import re import secrets import numpy as np from config import Config from core.utils.text import remove_prefix MAX_DICE_COUNT = int(Config('dice_limit')) # 一次摇动最多的骰子数量 MAX_ROLL_TIMES = int(Config('dice_roll_limit')) # 一次命令最多的摇动次数 MAX_MOD_NUMBER = int(Config('dice_mod_max')) # 骰子最大加权值 MIN_MOD_NUMBER = int(Config('dice_mod_min')) # 骰子最小加权值 MAX_OUTPUT_CNT = int(Config('dice_output_cnt')) # 输出的最多数据量 MAX_OUTPUT_LEN = int(Config('dice_output_len')) # 输出的最大长度 MAX_DETAIL_CNT = int(Config('dice_detail_cnt')) # n次摇动的骰子的总量超过该值时将不再显示详细信息 MAX_ITEM_COUNT = int(Config('dice_count_limit')) # 骰子多项式最多的项数 class DiceSyntaxError(Exception): """骰子语法错误""" def __init__(self, session, message): self.message = session.locale.t("dice.message.error.syntax") + message class DiceValueError(Exception): """骰子参数值错误""" def __init__(self, session, message, value=None): if value is not None: self.message = session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.invalid", value=value) + message else: self.message = session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value") + message class DiceItemBase(object): """骰子项的基类""" def __init__(self, diceCode: str, postive: bool): self.postive = postive self.code = diceCode self.result = None self.detail = '' def GetResult(self, abs=True): if abs: return self.result else: return self.result if self.postive else -self.result def GetDetail(self): return self.detail def Roll(self, session): pass class DiceMod(DiceItemBase): """调节值项""" def __init__(self, session, diceCode: str, postive: bool): super().__init__(diceCode, postive) if not diceCode.isdigit(): raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.M.invalid"), '+' if self.postive else '-' + diceCode) else: self.result = int(diceCode) if self.result > MAX_MOD_NUMBER or self.result < MIN_MOD_NUMBER: raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.M.out_of_range", min=MIN_MOD_NUMBER, max=MAX_MOD_NUMBER), self.result) def GetDetail(self): return self.result class Dice(DiceItemBase): """骰子项""" def __init__(self, session, diceCode: str, postive: bool): diceCode = diceCode.replace(' ', '') super().__init__(diceCode, postive) args = self.GetArgs(session) self.count = args[0] self.type = args[1] self.adv = args[2] if self.count <= 0 or self.count > MAX_DICE_COUNT: raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.n.out_of_range", max=MAX_DICE_COUNT), self.count) if self.type <= 0: raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.n.less2"), self.count) if self.type == 1: raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.n.d1")) if abs(self.adv) > self.count: raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.k.out_of_range"), self.adv) def GetArgs(self, session): diceCode = self.code.upper() # 便于识别 diceCount = '1' # 骰子数量 advantage = '0' # 保留的骰子量 if'[^0-9DKL]', diceCode): raise DiceSyntaxError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.syntax.invalid")) if 'D' not in diceCode: raise DiceSyntaxError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.syntax.missing_d")) temp = diceCode.split('D') if len(temp[0]): diceCount = temp[0] else: diceCount = '1' midstrs = temp[1].partition('K') diceType = midstrs[0] if 'K' in midstrs[1]: advantage = midstrs[2].replace('L', '-') if not len(advantage.removeprefix('-')): advantage += '1' # K/KL后没有值默认为1 # 语法合法检定 if not diceCount.isdigit(): raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.m.invalid"), diceCount) if not diceType.isdigit(): raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.n.invalid"), diceType) if not (advantage.isdigit() or (advantage[0] == '-' and advantage[1:].isdigit())): raise DiceValueError(session, session.locale.t("dice.message.error.value.k.invalid"), advantage) return (int(diceCount), int(diceType), int(advantage)) def Roll(self, session): output = '' result = 0 diceResults = [] adv = self.adv output += self.code + ' = ' # 生成随机序列 for i in range(self.count): diceResults.append(secrets.randbelow(int(self.type)) + 1) if adv != 0: newResults = [] indexs = np.array(diceResults).argsort() indexs = indexs[-adv:] if adv > 0 else indexs[:-adv] output += '( ' outputBuffer = '' for i in range(self.count): outputBuffer += str(diceResults[i]) if i in indexs: newResults.append(diceResults[i]) outputBuffer += '*' if i < self.count - 1: outputBuffer += ',' if self.count >= MAX_OUTPUT_CNT: outputBuffer = session.locale.t("dice.message.output.too_long", length=self.count) output += outputBuffer + ' ) = ' diceResults = newResults # 公用加法 length = len(diceResults) if (length > 1): output += '[ ' if length > MAX_OUTPUT_CNT: # 显示数据含100 output += session.locale.t("dice.message.output.too_long", length=length) for i in range(length): result += diceResults[i] if length <= MAX_OUTPUT_CNT: # 显示数据含100 output += str(diceResults[i]) if i < length - 1: output += '+' output += ' ] = ' else: result = diceResults[0] if len(output) > MAX_OUTPUT_LEN: output = session.locale.t("dice.message.too_long") self.detail = output + f" {result} " self.result = result async def GenerateMessage(msg, dices: str, times: int, dc: int): if not all([MAX_DICE_COUNT > 0, MAX_ROLL_TIMES > 0, MAX_MOD_NUMBER >= MIN_MOD_NUMBER, MAX_OUTPUT_CNT > 0, MAX_OUTPUT_LEN > 0, MAX_DETAIL_CNT > 0, MAX_ITEM_COUNT > 0]): raise OverflowError(msg.locale.t("error.config")) if'[^0-9+\-DKL]', dices.upper()): return DiceSyntaxError(msg, msg.locale.t('dice.message.error.syntax.invalid')).message if times > MAX_ROLL_TIMES or times < 1: return DiceValueError(msg, msg.locale.t('dice.message.error.value.N.out_of_range', max=MAX_ROLL_TIMES), times).message diceCodeList = re.compile(r'[+-]?[^+-]+').findall(dices) diceList = [] haveErr = False output = "" diceCount = 0 i = 0 if len(diceCodeList) > MAX_ITEM_COUNT: return DiceValueError(msg, msg.locale.t('dice.message.error.value.too_long'), len(diceCodeList)).message # 初始化骰子序列 for item in diceCodeList: i += 1 isAdd = True if item[0] == '-': isAdd = False item = item[1:] if item[0] == '+': item = item[1:] try: if 'D' in item or 'd' in item: d = Dice(msg, item, isAdd) diceList.append(d) diceCount += d.count elif item.isdigit(): diceList.append(DiceMod(msg, item, isAdd)) except (DiceSyntaxError, DiceValueError) as ex: output += '\n' + msg.locale.t('dice.message.error.prompt', i=i) + ex.message haveErr = True if haveErr: return msg.locale.t('dice.message.error') + output successNum = 0 failNum = 0 output = msg.locale.t('dice.message.output') # 开始投掷并输出 for i in range(times): outputLine = '' result = 0 for dice in diceList: dice.Roll(msg) outputLine += '+' if dice.postive else '-' if isinstance(dice, Dice) and times * diceCount < MAX_DETAIL_CNT: outputLine += f'( {dice.GetDetail()})' else: outputLine += str(dice.GetResult()) result += dice.GetResult(False) outputLine = remove_prefix(outputLine, '+') # 移除多项式首个+ outputLine += ' = ' + str(result) if dc != 0: if result > dc: outputLine += msg.locale.t('dice.message.dc.success') successNum += 1 else: outputLine += msg.locale.t('dice.message.dc.failed') failNum += 1 output += f'\n{dices} = {outputLine}' if dc != 0 and times > 1: output += '\n' + msg.locale.t('dice.message.dc.check', success=str(successNum), failed=str(failNum)) return output