import traceback from core.builtins.message import MessageSession from core.component import on_command from core.elements import Command, Image, Plain from core.exceptions import InvalidHelpDocTypeError from core.loader import ModulesManager from core.parser.command import CommandParser from core.utils.image_table import ImageTable, image_table_render, web_render from database import BotDBUtil module = on_command('module', base=True, alias={'enable': 'module enable', 'disable': 'module disable', 'reload': 'module reload'}, developers=['OasisAkari', 'Light-Beacon'], required_admin=True ) @module.handle(['enable ... {开启一个/多个模块}', 'enable all {开启所有模块}', 'disable ... {关闭一个/多个模块}', 'disable all {关闭所有模块。}', 'reload ... {重载一个/多个模块。}', 'list {查看所有可用模块}'], exclude_from=['QQ|Guild']) async def _(msg: MessageSession): if msg.parsed_msg.get('list', False): await modules_help(msg) await config_modules(msg) @module.handle(['enable [-g] ... {开启一个/多个模块}', 'enable all [-g] {开启所有模块}', 'disable [-g] ... {关闭一个/多个模块}', 'disable all [-g] {关闭所有模块。}', 'reload [-f] {重载一个模块。}', 'list {查看所有可用模块}'], options_desc={'-g': '对频道进行全局操作'}, available_for=['QQ|Guild']) async def _(msg: MessageSession): if msg.parsed_msg.get('list', False): await modules_help(msg) await config_modules(msg) async def config_modules(msg: MessageSession): alias = ModulesManager.return_modules_alias_map() modules_ = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict( enabled_modules_list = BotDBUtil.TargetInfo(msg).enabled_modules wait_config = [msg.parsed_msg.get( '')] + msg.parsed_msg.get('...', []) wait_config_list = [] for module_ in wait_config: if module_ not in wait_config_list: if module_ in alias: wait_config_list.append(alias[module_]) else: wait_config_list.append(module_) msglist = [] recommend_modules_list = [] recommend_modules_help_doc_list = [] if msg.parsed_msg.get('enable', False): enable_list = [] if msg.parsed_msg.get('all', False): for function in modules_: if function[0] == '_': continue if isinstance(modules_[function], Command) and ( modules_[function].base or modules_[function].required_superuser): continue enable_list.append(function) else: for module_ in wait_config_list: if module_ not in modules_: msglist.append(f'失败:“{module_}”模块不存在') else: if modules_[module_].required_superuser and not msg.checkSuperUser(): msglist.append(f'失败:你没有打开“{module_}”的权限。') elif isinstance(modules_[module_], Command) and modules_[module_].base: msglist.append(f'失败:“{module_}”为基础模块。') else: enable_list.append(module_) recommend = modules_[module_].recommend_modules if recommend is not None: for r in recommend: if r not in enable_list and r not in enabled_modules_list: recommend_modules_list.append(r) if '-g' in msg.parsed_msg and msg.parsed_msg['-g']: get_all_channel = await msg.get_text_channel_list() for x in get_all_channel: query = BotDBUtil.TargetInfo(f'{}|{x}') query.enable(enable_list) for x in enable_list: msglist.append(f'成功:为所有文字频道打开“{x}”模块') else: if for x in enable_list: if x in enabled_modules_list: msglist.append(f'失败:“{x}”模块已经开启') else: msglist.append(f'成功:打开模块“{x}”') if recommend_modules_list: for m in recommend_modules_list: try: recommend_modules_help_doc_list.append(f'模块{m}的帮助信息:') if modules_[m].desc is not None: recommend_modules_help_doc_list.append( modules_[m].desc) if isinstance(modules_[m], Command): hdoc = CommandParser(modules_[m], msg=msg, bind_prefix=modules_[m].bind_prefix, command_prefixes=msg.prefixes).return_formatted_help_doc() recommend_modules_help_doc_list.append(hdoc) except InvalidHelpDocTypeError: pass elif msg.parsed_msg.get('disable', False): disable_list = [] if msg.parsed_msg.get('all', False): for function in modules_: if function[0] == '_': continue if isinstance(modules_[function], Command) and ( modules_[function].base or modules_[function].required_superuser): continue disable_list.append(function) else: for module_ in wait_config_list: if module_ not in modules_: msglist.append(f'失败:“{module_}”模块不存在') else: if modules_[module_].required_superuser and not msg.checkSuperUser(): msglist.append(f'失败:你没有关闭“{module_}”的权限。') elif isinstance(modules_[module_], Command) and modules_[module_].base: msglist.append(f'失败:“{module_}”为基础模块,无法关闭。') else: disable_list.append(module_) if '-g' in msg.parsed_msg and msg.parsed_msg['-g']: get_all_channel = await msg.get_text_channel_list() for x in get_all_channel: query = BotDBUtil.TargetInfo(f'{}|{x}') query.disable(disable_list) for x in disable_list: msglist.append(f'成功:为所有文字频道关闭“{x}”模块') else: if for x in disable_list: if x not in enabled_modules_list: msglist.append(f'失败:“{x}”模块已经关闭') else: msglist.append(f'成功:关闭模块“{x}”') elif msg.parsed_msg.get('reload', False): if msg.checkSuperUser(): if '-f' in msg.parsed_msg and msg.parsed_msg['-f']: msglist.append(module_reload(module_)) elif module_ not in modules_: msglist.append(f'失败:“{module_}”模块尚未绑定') else: if isinstance(modules_[module_], Command) and modules_[module_].base: msglist.append(f'失败:“{module_}”为基础模块,无法重载。') else: extra_reload_modules = ModulesManager.search_related_module(module_, False) if len(extra_reload_modules): confirm = await msg.waitConfirm('该操作将额外同时重载以下模块:\n' + '\n'.join(extra_reload_modules) + '\n是否继续?') if not confirm: await msg.finish() return msglist.append(module_reload(module_, extra_reload_modules)) else: msglist.append(f'失败:你没有重载模块的权限。') if msglist is not None: if not recommend_modules_help_doc_list: await msg.finish('\n'.join(msglist)) else: await msg.sendMessage('\n'.join(msglist)) if recommend_modules_help_doc_list and ('-g' not in msg.parsed_msg or not msg.parsed_msg['-g']): confirm = await msg.waitConfirm('建议同时打开以下模块:\n' + '\n'.join(recommend_modules_list) + '\n\n' + '\n'.join(recommend_modules_help_doc_list) + '\n是否一并打开?') if confirm: if msglist = [] for x in recommend_modules_list: msglist.append(f'成功:打开模块“{x}”') await msg.finish('\n'.join(msglist)) else: await msg.finish() hlp = on_command('help', base=True, developers=['OasisAkari', 'Dianliang233'], ) @hlp.handle(' {查看一个模块的详细信息}') async def bot_help(msg: MessageSession): module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict( developers = ModulesManager.return_modules_developers_map() alias = ModulesManager.return_modules_alias_map() if msg.parsed_msg is not None: msgs = [] help_name = msg.parsed_msg[''] if help_name in alias: help_name = alias[help_name] if help_name in module_list: module_ = module_list[help_name] if module_.desc is not None: msgs.append(module_.desc) if isinstance(module_, Command): help_ = CommandParser(module_list[help_name], msg=msg, bind_prefix=module_list[help_name].bind_prefix, command_prefixes=msg.prefixes) if help_.args is not None: msgs.append(help_.return_formatted_help_doc()) if msgs: doc = '\n'.join(msgs) module_alias = ModulesManager.return_module_alias(help_name) malias = [] for a in module_alias: malias.append(f'{a} -> {module_alias[a]}') if malias: doc += '\n命令别名:\n' + '\n'.join(malias) if help_name in developers: dev_list = developers[help_name] if isinstance(dev_list, (list, tuple)): devs = '、'.join( developers[help_name]) if developers[help_name] is not None else '' elif isinstance(dev_list, str): devs = dev_list else: devs = '<数据类型错误,请联系开发者解决>' else: devs = '' devs_msg = '\n模块作者:' + devs if devs != '' else '' wiki_msg = f'\n模块文档:' + help_name await msg.finish(doc + devs_msg) else: await msg.finish('此模块可能不存在,请检查输入。') @hlp.handle('{查看帮助列表}') async def _(msg: MessageSession): module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict( target_enabled_list = msg.enabled_modules developers = ModulesManager.return_modules_developers_map() legacy_help = True if web_render and msg.Feature.image: try: tables = [] essential = [] m = [] for x in module_list: module_ = module_list[x] appends = [module_.bind_prefix] doc_ = [] if isinstance(module_, Command): help_ = CommandParser(module_, msg=msg, bind_prefix=module_.bind_prefix, command_prefixes=msg.prefixes) if module_.desc is not None: doc_.append(module_.desc) if help_.args is not None: doc_.append(help_.return_formatted_help_doc()) else: if module_.desc is not None: doc_.append(module_.desc) doc = '\n'.join(doc_) appends.append(doc) module_alias = ModulesManager.return_module_alias( module_.bind_prefix) malias = [] for a in module_alias: malias.append(f'{a} -> {module_alias[a]}') appends.append('\n'.join(malias) if malias else '') appends.append('、'.join(developers[x]) if developers.get( x) is not None else '') if isinstance(module_, Command) and module_.base: essential.append(appends) if x in target_enabled_list: m.append(appends) if essential: tables.append(ImageTable( essential, ['基础模块列表', '帮助信息', '命令别名', '作者'])) if m: tables.append(ImageTable(m, ['扩展模块列表', '帮助信息', '命令别名', '作者'])) if tables: render = await image_table_render(tables) if render: legacy_help = False await msg.finish([Image(render), Plain( f'此处展示的帮助文档仅展示已开启的模块,若需要查看全部模块的帮助文档,请使用{msg.prefixes[0]}module list命令。' '\n你也可以通过查阅文档获取帮助:' '\n' '\n若您有经济实力,欢迎给孩子们在爱发电上打钱:' '\n')]) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if legacy_help: help_msg = ['基础命令:'] essential = [] for x in module_list: if isinstance(module_list[x], Command) and module_list[x].base: essential.append(module_list[x].bind_prefix) help_msg.append(' | '.join(essential)) help_msg.append('模块扩展命令:') module_ = [] for x in module_list: if x in target_enabled_list: module_.append(x) help_msg.append(' | '.join(module_)) help_msg.append( f'使用{msg.prefixes[0]}help <对应模块名>查看详细信息。\n使用{msg.prefixes[0]}module list查看所有的可用模块。\n你也可以通过查阅文档获取帮助:\n') if msg.Feature.delete: help_msg.append('[本消息将在一分钟后撤回]') send = await msg.sendMessage('\n'.join(help_msg)) await msg.sleep(60) await send.delete() async def modules_help(msg: MessageSession): module_list = ModulesManager.return_modules_list_as_dict( developers = ModulesManager.return_modules_developers_map() legacy_help = True if web_render and msg.Feature.image: try: tables = [] m = [] for x in module_list: module_ = module_list[x] if x[0] == '_': continue if isinstance(module_, Command) and (module_.base or module_.required_superuser): continue appends = [module_.bind_prefix] doc_ = [] if isinstance(module_, Command): help_ = CommandParser( module_, bind_prefix=module_.bind_prefix, command_prefixes=msg.prefixes) if module_.desc is not None: doc_.append(module_.desc) if help_.args is not None: doc_.append(help_.return_formatted_help_doc()) else: if module_.desc is not None: doc_.append(module_.desc) doc = '\n'.join(doc_) appends.append(doc) module_alias = ModulesManager.return_module_alias( module_.bind_prefix) malias = [] for a in module_alias: malias.append(f'{a} -> {module_alias[a]}') appends.append('\n'.join(malias) if malias else '') appends.append('、'.join(developers[x]) if developers.get( x) is not None else '') m.append(appends) if m: tables.append(ImageTable(m, ['扩展模块列表', '帮助信息', '命令别名', '作者'])) if tables: render = await image_table_render(tables) if render: legacy_help = False await msg.finish([Image(render)]) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if legacy_help: help_msg = ['当前可用的模块有:'] module_ = [] for x in module_list: if x[0] == '_': continue if isinstance(module_list[x], Command) and (module_list[x].base or module_list[x].required_superuser): continue module_.append(module_list[x].bind_prefix) help_msg.append(' | '.join(module_)) help_msg.append( '使用~help <模块名>查看详细信息。\n你也可以通过查阅文档获取帮助:\n') if msg.Feature.delete: help_msg.append('[本消息将在一分钟后撤回]') send = await msg.sendMessage('\n'.join(help_msg)) await msg.sleep(60) await send.delete() def module_reload(module_, extra_modules): reloadCnt = ModulesManager.reload_module(module_) if reloadCnt > 1: return f'成功:重载模块: {module_} ' + ' '.join(extra_modules) + f' ,以及该模块下的{reloadCnt - 1}个文件。' elif reloadCnt == 1: return f'成功:重载模块: {module_} ' + ' '.join(extra_modules) + ' ,未发现已加载的其余文件' else: return f'重载模块失败。'