{ "calc.calc.help.plus": "Sum / Positive Sign: 1 + 2 -> 3", "calc.calc.help.minus": "Subtract / Negative Sign: 3 - 1 -> 2", "calc.calc.help.divide": "Division: 6 / 3 -> 2", "calc.calc.help.multiply": "Multiplication: 2 * 3 -> 6", "calc.calc.help.power": "x to the power of y (y must not be over 4e+6 due to performance limits): 2 ** 3 -> 8", "calc.calc.help.modulo": "Modulo: 5 % 2 ->1", "calc.calc.help.equal": "Equal to: 1 == 1 -> True", "calc.calc.help.less_equal": "小于等于:1 <= 2 -> True", "calc.calc.help.greater_equal": "大于等于:1 >= 2 -> False", "calc.calc.help.move_right": "x 右移 y 位(相当于 x / (2 ** y),y < 10000):32 >> 5 -> 1", "calc.calc.help.move_left": "x 左移 y 位(相当于 x * (2 ** y),y < 10000):1 << 5 -> 32", "calc.calc.help.xor": "按位异或:1 ^ 1 -> 0", "calc.calc.help.not": "非:not True -> False", "calc.calc.help.is": "x 与 y 是同一个对象:1 is 1 -> True", "calc.calc.help.randint": "小于 x 的随机整数:randint(6) -> 5", "calc.calc.help.rand": "0 与 1 之间的随机浮点数:rand() -> 0.5789015836448923", "calc.calc.help.int": "转换为整数:int(1.5) -> 1", "calc.calc.help.float": "转换为浮点数:float(1) -> 1.0", "calc.calc.help.str": "转换为字符串:str(1) -> \"1\"", "calc.calc.help.complex": "转换为复数:complex(1) -> (1 + 0j)", "calc.calc.help.bool": "转换为布尔值:bool(1) -> True", "calc.calc.help.bin": "转换为二进制:bin(268) -> 0b100001100", "calc.calc.help.oct": "转换为八进制:oct(268) -> 0o414", "calc.calc.help.hex": "转换为十六进制:hex(268) -> 0x10c", "calc.calc.help.more": "More available operators and functions", "calc.calc.message.invalid": "Invalid expression: ${expr}", "calc.calc.message.time_out": "Calculation timeout.", "calc.calc.help.desc": "Safely evaluate Python ast expressions." }