import json import os import uuid import aiohttp from .drawb30img import drawb30 from .drawsongimg import dsimg async def getb30(usercode): headers = {"User-Agent": "OasisAkari/*"} d = 0 last5rank = 0 async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: url = "" async with session.get(url + "userbest30?usercode=" + usercode, headers=headers) as resp: a = await resp.text() loadjson = json.loads(a) if loadjson["status"] == 0: b30 = loadjson["content"]["best30_avg"] r10 = loadjson["content"]["recent10_avg"] newdir = f'./cache/{str(uuid.uuid4())}' newdir = os.path.abspath(newdir) os.makedirs(newdir) tracknames = {} realptts = {} ptts = {} scores = {} last5list = '' for x in loadjson["content"]["best30_list"]: d = d + 1 async with session.get(url + "songinfo?songname=" + x['song_id'], headers=headers) as name: b = await name.text() loadname = json.loads(b) if x['difficulty'] == 0: difficulty = 'PST' if x['difficulty'] == 1: difficulty = 'PRS' if x['difficulty'] == 2: difficulty = 'FTR' if x['difficulty'] == 3: difficulty = 'BYD' trackname = loadname['content']['title_localized']['en'] tracknames[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = trackname + f' ({difficulty})' imgpath = f'./assets/arcaea/songimg/{x["song_id"]}.jpg' realptt = loadname['content']['difficulties'][x['difficulty']]['ratingReal'] realptts[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = realptt ptt = x['rating'] ptts[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = ptt score = x['score'] scores[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = score if not os.path.exists(imgpath): imgpath = f'./assets/arcaea/songimg/random.jpg' dsimg(os.path.abspath(imgpath), d, trackname, x['difficulty'], score, ptt, realptt, x['perfect_count'], x['near_count'], x['miss_count'], x['time_played'], newdir) print(tracknames) for last5 in loadjson["content"]["best30_list"][-5:]: last5rank += 1 if last5['difficulty'] == 0: difficulty = 'PST' if last5['difficulty'] == 1: difficulty = 'PRS' if last5['difficulty'] == 2: difficulty = 'FTR' if last5['difficulty'] == 3: difficulty = 'BYD' trackname = tracknames[last5['song_id'] + difficulty] realptt = realptts[last5['song_id'] + difficulty] ptt = ptts[last5['song_id'] + difficulty] score = scores[last5['song_id'] + difficulty] last5list += f'[{last5rank}] {trackname}\n[{last5rank}] {score} / {realptt} -> {round(ptt, 4)}\n' print(last5list) async with session.get(url + "userinfo?usercode=" + usercode, headers=headers) as resp: userinfo = await resp.text() loaduserjson = json.loads(userinfo) username = loaduserjson['content']['name'] ptt = int(loaduserjson['content']['rating']) / 100 character = loaduserjson['content']['character'] filename = drawb30(username, b30, r10, ptt, character, newdir) filelist = os.listdir(newdir) for x in filelist: os.remove(f'{newdir}/{x}') os.removedirs(newdir) return {'text': f'获取结果\nB30: {b30} | R10: {r10}\nB30倒5列表:\n{last5list}', 'file': filename} elif loadjson["status"] == -1: return {'text': '[-1] 非法的好友码。'} elif loadjson["status"] == -4: return {'text': '[-4] 查询失败。'} elif loadjson["status"] == -6: return {'text': '[-6] 没有游玩记录。'} else: return {'text': '查询失败。' + a}