import traceback from core.builtins import Url, Bot from core.dirty_check import rickroll from core.utils.http import get_url from modules.github.utils import time_diff, dirty_check, darkCheck async def user(msg: Bot.MessageSession): try: result = await get_url('' + msg.parsed_msg[''], 200, fmt='json') optional = [] if 'hireable' in result and result['hireable'] is True: optional.append('Hireable') if 'is_staff' in result and result['is_staff'] is True: optional.append('GitHub Staff') if 'company' in result and result['company'] is not None: optional.append('Work · ' + result['company']) if 'twitter_username' in result and result['twitter_username'] is not None: optional.append('Twitter · ' + result['twitter_username']) if 'blog' in result and result['blog'] is not None: optional.append('Site · ' + result['blog']) if 'location' in result and result['location'] is not None: optional.append('Location · ' + result['location']) bio = result['bio'] if bio is None: bio = '' else: bio = '\n' + result['bio'] optional_text = '\n' + ' | '.join(optional) message = f'''{result['login']} aka {result['name']} ({result['id']}){bio} Type · {result['type']} | Follower · {result['followers']} | Following · {result['following']} | Repo · {result['public_repos']} | Gist · {result['public_gists']}{optional_text} Account Created {time_diff(result['created_at'])} ago | Latest activity {time_diff(result['updated_at'])} ago {str(Url(result['html_url']))}''' is_dirty = await dirty_check(message, result['login']) or darkCheck(message) if is_dirty: rickroll(msg) await msg.finish(message) except ValueError as e: if str(e).startswith('404'): await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("github.message.repo.not_found")) traceback.print_exc()