_list = TotalList() diff_label = ['Basic', 'Advanced', 'Expert', 'Master', 'Re:MASTER'] diff_label_abbr = ['bas', 'adv', 'exp', 'mas', 'rem'] diff_label_zhs = ['绿', '黄', '红', '紫', '白'] diff_label_zht = ['綠', '黃', '紅'] def song_txt(music: Music): return [Plain(f"{}\u200B. {music.title}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(f"{get_cover_len5_id(}.png", ), Plain(f"\n{'/'.join(str(ds) for ds in music.ds)}")] def get_diff(diff): diff = diff.lower() diff_label_lower = [label.lower() for label in diff_label] if diff in diff_label_zhs: level = diff_label_zhs.index(diff) elif diff in diff_label_zht: level = diff_label_zht.index(diff) elif diff in diff_label_abbr: level = diff_label_abbr.index(diff) elif diff in diff_label_lower: level = diff_label_lower.index(diff) else: level = None return level mai = module('maimai', developers=['mai-bot', 'OasisAkari', 'DoroWolf'], alias='mai', desc='{}') @mai.handle('level {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, level: str): result_set = await diff_level_q(level) s = msg.locale.t("maimai.message.level", level=level) + "\n" for elem in result_set: s += f"{elem[0]}\u200B. {elem[1]}{' (DX)' if elem[5] == 'DX' else ''} {elem[3]} {elem[4]} ({elem[2]})\n" if len(result_set) == 0: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) if len(result_set) <= 10: await msg.finish(s.strip()) else: img = await msgchain2image([Plain(s)]) await msg.finish([BImage(img)]) async def diff_level_q(level): result_set = [] music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(level=level) for music in sorted(music_data, key=lambda i: int(i['id'])): for i in music.diff: result_set.append( (music['id'], music['title'], music['ds'][i], diff_label[i], music['level'][i], music['type'])) return result_set @mai.handle('base [] {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, rating: float, rating_max: float = None): if rating_max is not None: if rating > rating_max: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('error.range.invalid')) result_set = await base_level_q(rating, rating_max) s = msg.locale.t("maimai.message.base.range", rating=round(rating, 1), rating_max=round(rating_max, 1)) + "\n" else: result_set = await base_level_q(rating) s = msg.locale.t("maimai.message.base", rating=round(rating, 1)) + "\n" for elem in result_set: s += f"{elem[0]}\u200B. {elem[1]}{' (DX)' if elem[5] == 'DX' else ''} {elem[3]} {elem[4]} ({elem[2]})\n" if len(result_set) == 0: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) if len(result_set) > 200: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.too_much", length=len(result_set))) if len(result_set) <= 10: await msg.finish(s.strip()) else: img = await msgchain2image([Plain(s)]) await msg.finish([BImage(img)]) async def base_level_q(ds1, ds2=None): result_set = [] if ds2 is not None: music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(ds=(ds1, ds2)) else: music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(ds=ds1) for music in sorted(music_data, key=lambda i: int(i['id'])): for i in music.diff: result_set.append( (music['id'], music['title'], music['ds'][i], diff_label[i], music['level'][i], music['type'])) return result_set @mai.handle('search {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, keyword: str): name = keyword.strip() res = (await total_list.get()).filter(title_search=name) if len(res) == 0: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) if len(res) > 200: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.too_much", length=len(res))) else: search_result = msg.locale.t("", keyword=name) + "\n" for music in sorted(res, key=lambda i: int(i['id'])): search_result += f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n" if len(res) <= 10: await msg.finish([Plain(search_result.strip())]) else: img = await msgchain2image([Plain(search_result)]) await msg.finish([BImage(img)]) @mai.handle('alias {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, sid: str): if not sid.isdigit(): await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.error.non_digital')) music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) if not music: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) title = f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}" alias = await get_alias(sid) if len(alias) == 0: return await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.alias_not_found")) else: result = msg.locale.t("maimai.message.alias", title=title) + "\n" result += "\n".join(alias) await msg.finish([Plain(result.strip())]) @mai.handle('b50 [] {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, username: str = None): if username is None and == "QQ": payload = {'qq': msg.session.sender, 'b50': True} else: if username is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.no_username")) payload = {'username': username, 'b50': True} img = await generate(msg, payload) await msg.finish([BImage(img)]) @mai.handle('info [] {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, id_or_alias: str, username: str = None): if id_or_alias.isdigit(): sid = id_or_alias else: sid_list = await get_alias(id_or_alias, get_music=True) if len(sid_list) == 0: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) elif len(sid_list) > 1: res = msg.locale.t("") + "\n" for sid in sorted(sid_list, key=int): s = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) res += f"{s['id']}\u200B. {s['title']}{' (DX)' if s['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n" await msg.finish(res.strip()) else: sid = str(sid_list[0]) music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) if music is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) if username is None and == "QQ": payload = {'qq': msg.session.sender} else: if username is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.no_username")) payload = {'username': username} output = await get_player_score(msg, payload, sid) file = f"{get_cover_len5_id(music['id'])}.png" await msg.finish( [Plain(f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(f"{file}"), Plain(output)]) @mai.handle('rank [] {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, username: str = None): if username is None and == "QQ": payload = {'qq': msg.session.sender} else: if username is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.no_username")) payload = {'username': username} result = await get_rank(msg, payload) time, total_rank, average_rating, username, rating, rank, surpassing_rate = result formatted_average_rating = "{:.4f}".format(average_rating) formatted_surpassing_rate = "{:.2f}".format(surpassing_rate) await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.rank', time=time, total_rank=total_rank, user=username, rating=rating, rank=rank, average_rating=formatted_average_rating, surpassing_rate=formatted_surpassing_rate)) @mai.handle('random [] {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, dx_type: str = None): filter = msg.parsed_msg[''] level = '' diff = '' try: if dx_type in ["dx", "DX"]: dx_type = ["DX"] elif dx_type in ["sd", "SD", "标准", "標準"]: dx_type = ["SD"] else: dx_type = ["SD", "DX"] for char in filter: if char.isdigit() or char == '+': level += char else: diff += char if level == "": if diff == "#": music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(type=dx_type) else: raise ValueError else: if diff == "": music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(level=level, type=dx_type) else: music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(level=level, diff=[get_diff(diff)], type=dx_type) if len(music_data) == 0: rand_result = msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found") else: rand_result = song_txt(music_data.random()) await msg.finish(rand_result) except Exception as e: Logger.error(e) await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.random.error")) @mai.handle('random {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): await msg.finish(song_txt((await total_list.get()).random())) @mai.handle('song [] {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, id_or_alias: str, diff: str = None): if id_or_alias.isdigit(): sid = id_or_alias else: sid_list = await get_alias(id_or_alias, get_music=True) if len(sid_list) == 0: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) elif len(sid_list) > 1: res = msg.locale.t("") + "\n" for sid in sorted(sid_list, key=int): s = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) res += f"{s['id']}\u200B. {s['title']}{' (DX)' if s['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n" await msg.finish(res.strip()) else: sid = str(sid_list[0]) music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) if music is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) if diff is not None: diff_index = get_diff(diff) if len(music['ds']) == 4 and diff_index == 4: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.chart_not_found")) chart = music['charts'][diff_index] ds = music['ds'][diff_index] level = music['level'][diff_index] file = f"{get_cover_len5_id(music['id'])}.png" if len(chart['notes']) == 4: message = msg.locale.t( "", diff=diff_label[diff_index], level=level, ds=ds, tap=chart['notes'][0], hold=chart['notes'][1], slide=chart['notes'][2], brk=chart['notes'][3], charter=chart['charter']) else: message = msg.locale.t( "", diff=diff_label[diff_index], level=level, ds=ds, tap=chart['notes'][0], hold=chart['notes'][1], slide=chart['notes'][2], touch=chart['notes'][3], brk=chart['notes'][4], charter=chart['charter']) await msg.finish( [Plain(f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(f"{file}"), Plain(message)]) else: file = f"{get_cover_len5_id(music['id'])}.png" await msg.finish( [Plain(f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(f"{file}"), Plain(msg.locale.t("", artist=music['basic_info']['artist'], genre=music['basic_info']['genre'], bpm=music['basic_info']['bpm'], version=music['basic_info']['from'], level='/'.join((str(ds) for ds in music['ds']))))]) @mai.handle('scoreline {{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession, diff: str, sid: str, scoreline: float): try: diff_index = get_diff(diff) music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) chart: Dict[Any] = music['charts'][diff_index] tap = int(chart['notes'][0]) slide = int(chart['notes'][2]) hold = int(chart['notes'][1]) touch = int(chart['notes'][3]) if len(chart['notes']) == 5 else 0 brk = int(chart['notes'][-1]) total_score = 500 * tap + slide * 1500 + hold * 1000 + touch * 500 + brk * 2500 break_bonus = 0.01 / brk break_50_reduce = total_score * break_bonus / 4 reduce = 101 - scoreline if reduce <= 0 or reduce >= 101: raise ValueError tap_great = "{:.2f}".format(total_score * reduce / 10000) tap_great_prop = "{:.4f}".format(10000 / total_score) b2t_great = "{:.3f}".format(break_50_reduce / 100) b2t_great_prop = "{:.4f}".format(break_50_reduce / total_score * 100) await msg.finish(f'''{music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''} {diff_label[diff_index]} {msg.locale.t('maimai.message.scoreline', scoreline=scoreline, tap_great=tap_great, tap_great_prop=tap_great_prop, brk=brk, b2t_great=b2t_great, b2t_great_prop=b2t_great_prop)}''') except Exception: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.scoreline.error', prefix=command_prefix[0]))