import os import re import traceback import uuid from typing import List, Union import aiohttp import ujson as json from tabulate import tabulate from config import Config web_render = Config('web_render') class ImageTable: def __init__(self, data, headers): = data self.headers = headers async def image_table_render(table: Union[ImageTable, List[ImageTable]]): if not web_render: return False try: tblst = [] if isinstance(table, ImageTable): table = [table] max_width = 500 for tbl in table: d = [] for row in cs = [] for c in row: cs.append(re.sub(r'\n', '
', c)) d.append(cs) w = len(tbl.headers) * 500 if w > max_width: max_width = w tblst.append(re.sub(r'|
', '', tabulate(d, tbl.headers, tablefmt='unsafehtml'))) tblst = '' + '\n'.join(tblst) + '
' css = """ """ html = {'content': tblst + css, 'width': w} picname = os.path.abspath(f'./cache/{str(uuid.uuid4())}.jpg') if os.path.exists(picname): os.remove(picname) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, data=json.dumps(html)) as resp: with open(picname, 'wb+') as jpg: jpg.write(await return picname except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return False