{ "chemical_code.help": "A game about chemical formulas.", "chemical_code.help.captcha": "Captcha mode (Only once, single)", "chemical_code.help.stop": "Stop the current game.", "chemical_code.message.stop": "Stopped. The correct answer is $answer.", "chemical_code.help.csid": "Start a game by ChemSpider ID", "chemical_code.message.csid.invalid": "An error occurred: Invalid ID!", "chemical_code.message.csid.invalid.num": "An error occurred: ID must be purely numeric!", "chemical_code.message.running": "There is currently a game in progress.", "chemical_code.message.error": "An error occurred: Failed to start, maybe caused by request database timed out or the ID is invalid? Please restart the game.", "chemical_code.message.timeup": "Timeout. The correct answer is $answer.", "chemical_code.message.normal": "Please answer the chemical formula of this compound within $times minutes. (Alphabetical order except C, H. e.g. CHBrClF)", "chemical_code.message.captcha": "Please answer the chemical formula of this compound. (Alphabetical order except C, H. e.g. CHBrClF)", "chemical_code.message.correct": "Correct.", "chemical_code.message.incorrect": "Incorrect. The correct answer is $answer.", "chemical_code.message.stop.none": "There is no game in progress.", "chemical_code.help.normal": "Default mode (Time limits, multiple)" }