import re import traceback from datetime import datetime from aiocqhttp.exceptions import ActionFailed from config import Config from core.elements import MessageSession, Command, command_prefix, ExecutionLockList, RegexCommand, ErrorMessage from core.exceptions import AbuseWarning, FinishedException, InvalidCommandFormatError, InvalidHelpDocTypeError from core.loader import ModulesManager from core.logger import Logger from core.parser.command import CommandParser from core.tos import warn_target from core.utils import removeIneffectiveText, removeDuplicateSpace from database import BotDBUtil enable_tos = Config('enable_tos') counter_same = {} # 命令使用次数计数(重复使用单一命令) counter_all = {} # 命令使用次数计数(使用所有命令) temp_ban_counter = {} # 临时封禁计数 async def remove_temp_ban(msg: MessageSession): is_temp_banned = temp_ban_counter.get( if is_temp_banned is not None: del temp_ban_counter[] async def msg_counter(msg: MessageSession, command: str): same = counter_same.get( if same is None or - same['ts'] > 300 or same[ 'command'] != command: # 检查是否滥用(重复使用同一命令) counter_same[] = {'command': command, 'count': 1, 'ts':} else: same['count'] += 1 if same['count'] > 10: raise AbuseWarning('一段时间内使用相同命令的次数过多') all_ = counter_all.get( if all_ is None or - all_['ts'] > 300: # 检查是否滥用(重复使用同一命令) counter_all[] = {'count': 1, 'ts':} else: all_['count'] += 1 if all_['count'] > 20: raise AbuseWarning('一段时间内使用命令的次数过多') async def temp_ban_check(msg: MessageSession): is_temp_banned = temp_ban_counter.get( if is_temp_banned is not None: ban_time = - is_temp_banned['ts'] if ban_time < 300: if is_temp_banned['count'] < 2: is_temp_banned['count'] += 1 return await msg.sendMessage('提示:\n' '由于你的行为触发了警告,我们已对你进行临时封禁。\n' f'距离解封时间还有{str(int(300 - ban_time))}秒。') elif is_temp_banned['count'] <= 5: is_temp_banned['count'] += 1 return await msg.sendMessage('即使是触发了临时封禁,继续使用命令还是可能会导致你被再次警告。\n' f'距离解封时间还有{str(int(300 - ban_time))}秒。') else: raise AbuseWarning('无视临时封禁警告') async def parser(msg: MessageSession, require_enable_modules: bool = True, prefix: list = None, running_mention: bool = False): """ 接收消息必经的预处理器 :param msg: 从监听器接收到的dict,该dict将会经过此预处理器传入下游 :param require_enable_modules: 是否需要检查模块是否已启用 :param prefix: 使用的命令前缀。如果为None,则使用默认的命令前缀,存在''值的情况下则代表无需命令前缀 :param running_mention: 消息内若包含机器人名称,则检查是否有命令正在运行 :param tos: 是否启用TOS :return: 无返回 """ try: modules = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict( modulesAliases = ModulesManager.return_modules_alias_map() modulesRegex = ModulesManager.return_specified_type_modules(RegexCommand, display = removeDuplicateSpace(msg.asDisplay()) # 将消息转换为一般显示形式 identify_str = f'[{}{f" ({})" if != else ""}]' #'{identify_str} -> [Bot]: {display}') msg.trigger_msg = display = senderInfo = BotDBUtil.SenderInfo( enabled_modules_list = BotDBUtil.Module(msg).check_target_enabled_module_list() if len(display) == 0: return disable_prefix = False if prefix is not None: if '' in prefix: disable_prefix = True command_prefix.clear() command_prefix.extend(prefix) is_command = False if display[0] in command_prefix or disable_prefix: # 检查消息前缀 if len(display) <= 1 or (display[0] == '~' and display[1] == '~'): return is_command = True f'{identify_str} -> [Bot]: {display}') if disable_prefix and display[0] not in command_prefix: command = display else: command = display[1:] command_list = removeIneffectiveText(command_prefix, command.split('&&')) # 并行命令处理 if len(command_list) > 5 and not senderInfo.query.isSuperUser: return await msg.sendMessage('你不是本机器人的超级管理员,最多只能并排执行5个命令。') if not ExecutionLockList.check(msg): ExecutionLockList.add(msg) else: return await msg.sendMessage('您有命令正在执行,请稍后再试。') for command in command_list: command_spilt = command.split(' ') # 切割消息 msg.trigger_msg = command # 触发该命令的消息,去除消息前缀 command_first_word = command_spilt[0].lower() sudo = False mute = False if command_first_word == 'mute': mute = True if command_first_word == 'sudo': if not msg.checkSuperUser(): return await msg.sendMessage('你不是本机器人的超级管理员,无法使用sudo命令。') sudo = True del command_spilt[0] command_first_word = command_spilt[0].lower() msg.trigger_msg = ' '.join(command_spilt) if senderInfo.query.isInBlockList and not senderInfo.query.isInAllowList and not sudo: # 如果是以 sudo 执行的命令,则不检查是否已 ban return ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) in_mute = BotDBUtil.Muting(msg).check() if in_mute and not mute: return ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) if command_first_word in modulesAliases: command_spilt[0] = modulesAliases[command_first_word] command = ' '.join(command_spilt) command_spilt = command.split(' ') command_first_word = command_spilt[0] msg.trigger_msg = command if command_first_word in modules: # 检查触发命令是否在模块列表中 try: if enable_tos: await temp_ban_check(msg) module = modules[command_first_word] if not isinstance(module, Command): if module.desc is not None: desc = f'介绍:\n{module.desc}' if command_first_word not in enabled_modules_list: desc += f'\n{command_first_word}模块未启用,请发送~enable {command_first_word}启用本模块。' await msg.sendMessage(desc) continue if module.required_superuser: if not msg.checkSuperUser(): await msg.sendMessage('你没有使用该命令的权限。') continue elif not module.base: if command_first_word not in enabled_modules_list and not sudo and require_enable_modules: # 若未开启 await msg.sendMessage(f'{command_first_word}模块未启用,请发送~enable {command_first_word}启用本模块。') continue elif module.required_admin: if not await msg.checkPermission(): await msg.sendMessage(f'{command_first_word}命令仅能被该群组的管理员所使用,请联系管理员执行此命令。') continue if not module.match_list.set: await msg.sendMessage(ErrorMessage(f'{command_first_word}未绑定任何命令,请联系开发者处理。')) continue none_doc = True for func in module.match_list.get( if func.help_doc is not None: none_doc = False if not none_doc: try: command_parser = CommandParser(module, msg=msg) try: parsed_msg = command_parser.parse(msg.trigger_msg) submodule = parsed_msg[0] msg.parsed_msg = parsed_msg[1] if submodule.required_superuser: if not msg.checkSuperUser(): await msg.sendMessage('你没有使用该命令的权限。') continue elif submodule.required_admin: if not await msg.checkPermission(): await msg.sendMessage( f'此命令仅能被该群组的管理员所使用,请联系管理员执行此命令。') continue if not senderInfo.query.disable_typing: async with msg.Typing(msg): await parsed_msg[0].function(msg) # 将msg传入下游模块 else: await parsed_msg[0].function(msg) except InvalidCommandFormatError: await msg.sendMessage('语法错误。\n' + command_parser.return_formatted_help_doc()) continue except InvalidHelpDocTypeError: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) await msg.sendMessage(ErrorMessage(f'{command_first_word}模块的帮助信息有误,请联系开发者处理。')) continue else: msg.parsed_msg = None for func in module.match_list.set: if func.help_doc is None: if not senderInfo.query.disable_typing: async with msg.Typing(msg): await func.function(msg) # 将msg传入下游模块 else: await func.function(msg) except ActionFailed: await msg.sendMessage('消息发送失败,可能被风控,请稍后再试。') continue except FinishedException as e:'Successfully finished session from {identify_str}, returns: {str(e)}') if != 'QQ|Guild' or command_first_word != 'module' and enable_tos: await msg_counter(msg, msg.trigger_msg) continue except Exception as e: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) await msg.sendMessage(ErrorMessage('执行命令时发生错误,请报告机器人开发者:\n' + str(e))) continue ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) return msg if not is_command: if running_mention: if display.find('小可') != -1: if ExecutionLockList.check(msg): return await msg.sendMessage('您先前的命令正在执行中。') for regex in modulesRegex: # 遍历正则模块列表 try: if regex in enabled_modules_list: regex_module = modulesRegex[regex] if regex_module.required_superuser: if not msg.checkSuperUser(): continue elif regex_module.required_admin: if not await msg.checkPermission(): continue for rfunc in regex_module.match_list.set: msg.matched_msg = False matched = False if rfunc.mode.upper() in ['M', 'MATCH']: msg.matched_msg = re.match(rfunc.pattern, display, flags=rfunc.flags) if msg.matched_msg is not None: matched = True elif rfunc.mode.upper() in ['A', 'FINDALL']: msg.matched_msg = re.findall(rfunc.pattern, display, flags=rfunc.flags) if msg.matched_msg: matched = True if matched: if regex_module.required_superuser: if not msg.checkSuperUser(): continue elif regex_module.required_admin: if not await msg.checkPermission(): continue if not ExecutionLockList.check(msg): ExecutionLockList.add(msg) else: return await msg.sendMessage('您有命令正在执行,请稍后再试。') if rfunc.show_typing and not senderInfo.query.disable_typing: async with msg.Typing(msg): await rfunc.function(msg) # 将msg传入下游模块 else: await rfunc.function(msg) # 将msg传入下游模块 ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) except ActionFailed: await msg.sendMessage('消息发送失败,可能被风控,请稍后再试。') continue except FinishedException as e: f'Successfully finished session from {identify_str}, returns: {str(e)}') if enable_tos: await msg_counter(msg, msg.trigger_msg) continue ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) return msg except AbuseWarning as e: if enable_tos: await warn_target(msg, str(e)) temp_ban_counter[] = {'count': 1, 'ts':} return except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) ExecutionLockList.remove(msg)