import asyncio import mimetypes import os import re import traceback from typing import List, Union from bots.matrix.client import bot, homeserver_host from config import Config from core.builtins import Bot, Plain, Image, Voice, MessageSession as MS, ErrorMessage from core.builtins.message.chain import MessageChain from core.logger import Logger from core.types import MsgInfo, Session, FetchTarget as FT, FetchedSession as FS, \ FinishedSession as FinS from core.utils.image import image_split from database import BotDBUtil import nio enable_analytics = Config('enable_analytics') class FinishedSession(FinS): async def delete(self): """ 用于删除这条消息。 """ try: for x in self.messageId: await bot.room_redact(str(self.result), x) except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) class MessageSession(MS): class Feature: image = True voice = True embed = False forward = False delete = True quote = True wait = True async def sendMessage(self, msgchain, quote=True, disable_secret_check=False, allow_split_image=True) -> FinishedSession: msgchain = MessageChain(msgchain) if not msgchain.is_safe and not disable_secret_check: return await self.sendMessage(Plain(ErrorMessage(self.locale.t("error.message.chain.unsafe")))) self.sent.append(msgchain) send: list[nio.RoomSendResponse] = [] for x in msgchain.asSendable(embed=False): replyTo = None if quote and len(send) == 0: replyTo = if isinstance(x, Plain): content = { 'msgtype': 'm.notice', 'body': x.text } if replyTo: # # todo: standardize fallback for m.image,,, and m.file replyToType = self.session.message['content']['msgtype'] content[ 'body'] = f">{' *' if replyToType == 'm.emote' else ''} <{self.session.sender}> {self.session.message['content']['body']}\n\n{x.text}" content['format'] = 'org.matrix.custom.html' htmlText = x.text.replace('\n', '
') content[ 'formatted_body'] = f"
In reply to{' *' if replyToType == 'm.emote' else ''} {self.session.sender}
{htmlText}"'[Bot] -> [{}]: {x.text}') elif isinstance(x, Image): split = [x] if allow_split_image: split = await image_split(x) for xs in split: path = await xs.get() with open(path, 'rb') as image: filename = os.path.basename(path) filesize = os.path.getsize(path) (contentType, contentEncoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(path) if contentType is None or contentEncoding is None: contentType = 'image' contentEncoding = 'png' mimetype = f"{contentType}/{contentEncoding}" (upload, upload_encryption) = await bot.upload( image, content_type=mimetype, filename=filename, encrypt=False, filesize=filesize) f"Uploaded image {filename} to media repo, uri: {upload.content_uri}, mime: {mimetype}") # todo: provide more image info content = { 'msgtype': 'm.image', 'url': upload.content_uri, 'body': filename, 'info': { 'size': filesize, 'mimetype': mimetype, } }'[Bot] -> [{}]: Image: {str(xs.__dict__)}') elif isinstance(x, Voice): path = x.path filename = os.path.basename(path) filesize = os.path.getsize(path) (contentType, contentEncoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(path) if contentType is None or contentEncoding is None: contentType = 'audio' contentEncoding = 'ogg' mimetype = f"{contentType}/{contentEncoding}" with open(path, 'rb') as audio: (upload, upload_encryption) = await bot.upload( audio, content_type=mimetype, filename=filename, encrypt=False, filesize=filesize) f"Uploaded audio {filename} to media repo, uri: {upload.content_uri}, mime: {mimetype}") # todo: provide audio duration info content = { 'msgtype': '', 'url': upload.content_uri, 'body': filename, 'info': { 'size': filesize, 'mimetype': mimetype, } }'[Bot] -> [{}]: Voice: {str(x.__dict__)}') if replyTo: # rich reply content['m.relates_to'] = { 'm.in_reply_to': { 'event_id': replyTo } } resp = await bot.room_send(, '', content) if 'status_code' in resp.__dict__: Logger.error(f"Error in sending message: {str(resp)}") else: send.append(resp) return FinishedSession(self, [resp.event_id for resp in send], async def checkPermission(self): if in self.custom_admins or return True return await self.checkNativePermission() async def checkNativePermission(self): if'@') or self.session.sender.startswith('!'): return True # powerLevels = await bot.room_get_state_event(, '') level = powerLevels.content['users'][self.session.sender] if level is not None and level >= 50: return True return False def asDisplay(self, text_only=False): if not text_only or self.session.message['content']['msgtype'] == 'm.text': return str(self.session.message['content']['body']) if not text_only and 'format' in self.session.message['content']: return str(self.session.message['content']['formatted_body']) return '' async def toMessageChain(self): content = self.session.message['content'] msgtype = content['msgtype'] if msgtype == 'm.emote': msgtype = 'm.text' if msgtype == 'm.text': # compatible with py38 text = str(content['body']) if is not None: # redact the fallback line for rich reply # while text.startswith('> '): text = ''.join(text.splitlines(keepends=True)[1:]) return MessageChain(Plain(text.strip())) elif msgtype == 'm.image': url = str(content['url']) return MessageChain(Image(await bot.mxc_to_http(url))) elif msgtype == '': url = str(content['url']) return MessageChain(Voice(await bot.mxc_to_http(url))) pass Logger.error(f"Got unknown msgtype: {msgtype}") return MessageChain([]) async def delete(self): try: await bot.room_redact(, self.session.message['event_id']) except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) # class Typing: def __init__(self, msg: MS): self.msg = msg async def __aenter__(self): await bot.room_typing(, True) pass async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await bot.room_typing(, False) pass class FetchedSession(FS): def __init__(self, targetFrom, targetId): = MsgInfo(targetId=f'{targetFrom}|{targetId}', senderId=f'{targetFrom}|{targetId}', targetFrom=targetFrom, senderFrom=targetFrom, senderName='', clientName='Matrix', messageId=None, replyId=None) self.session = Session(message=False, target=targetId, sender=targetId) self.parent = MessageSession(, self.session) async def _resolve_matrix_room_(self): targetId: str = if targetId.startswith('@'): # find private messaging room for room in bot.rooms: room = bot.rooms[room] if room.join_rule == 'invite' and ((room.member_count == 2 and targetId in room.users) or (room.member_count == 1 and targetId in room.invited_users)): resp = await bot.room_get_state_event(room.room_id, '', targetId) if resp is nio.ErrorResponse: pass elif resp.content['membership'] == 'join' or resp.content['membership'] == 'leave': = room.room_id return"Could not find any exist private room for {targetId}, trying to create one") resp = await bot.room_create(visibility=nio.RoomVisibility.private, is_direct=True, preset=nio.RoomPreset.trusted_private_chat, invite=[targetId], ) if resp is nio.ErrorResponse: pass room = resp.room_id"Created private messaging room for {targetId}: {room}") = room class FetchTarget(FT): name = 'Matrix' @staticmethod async def fetch_target(targetId) -> Union[FetchedSession, bool]: matchChannel = re.match(r'^(Matrix)\|(.*)', targetId) if matchChannel: session = FetchedSession(, await session._resolve_matrix_room_() return session else: return False @staticmethod async def fetch_target_list(targetList: list) -> List[FetchedSession]: lst = [] for x in targetList: fet = await FetchTarget.fetch_target(x) if fet: lst.append(fet) return lst @staticmethod async def post_message(module_name, message, user_list: List[FetchedSession] = None, i18n=False, **kwargs): if user_list is not None: for x in user_list: try: if i18n: await x.sendDirectMessage(x.parent.locale.t(message, **kwargs)) else: await x.sendDirectMessage(message) if enable_analytics: BotDBUtil.Analytics(x).add('', module_name, 'schedule') except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) else: get_target_id = BotDBUtil.TargetInfo.get_enabled_this(module_name, "Matrix") for x in get_target_id: fetch = await FetchTarget.fetch_target(x.targetId) if fetch: try: if i18n: await fetch.sendDirectMessage(fetch.parent.locale.t(message, **kwargs)) else: await fetch.sendDirectMessage(message) if enable_analytics: BotDBUtil.Analytics(fetch).add('', module_name, 'schedule') except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) Bot.MessageSession = MessageSession Bot.FetchTarget = FetchTarget