import asyncio import inspect import re import traceback from datetime import datetime from config import Config from core.builtins import command_prefix, ExecutionLockList, ErrorMessage, MessageTaskManager, Url, Bot, \ base_superuser_list from core.exceptions import AbuseWarning, FinishedException, InvalidCommandFormatError, InvalidHelpDocTypeError, \ WaitCancelException, NoReportException, SendMessageFailed from core.loader import ModulesManager, current_unloaded_modules, err_modules from core.logger import Logger from core.parser.command import CommandParser from core.tos import warn_target from core.types import Module from core.utils.message import remove_duplicate_space from database import BotDBUtil enable_tos = Config('enable_tos') enable_analytics = Config('enable_analytics') bug_report_targets = Config('bug_report_targets') TOS_TEMPBAN_TIME = Config('tos_temp_ban_time', 300) counter_same = {} # 命令使用次数计数(重复使用单一命令) counter_all = {} # 命令使用次数计数(使用所有命令) temp_ban_counter = {} # 临时封禁计数 async def check_temp_ban(target): is_temp_banned = temp_ban_counter.get(target) if is_temp_banned: ban_time = - is_temp_banned['ts'] return int(TOS_TEMPBAN_TIME - ban_time) else: return False async def remove_temp_ban(target): if await check_temp_ban(target): del temp_ban_counter[target] async def tos_abuse_warning(msg: Bot.MessageSession, e): if enable_tos and Config('tos_warning_counts', 5) >= 1: await warn_target(msg, str(e)) temp_ban_counter[] = {'count': 1, 'ts':} else: await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("error.prompt.noreport", detail=e)) async def tos_msg_counter(msg: Bot.MessageSession, command: str): same = counter_same.get( if not same or - same['ts'] > 300 or same['command'] != command: # 检查是否滥用(5分钟内重复使用同一命令10条) counter_same[] = {'command': command, 'count': 1, 'ts':} else: same['count'] += 1 if same['count'] > 10: raise AbuseWarning(msg.locale.t("tos.reason.cooldown")) all_ = counter_all.get( if not all_ or - all_['ts'] > 300: # 检查是否滥用(5分钟内使用20条命令) counter_all[] = {'count': 1, 'ts':} else: all_['count'] += 1 if all_['count'] > 20: raise AbuseWarning(msg.locale.t("tos.reason.abuse")) async def temp_ban_check(msg: Bot.MessageSession): is_temp_banned = temp_ban_counter.get( is_superuser = msg.check_super_user() if is_temp_banned and not is_superuser: ban_time = - is_temp_banned['ts'] if ban_time < TOS_TEMPBAN_TIME: if is_temp_banned['count'] < 2: is_temp_banned['count'] += 1 await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("tos.tempbanned", ban_time=int(TOS_TEMPBAN_TIME - ban_time))) elif is_temp_banned['count'] <= 5: is_temp_banned['count'] += 1 await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("tos.tempbanned.warning", ban_time=int(TOS_TEMPBAN_TIME - ban_time))) else: raise AbuseWarning(msg.locale.t("tos.reason.bypass")) async def parser(msg: Bot.MessageSession, require_enable_modules: bool = True, prefix: list = None, running_mention: bool = False): """ 接收消息必经的预处理器 :param msg: 从监听器接收到的dict,该dict将会经过此预处理器传入下游 :param require_enable_modules: 是否需要检查模块是否已启用 :param prefix: 使用的命令前缀。如果为None,则使用默认的命令前缀,存在''值的情况下则代表无需命令前缀 :param running_mention: 消息内若包含机器人名称,则检查是否有命令正在运行 :return: 无返回 """ identify_str = f'[{}{f" ({})" if != else ""}]' #'{identify_str} -> [Bot]: {display}') try: asyncio.create_task(MessageTaskManager.check(msg)) modules = ModulesManager.return_modules_list( msg.trigger_msg = remove_duplicate_space(msg.as_display()) # 将消息转换为一般显示形式 if len(msg.trigger_msg) == 0: return = BotDBUtil.SenderInfo( if and not and not \ or in msg.options.get('ban', []): return msg.prefixes = command_prefix.copy() # 复制一份作为基础命令前缀 get_custom_alias = msg.options.get('command_alias') if get_custom_alias: get_display_alias = get_custom_alias.get(msg.trigger_msg) if get_display_alias: msg.trigger_msg = get_display_alias get_custom_prefix = msg.options.get('command_prefix') # 获取自定义命令前缀 if get_custom_prefix: msg.prefixes = get_custom_prefix + msg.prefixes # 混合 disable_prefix = False if prefix: # 如果上游指定了命令前缀,则使用指定的命令前缀 if '' in prefix: disable_prefix = True msg.prefixes.clear() msg.prefixes.extend(prefix) display_prefix = '' in_prefix_list = False for cp in msg.prefixes: # 判断是否在命令前缀列表中 if msg.trigger_msg.startswith(cp): display_prefix = cp in_prefix_list = True break if in_prefix_list or disable_prefix: # 检查消息前缀 if len(msg.trigger_msg) <= 1 or msg.trigger_msg[:2] == '~~': # 排除 ~~xxx~~ 的情况 return if in_prefix_list: # 如果在命令前缀列表中,则将此命令前缀移动到列表首位 msg.prefixes.remove(display_prefix) msg.prefixes.insert(0, display_prefix) f'{identify_str} -> [Bot]: {msg.trigger_msg}') if disable_prefix and not in_prefix_list: command = msg.trigger_msg else: command = msg.trigger_msg[len(display_prefix):] if not ExecutionLockList.check(msg): # 加锁 ExecutionLockList.add(msg) else: return await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.command.running.prompt")) no_alias = False for moduleName in modules: if command.startswith(moduleName): # 判断此命令是否匹配一个实际的模块 no_alias = True if not no_alias: for um in current_unloaded_modules: if command.startswith(um): no_alias = True if not no_alias: for em in err_modules: if command.startswith(em): no_alias = True if not no_alias: # 如果没有匹配到模块,则判断是否匹配命令别名 alias_list = [] for alias in ModulesManager.modules_aliases: if command.startswith(alias) and not command.startswith(ModulesManager.modules_aliases[alias]): alias_list.append(alias) if alias_list: max_ = max(alias_list, key=len) command = command.replace(max_, ModulesManager.modules_aliases[max_], 1) command_split: list = command.split(' ') # 切割消息 msg.trigger_msg = command # 触发该命令的消息,去除消息前缀 command_first_word = command_split[0].lower() sudo = False mute = False if command_first_word == 'mute': mute = True if command_first_word == 'sudo': if not msg.check_super_user(): return await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.superuser.permission.denied")) sudo = True del command_split[0] command_first_word = command_split[0].lower() msg.trigger_msg = ' '.join(command_split) in_mute = msg.muted if in_mute and not mute: return if command_first_word in modules: # 检查触发命令是否在模块列表中 time_start = try: if enable_tos: await temp_ban_check(msg) module: Module = modules[command_first_word] if not module.command_list.set: # 如果没有可用的命令,则展示模块简介 if module.desc: desc = msg.locale.t("parser.module.desc", desc=msg.locale.tl_str(module.desc)) if command_first_word not in msg.enabled_modules: desc += '\n' + msg.locale.t("parser.module.disabled.prompt", module=command_first_word, prefix=msg.prefixes[0]) await msg.send_message(desc) else: await msg.send_message(ErrorMessage(msg.locale.t("error.module.unbound", module=command_first_word))) return if module.required_base_superuser: if not in base_superuser_list: await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.superuser.permission.denied")) return elif module.required_superuser: if not msg.check_super_user(): await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.superuser.permission.denied")) return elif not module.base: if command_first_word not in msg.enabled_modules and not sudo and require_enable_modules: # 若未开启 await msg.send_message( msg.locale.t("parser.module.disabled.prompt", module=command_first_word, prefix=msg.prefixes[0])) return elif module.required_admin: if not await msg.check_permission(): await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.admin.module.permission.denied", module=command_first_word)) return none_doc = True # 检查模块绑定的命令是否有文档 for func in module.command_list.get( if func.help_doc: none_doc = False if not none_doc: # 如果有,送入命令解析 async def execute_submodule(msg: Bot.MessageSession, command_first_word, command_split): try: command_parser = CommandParser(module, msg=msg, bind_prefix=command_first_word, command_prefixes=msg.prefixes) try: parsed_msg = command_parser.parse(msg.trigger_msg) # 解析命令对应的子模块 submodule = parsed_msg[0] msg.parsed_msg = parsed_msg[1] # 使用命令模板解析后的消息 Logger.debug(msg.parsed_msg) if submodule.required_base_superuser: if not in base_superuser_list: await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.superuser.permission.denied")) return elif submodule.required_superuser: if not msg.check_super_user(): await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.superuser.permission.denied")) return elif submodule.required_admin: if not await msg.check_permission(): await msg.send_message( msg.locale.t("parser.admin.submodule.permission.denied")) return if in submodule.exclude_from or \ ('*' not in submodule.available_for and not in submodule.available_for): raise InvalidCommandFormatError kwargs = {} func_params = inspect.signature(submodule.function).parameters if len(func_params) > 1 and msg.parsed_msg: parsed_msg_ = msg.parsed_msg.copy() for param_name, param_obj in func_params.items(): if param_obj.annotation == Bot.MessageSession: kwargs[param_name] = msg param_name_ = param_name if (param_name__ := f'<{param_name}>') in parsed_msg_: param_name_ = param_name__ if param_name_ in parsed_msg_: kwargs[param_name] = parsed_msg_[param_name_] try: if param_obj.annotation == int: kwargs[param_name] = int(parsed_msg_[param_name_]) elif param_obj.annotation == float: kwargs[param_name] = float(parsed_msg_[param_name_]) elif param_obj.annotation == bool: kwargs[param_name] = bool(parsed_msg_[param_name_]) del parsed_msg_[param_name_] except (KeyError, ValueError): raise InvalidCommandFormatError else: if param_name_ not in kwargs: if param_obj.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: kwargs[param_name_] = param_obj.default else: kwargs[param_name_] = None else: kwargs[func_params[list(func_params.keys())[0]].name] = msg if not async with msg.Typing(msg): await parsed_msg[0].function(**kwargs) # 将msg传入下游模块 else: await parsed_msg[0].function(**kwargs) raise FinishedException(msg.sent) # if not using msg.finish except InvalidCommandFormatError: await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.command.format.invalid", module=command_first_word, prefix=msg.prefixes[0])) """if msg.options.get('typo_check', True): # 判断是否开启错字检查 nmsg, command_first_word, command_split = await typo_check(msg, display_prefix, modules, command_first_word, command_split) if nmsg is None: return ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) msg = nmsg await execute_submodule(msg, command_first_word, command_split)""" return except InvalidHelpDocTypeError: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) await msg.send_message( ErrorMessage(msg.locale.t("error.module.helpdoc.invalid", module=command_first_word))) return await execute_submodule(msg, command_first_word, command_split) else: # 如果没有,直接传入下游模块 msg.parsed_msg = None for func in module.command_list.set: if not func.help_doc: if not async with msg.Typing(msg): await func.function(msg) # 将msg传入下游模块 else: await func.function(msg) raise FinishedException(msg.sent) # if not using msg.finish except SendMessageFailed: if == 'QQ|Group': await msg.call_api('send_group_msg',, message=f'[CQ:poke,qq={Config("qq_account")}]') await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("")) except FinishedException as e: time_used = - time_start'Successfully finished session from {identify_str}, returns: {str(e)}. ' f'Times take up: {str(time_used)}') if ( != 'QQ|Guild' or command_first_word != 'module') and enable_tos: try: await tos_msg_counter(msg, msg.trigger_msg) except AbuseWarning as e: await tos_abuse_warning(msg, e) else: Logger.debug(f'Tos is disabled, check the configuration if it is not work as expected.') if enable_analytics: BotDBUtil.Analytics(msg).add(msg.trigger_msg, command_first_word, 'normal') except AbuseWarning as e: await tos_abuse_warning(msg, e) except NoReportException as e: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) err_msg = msg.locale.tl_str(str(e)) await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("error.prompt.noreport", detail=err_msg)) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() Logger.error(tb) errmsg = msg.locale.t('error.prompt', detail=str(e)) if Config('bug_report_url'): errmsg += '\n' + msg.locale.t('error.prompt.address', url=str(Url(Config('bug_report_url')))) await msg.send_message(errmsg) if bug_report_targets: for target in bug_report_targets: if f := await Bot.FetchTarget.fetch_target(target): await f.send_direct_message( msg.locale.t('', module=msg.trigger_msg) + tb) if command_first_word in current_unloaded_modules and msg.check_super_user(): await msg.send_message( msg.locale.t('parser.module.unloaded', module=command_first_word, prefix=msg.prefixes[0])) elif command_first_word in err_modules: await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t('error.module.unloaded', module=command_first_word)) return msg if msg.muted: return if running_mention: if msg.trigger_msg.find('小可') != -1: if ExecutionLockList.check(msg): return await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t('parser.command.running.prompt2')) for m in modules: # 遍历模块 try: if m in msg.enabled_modules and modules[m].regex_list.set: # 如果模块已启用 regex_module = modules[m] if regex_module.required_base_superuser: if not in base_superuser_list: continue elif regex_module.required_superuser: if not msg.check_super_user(): continue elif regex_module.required_admin: if not await msg.check_permission(): continue if in regex_module.exclude_from or \ ('*' not in regex_module.available_for and not in regex_module.available_for): continue for rfunc in regex_module.regex_list.set: # 遍历正则模块的表达式 time_start = try: msg.matched_msg = False matched = False if rfunc.mode.upper() in ['M', 'MATCH']: msg.matched_msg = re.match(rfunc.pattern, msg.trigger_msg, flags=rfunc.flags) if msg.matched_msg: matched = True elif rfunc.mode.upper() in ['A', 'FINDALL']: msg.matched_msg = re.findall(rfunc.pattern, msg.trigger_msg, flags=rfunc.flags) if msg.matched_msg: matched = True if matched and not ( in regex_module.exclude_from or ('*' not in regex_module.available_for and not in regex_module.available_for)): # 如果匹配成功 if rfunc.logging: f'{identify_str} -> [Bot]: {msg.trigger_msg}') if enable_tos and rfunc.show_typing: await temp_ban_check(msg) if rfunc.required_superuser: if not msg.check_super_user(): continue elif rfunc.required_admin: if not await msg.check_permission(): continue if not ExecutionLockList.check(msg): ExecutionLockList.add(msg) else: return await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("parser.command.running.prompt")) if rfunc.show_typing and not async with msg.Typing(msg): await rfunc.function(msg) # 将msg传入下游模块 else: await rfunc.function(msg) # 将msg传入下游模块 raise FinishedException(msg.sent) # if not using msg.finish except FinishedException as e: time_used = - time_start if rfunc.logging: f'Successfully finished session from {identify_str}, returns: {str(e)}. ' f'Times take up: {time_used}') if enable_analytics and rfunc.show_typing: BotDBUtil.Analytics(msg).add(msg.trigger_msg, m, 'regex') if enable_tos and rfunc.show_typing: try: await tos_msg_counter(msg, msg.trigger_msg) except AbuseWarning as e: await tos_abuse_warning(msg, e) else: Logger.debug(f'Tos is disabled, check the configuration if it is not work as expected.') continue except NoReportException as e: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) err_msg = msg.locale.tl_str(str(e)) await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t("error.prompt.noreport", detail=err_msg)) except AbuseWarning as e: await tos_abuse_warning(msg, e) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() Logger.error(tb) errmsg = msg.locale.t('error.prompt', detail=str(e)) if Config('bug_report_url'): errmsg += '\n' + msg.locale.t('error.prompt.address', url=str(Url(Config('bug_report_url')))) await msg.send_message(errmsg) if bug_report_targets: for target in bug_report_targets: if f := await Bot.FetchTarget.fetch_target(target): await f.send_direct_message( msg.locale.t('', module=msg.trigger_msg) + tb) finally: ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) except SendMessageFailed: if == 'QQ|Group': await msg.call_api('send_group_msg',, message=f'[CQ:poke,qq={Config("qq_account")}]') await msg.send_message((msg.locale.t(""))) continue return msg except WaitCancelException: # 出现于等待被取消的情况 Logger.warn('Waiting task cancelled by user.') except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) finally: ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) """async def typo_check(msg: MessageSession, display_prefix, modules, command_first_word, command_split): enabled_modules = [] for m in msg.enabled_modules: if m in modules and isinstance(modules[m], Command): enabled_modules.append(m) match_close_module: list = difflib.get_close_matches(command_first_word, enabled_modules, 1, 0.6) if match_close_module: module = modules[match_close_module[0]] none_doc = True # 检查模块绑定的命令是否有文档 for func in module.match_list.get( if func.help_doc is not None: none_doc = False len_command_split = len(command_split) if not none_doc and len_command_split > 1: get_submodules: List[CommandMeta] = module.match_list.get( docs = {} # 根据命令模板的空格数排序命令 for func in get_submodules: help_doc: List[Template] = copy.deepcopy(func.help_doc) if not help_doc: ... # todo: ...此处应该有一个处理例外情况的逻辑 for h_ in help_doc: h_.args_ = [a for a in h_.args if isinstance(a, ArgumentPattern)] if (len_args := len(h_.args)) not in docs: docs[len_args] = [h_] else: docs[len_args].append(h_) if len_command_split - 1 > len(docs): # 如果空格数远大于命令模板的空格数 select_docs = docs[max(docs)] else: select_docs = docs[len_command_split - 1] # 选择匹配的命令组 match_close_command: list = difflib.get_close_matches(' '.join(command_split[1:]), templates_to_str(select_docs), 1, 0.3) # 进一步匹配命令 if match_close_command: match_split = match_close_command[0] m_split_options = filter(None, re.split(r'(\\[.*?])', match_split)) # 切割可选参数 old_command_split = command_split.copy() del old_command_split[0] new_command_split = [match_close_module[0]] for m_ in m_split_options: if m_.startswith('['): # 如果是可选参数 m_split = m_.split(' ') # 切割可选参数中的空格(说明存在多个子必须参数) if len(m_split) > 1: match_close_options = difflib.get_close_matches(m_split[0][1:], old_command_split, 1, 0.3) # 进一步匹配可选参数 if match_close_options: position = old_command_split.index(match_close_options[0]) # 定位可选参数的位置 new_command_split.append(m_split[0][1:]) # 将可选参数插入到新命令列表中 new_command_split += old_command_split[position + 1: position + len(m_split)] del old_command_split[position: position + len(m_split)] # 删除原命令列表中的可选参数 else: if m_split[0][1] == '<': new_command_split.append(old_command_split[0]) del old_command_split[0] else: new_command_split.append(m_split[0][1:-1]) else: m__ = filter(None, m_.split(' ')) # 必须参数 for mm in m__: if len(old_command_split) > 0: if mm.startswith('<'): new_command_split.append(old_command_split[0]) del old_command_split[0] else: match_close_args = difflib.get_close_matches(old_command_split[0], [mm], 1, 0.5) # 进一步匹配参数 if match_close_args: new_command_split.append(mm) del old_command_split[0] else: new_command_split.append(old_command_split[0]) del old_command_split[0] else: new_command_split.append(mm) new_command_display = " ".join(new_command_split) if new_command_display != msg.trigger_msg: wait_confirm = await msg.waitConfirm( f'你是否想要输入{display_prefix}{new_command_display}?') if wait_confirm: command_split = new_command_split command_first_word = new_command_split[0] msg.trigger_msg = ' '.join(new_command_split) return msg, command_first_word, command_split else: if len_command_split - 1 == 1: new_command_display = f'{match_close_module[0]} {" ".join(command_split[1:])}' if new_command_display != msg.trigger_msg: wait_confirm = await msg.waitConfirm( f'你是否想要输入{display_prefix}{new_command_display}?') if wait_confirm: command_split = [match_close_module[0]] + command_split[1:] command_first_word = match_close_module[0] msg.trigger_msg = ' '.join(command_split) return msg, command_first_word, command_split else: new_command_display = f'{match_close_module[0] + (" " + " ".join(command_split[1:]) if len(command_split) > 1 else "")}' if new_command_display != msg.trigger_msg: wait_confirm = await msg.waitConfirm( f'你是否想要输入{display_prefix}{new_command_display}?') if wait_confirm: command_split = [match_close_module[0]] command_first_word = match_close_module[0] msg.trigger_msg = ' '.join(command_split) return msg, command_first_word, command_split return None, None, None """