import re import uuid from os.path import abspath from typing import List from urllib import parse import aiohttp import filetype from PIL import Image as PImage from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt from config import CachePath, Config from core.types.message.internal import Plain as P, Image as I, Voice as V, Embed as E, EmbedField as EF, \ Url as U, ErrorMessage as EMsg from core.utils.i18n import Locale class Plain(P): def __init__(self, text, *texts): self.text = str(text) for t in texts: self.text += str(t) def __str__(self): return self.text def __repr__(self): return f'Plain(text="{self.text}")' class Url(U): mm = False disable_mm = False def __init__(self, url: str, use_mm: bool = False, disable_mm: bool = False): self.url = url if ( and not disable_mm) or (use_mm and not Url.disable_mm): mm_url = f'' rot13 = str.maketrans( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM") self.url = mm_url % parse.quote(parse.unquote(url).translate(rot13)) def __str__(self): return self.url def __repr__(self): return f'Url(url="{self.url}")' class ErrorMessage(EMsg): def __init__(self, error_message, locale=None): self.error_message = error_message if locale: locale = Locale(locale) if locale_str := re.findall(r'\{(.*)}', error_message): for l in locale_str: error_message = error_message.replace(f'{{{l}}}', locale.t(l)) self.error_message = locale.t('error.prompt', error_msg=error_message) + \ str(Url(Config('bug_report_url'))) def __str__(self): return self.error_message def __repr__(self): return self.error_message class Image(I): def __init__(self, path, headers=None): self.need_get = False self.path = path self.headers = headers if isinstance(path, PImage.Image): save = f'{CachePath}{str(uuid.uuid4())}.png' path.convert('RGBA').save(save) self.path = save elif re.match('^https?://.*', path): self.need_get = True async def get(self): if self.need_get: return abspath(await self.get_image()) return abspath(self.path) @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3)) async def get_image(self): url = self.path async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20)) as req: raw = await ft = filetype.match(raw).extension img_path = f'{CachePath}{str(uuid.uuid4())}.{ft}' with open(img_path, 'wb+') as image_cache: image_cache.write(raw) return img_path def __str__(self): return self.path def __repr__(self): return f'Image(path="{self.path}", headers={self.headers})' class Voice(V): def __init__(self, path=None): self.path = path def __str__(self): return self.path def __repr__(self): return f'Voice(path={self.path})' class EmbedField(EF): def __init__(self, name: str = None, value: str = None, inline: bool = False): = name self.value = value self.inline = inline def __str__(self): return f'{}: {self.value}' def __repr__(self): return f'EmbedField(name="{}", value="{self.value}", inline={self.inline})' class Embed(E): def __init__(self, title: str = None, description: str = None, url: str = None, timestamp: float = None, color: int = None, image: Image = None, thumbnail: Image = None, author: str = None, footer: str = None, fields: List[EmbedField] = None): self.title = title self.description = description self.url = url self.timestamp = timestamp self.color = color self.image = image self.thumbnail = thumbnail = author self.footer = footer self.fields = fields def to_msgchain(self): text_lst = [] if self.title is not None: text_lst.append(self.title) if self.description is not None: text_lst.append(self.description) if self.url is not None: text_lst.append(self.url) if self.fields is not None: for f in self.fields: if f.inline: text_lst.append(f"{}: {f.value}") else: text_lst.append(f"{}:\n{f.value}") if is not None: text_lst.append("作者:" + if self.footer is not None: text_lst.append(self.footer) msgchain = [] if text_lst: msgchain.append(Plain('\n'.join(text_lst))) if self.image is not None: msgchain.append(self.image) return msgchain def __str__(self): return str(self.to_msgchain()) def __repr__(self): return f'Embed(title="{self.title}", description="{self.description}", url="{self.url}", ' \ f'timestamp={self.timestamp}, color={self.color}, image={self.image.__repr__()}, ' \ f'thumbnail={self.thumbnail.__repr__()}, author="{}", footer="{self.footer}", ' \ f'fields={self.fields})' __all__ = ["Plain", "Image", "Voice", "Embed", "EmbedField", "Url", "ErrorMessage"]